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KMS last won the day on June 18 2015

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    Koala Motorsport Inc
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    9988 Kinsman Rd, Novelty, Ohio, 44072
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  1. I have recently heard of this also. I don't think it is going to hurt us. These mechanics have been around for ages. Heck, we all have probably been there at some point early in our careers.
  2. We won't turn away any vehicle, but I will always have a conversation with the customer, if the average cost of repairs, is starting to surpass the cost of a newer vehicle.
  3. It wasn't meant to mislead. i just didn't want anyone to think I had any interest in the site. I was trying to separate myself from it. Sorry, it was perceived that way. Thanks for your comment. Do you have any thoughts on it?
  4. I don't have any vested interest in it, but yes, I do know who owns it. We have had many discussions about advertising costs and review websites, and he decided to build that website to help all of us save some money. I think the only way it is going to work as designed is it needs more members. We have received some good reviews and got a couple new customers from it. It is worth a try, especially because it is free to join now.
  5. From personal experience, I have dealt with extended warranties through the dealer and independent. It works the same way. If the dealer sold the customer the warranty, they do cover it completely most of the time. If it was a warranty they purchased elsewhere, the customer would pay the difference in price.
  6. Coalition, I like that! The way this would need to work is for all the independent shops to not worry about losing any customers to other indy shops. If we are treating our customers right, we won't lose any to eachother. I think some of the problems would be we all use social media and advertising differently. Coalition
  7. We need to all ban together somehow, in the same place, and advertise this place! One spot where all customer's can go to find us.
  8. Customers, in general, do not shop on price. They are mainly interested in customer service and continence.
  9. If our guys diagnose a car they will get paid for it. The customer will always pay the diagnostic charge. I would never discount the charge. We would just add it to the total cost of the repair. We all need to stick to our guns and charge what we need to charge, period!
  10. I have heard all those comments before. I talk to our customers about this all the time. We need to find a way to advertise like they do. We have already tried a commercial. It worked a little, but without a lot of advertising capital it didn't reach that many people. I think online would be the best choice to reach the public, but we need to be able to find a way to do it together? Any thoughts?
  11. The only thing I don't like about like about a site like this is that they advertise everybody, even chain stores and dealerships. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay a month to be on Repair Pal?
  12. The only thing I don't like about like about a site like this is that they advertise everybody, even chain stores and dealerships. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay a month to be on Repair Pal?
  13. The only thing I don't like about like about a site like this is that they advertise everybody, even chain stores and dealerships. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay a month to be on Repair Pal?
  14. The only thing I don't like about like about a site like this is that they advertise everybody, even chain stores and dealerships. If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay a month to be on Repair Pal?
  15. We are already pay to be on those websites, and only get a few customers a year from them, so we still pay thousands of dollars a year in different advertising.

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