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3PuttFever last won the day on March 7 2019

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  • Business Name
    A Franchise trying to be different
  • Business Address
    1685 Southeast Delaware Avenue, Ankeny, Iowa, 50021
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner
  • Automotive Franchise
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    Certified Auto Repair
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  • Your Mission Statement
    To help our customers get the most life out of their vehicles and to help them save money by getting to issues before they become expensive necessities.

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  1. Been gone awhile so I assume your situation is no longer a concern. I put in place a higher per hour wage and commission structure that would allow for solid income IF they produce. I'm having an issue with my Store Manager, too. I feel my Techs are good when they're busy and my Shop Manager likes to socialize too much. I'm going to hire another Service Writer and likely fire my Manager. Get someone good in here that I can train and depend on when I need time off. I've had my Manager for three years and he's not increased performance or outcome one bit. Almost fired him this summer but gave him another chance. It's been six months and he has made insufficient improvements. It's hard because I care about the guy.
  2. Joe, you make terrific points. I find payroll and motivation to be my largest challenge outside of finding good, reliable talent. I have spoken with accountants, read article after article, and even spoke with the US Department of Labor about payroll, FLSA and overtime. Unless you're a dealer you cannot pay Flat Rate to your Technicians as their only means of income that is exempt from overtime. If you're an independent shop you can pay a guarantee but if your staff work more than 40 per week you MUST pay overtime. Any overtime also needs factored into any production bonus. It's a hard formula to create. I'm going to lower my hourly rate to my guys and pay them a higher per hour rate when they eclipse labor hours in a pay period. It's going to upset one of my longest working Techs because he's comfortable with his hourly and overtime income. The hustle is gone from his step, thinking, attitude. Wondering what flat labor hours per week we should be using as a threshold.
  3. Small town means little competition. Also means thin labor pool. Cart before horse. How easily is it to find labor? Pretty easy. How easy is it to find good labor? Not at all. Good techs? Even more difficult. Find the best you can, get two to start. Get out there and drive business in the surrounding towns and first and foremost your own town. Pay the Techs a living wage until you get busy when they can make more money. Don't assume anything. Life and business are alike. Unpredictable. Do your best to make it predictable.
  4. 3PuttFever


  5. I would fight in on principle alone. You did a thorough job of going through the process. It can feel like a no win situation but there's a silver lining in there somewhere. Did another shop fix the issue they deprived you of fixing? You should not have to have the old parts to prove what you did fixed a needed safety repair in my opinion. If that is what we're coming to then I would think we'd be best served to simply ALWAYS return all non-core parts that are R&R'd.
  6. No, the OEM sensors are a smaller style sensor head. These are a more common head size that fits in the TS601 that I have. It took some doing but it works and I expect future repairs to take less time.
  7. Quick update: Did the relearn again, followed the instructions to the T, road test, and the car's system reads the MX sensors from Autel like it should. No dealer needed.
  8. Programmed the MX Sensors from Autel to the car, installed, road test and tire light went away. The on-board display is still showing tire pressures that don't make sense and I'm scratching my head why we can program the sensors to the car, get them to turn off the TPMS warning, read fine with my tool but yet this. Part of the way there.
  9. I'm actually brining in the 433mhz mxtpmsensors from Autel. Will hook up to the WRX, get the ID's, program the sensors, install them, relearn procedure, and road test. If it works I will have a solution for these that I can package as individual or a set and make better margin while saving the customer some money. I had another setup that was supposed to work like this but didn't. We will see come Thursday.
  10. I have since spoken to Autel. I've spent two hours trying to speak with them/chat with them and get something going. Updated my tool and they said as long as you get their sensors you can program them. I'm going to give it a shot. We didn't use our tool to program the sensors as someone on staff thought the car would self-program which is a laugh. This is on me for not staying on top of this with my team. Will report back and see what we can do...
  11. Customer brings in his WRX wanting us to install his new tires, custom rims, and outfit with sensors. Ordered the same style of sensors that were in the OEM rims/tires. Our Autel MaxiTPMS TS601 couldn't read them or program them for some reason. Tech assumes that the car will magically program them and all will be well. Car is shipped and now I have an appointment for this Thursday to get it done correctly and beg forgiveness. The customer is very laid back and understanding. Me? I'm working on a thin as it is patience level. Does anyone have any suggestions on what they would do? I'm an owner and know only what I know. I have been searching for a solution online and unfortunately, my best Tech who could figure this out will be off when the customer returns. And I know I have an issue here with Tech and shop Manager letting jobs leave here unsure of the outcome. A simple road test would have revealed we didn't hit our target. Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  12. I received a great price on uniforms, custom floor mats, shop rags, and a bathroom freshener that's a lifesaver! Five year term, all they would do because the 'National' pricing we get as part of a franchise group. So far so good. I grew tired of the inconsistent look of having my team do their own laundry and the costs of buying uniforms really wasn't saving me that much money or time.
  13. There's a generational difference today between many of us and the new candidate pool. I challenge myself to remember Joe Marconi's words - look at the positive, get in the right frame of mind, and we will get to our destination. Finding the money to pay a Tech a good living is hard but possible. Wish I had answers that could help us but I don't. I will add that I buy the guys lunch on Saturdays and coffee/donuts once a week. I probably spend about $200 to $300 a month on them and it helps. I also pay for training and have an online University available for them for all the CBT they can stomach.
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