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davine4real last won the day on April 5 2016

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  1. Estimates are good. Keep it quick, simple, and be sure to state its only an estimate. I'd get name, phone #, and car info. I wouldnt push for tag and vin. How many customers actually know this info upfront?? I don't want them to feel like they have to work just to get a quote... They're already frustrated by having to fix their car. The note pad method works if you don't get that many. Otherwise save it in your manage system as a quote as long as it's searchable by name later. Learning to give a QUICK estimate is the key. Definitely a good idea to try to get the diagnostic appointment to make sure the repair is needed. But nowadays with you tube, many folk try their own diagnostic. That's fine too. Give the estimate, do the work, when it doesn't solve issue, offer paid diagnostic for the 2nd time, and move forward. All in the presentation. Not all price shoppers are bottom feeders. Many have been to shops that have ripped them off so theyre apprehensible. Try for 60 seconds rough estimate and label it as such and keep it moving with a smile
  2. I post a labor rate. But I also post that we charge labor hours based on a combination of all data, Mitchell's, and professional experience. So with that combination they'll only know a price for a job by asking for a quote. What I'd do for the old customers is give them a discount card that you sell say for $199/year. Let them get the first 3 months as a trial. There are a lot of examples of a discount card. 4 free oil changes and good discounts throughout. It'll give them a break while keeping their business. Also will line your pockets in advance by having the purchase of the card upfront.
  3. I've tried it both ways... Paid and unpaid. From a mechanic standpoint, paid is the only way to go. But from a business marketing standpoint, there's a benefit to the the "take it off if you get the work done". It's all in #s, and wording. And yes you will need to be creative AND sleesy at times. That's why the marketing way of looking at it solely is hard to do. But I've found a nice in between for MANY scenarios: Mark the repair labor hours up, require customer purchase parts from you in order to get the "free diagnostics"... U make part money, cap the free diagnostic time to 1 hour, or cap on the type of diagnostic (electrical not included, removal of parts not included). All of these worked for me but it's all in the wording. But I'll tell you what works BEST.... Give them something else for FREE that they value in exchange for paying you for diagnostic. Example : FREE towing with paid diagnostic and repair (up to 20 miles radius). I grabbed MANY folk with this one. The tow was $50, my diagnosis started at $85....and i marked up the labor to compensate for the difference.... I win, they pay regular price, car is purring.
  4. Wow! I had a "are you serious" expression on my face just reading these lol.
  5. For the record is difficult to accurately diagnose evap codes without it. The other uses like lean codes, wind inside the car all are super useful. Had a 1995 Buick with lean codes. Thought since it was old it was gna be easy to check for vac leaks.... Car spray the hoses. We'll after chasing my tail I put the smoke machine to use. 3 tiny hoses were cracked.... Fixed in 5 minutes once bought some more hose. In conclusion, this isn't just for new cars, it's for anybody who is SERIOUS about diagnostic and accuracy!
  6. Smoke pro is good. I have the blue point but it sprung a leak within first 6 months. Still can use it but disappointed with the quality for $1500!
  7. $15 diagnostics?? Lmao! Man I would've GLADLY paid you for that p0300 code that wound up being timing off (still ran), or that p0171 that wound up being leaking brake booster, or that p0455/456 that wound up being fuel temp sensor..... If you're diagnosing all codes in less than 15 minutes... You rock! (because that's about all the time $15 gets you).
  8. Seems like the job shouldn't have been performed to begin with....unless I'm misunderstanding something. If the car came in with a big hole in oil pan...wouldn't first step be to ask customer what happened? Did they run over something, etc?,bc aside from from running over something, it seems that internal damage is most likely. So before even taking down that pan...you tell the customer and then sell him an engine or roll it out! I mean the hole had to come from somewhere. Seems like maybe you didn't want to pass up the dough so you let the customer choose to proceed. Problem is that the customer is NOT the professional in this case...YOU are.
  9. #17 is funny lol. But I think you have a good setup and the right number of employees to be on your way to owning a business not just a job like a one man show. Reviewing your shop process from the customer intake to the custome exit would help. Example: make sure techs using forms to document any upsell opportunities. Then you sell them or at least try EVERY TIME . And try different marketing ideas to increase car count . I don't. Think. You're doing as bad. As you think.
  10. No freebies! code scan is $25 or take it to part store. wipers installation included in price. bring your own and pay $10 and up. filters not free. labor is individual line item. returning customers get the perception of a freebie....they pay me well for the repairs they do get so they have "paid it forward" so it all works out. New customers wanting freebies off the bat get the higher tier pricing if I notice it in time. a usual $200 job may cost them $275....but since their new customers, I'll do the job for only $225 😄. if I provide parts then the labor is at conservative rate $85 plus shop fees. if customer provides parts it's a little higher and a little more labor hours to compensate. so even if something appeared to be free, it's really not. they don't work for their bosses for free, and neither do I 😁
  11. Lol man I somehow need to incorporate that into a video for my website! Bc everybody and their momma thinks they are qualified tochange their own brakes these ddays!
  12. I say it is good for techs to have a business card. But only with company info. I disagree with the giving out second biz card even if AFTER the service writers cards. What REALLY is the purpose for 2 biz cards?? The customer can still request you by name, they don't need your cell #. We've all been there done that....let's be real.
  13. Alfredauto hit the nail onthe head! Wake up people! It'salla sham! All costs will rise. Furthermore, this only weakens the dollar. That's the result of inflation. If it takes $100 to buy what currently costs $50....then who has been helped? Only the folk who could afford it to begin with...the Elite. This is just a precursor to the dollar falling. So as a shop owner I must charge more...why? My techs living expenses rise so they need higher pay. The part stores employee needs higher pay so part store charges more for parts. The landlord living expenses increase so they want more income so my rent goes up....so everybody loses! Whether you pay tech my hourly or percentage... you will have to pay more and charge more. I predict these results within the first year of wage increases. Think about it, it won't take me long to realize that my expenses have surpassed my income...n I'll need to adjust my pricing. Not rocket science.
  14. I've had decent success with used cars. Here are some good tips. Charge yourself a wholesale rates at least for the shop. Put it up for sale as soon as you do final test drive. Keeping for couple weeks sounds good, but notinreality Cars break. At somepoint, yours willtoo. Sell It as is and offer discount on future repairs if you want. Better idea is to sell away from your shop bc customers think since you're a mechanic the car should be perfect. And if you charge for the repairs to yourself, then techs are motivated to get it done bc you are a customer. It's working for me thus far. Oh yeah, n don't put too much into a car. $4000 outlay for $800 profit isn't optimal, but it does happen. .
  15. Best thing to dois price the customer for the BEST qualitycat you canfind aka oem. Ifthey don'tlike the price, then allowthem to get they're own cat and offer no warranty. Don't let the customers wallet dictate your parts that your shop warranties.

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