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James S

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Everything posted by James S

  1. My wife and I are taking over a failing auto shop and hope to turn it around. We've owned businesses before, but never auto repair...So I need all the help I can get!!! I think we need to be more competitive with our prices. Does anyone have price sheets they could share with us so we could see how other shops price things? That would be SO HELPFUL! Have any recommendations for prices, what to do OR not do?? Also, do you have any recommendations of good conferences to go to, magazines &publications to subscribe to or websites to get help from? Thanks!
  2. Hi, My wife and I are starting a repair shop and I honestly know very little about the business side. We haven't opened yet but are getting ready to. I really believe on working ON the business, but I feel kinda out of my element and need as much advice as possible. So my questions are: 1. Do you recommend Demandforce/Customerlink? Why or why not? What has your experience been?? 2. WHat I'm really looking for is a set and forget type marketing system. Does anyone else feel this way or are most of you happy to do your marketing by yourself? I feel like it will be overwhelming, but I;m not sure if that's normal or it will be less overwhelming once I start?? Thoughts? Is there a system like that out there?? 3. What should I look for when investing in marketing?? What are the best marketing thinsg you've done so far?? Thanks a ton

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