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Lift Pro

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  1. Hi Everyone! I'd appreciate it if shop owners could answer a few questions for me regarding annual lift inspections. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated! 1) How much do you pay each for your lift inspections? 2) Do you use an Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) Certified Inspector? 3) What other prices have you heard about in your market for lift inspections? (please note non-ALI or ALI pricing) 4) Do you have any issues with the service provided by lift inspectors in your market or how their services have been presented or marketed? (Please don't name names) 5) Have you seen any enforcement of annual lift inspections in your area? (This can be OSHA or other govt. agency at any level as well as liability insurance providers and general workplace safefy training and inpection companies) 6) What state are you in? 7) What city are you in? (Optional) 8) Do you receive a discount on your liability insurance for having your lifts inspected annually? 9) Have you asked your liability insurance provider about a discount for having your lifrs inspected annually? 10) Feel free to include any other information that may be helpful. Thanks in advance for the help!

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