We have not made the switch yet, but I have been researching it for about a month. We are in Missouri which does not have the law, but it will be coming in the near future. From what I have read it is best to make the switch on our time, rather than waiting until we have to do it. That way we don't get stuck with a shelf full of lead inventory. I know some of the nationwide distributors will buy your lead back if they have another state they can unload them on. Bada steel clip on weights is probably the way we will go. The 3M is awful expensive per ounce compared to the clip weights. That brings the next question, how much do you up the cost of wheel balance to offset the added expense. I figure it needs to be atleast 30%, but then do you price yourself out of the market because the competition hasn't switched? I guess that's when you push the "green" aspect of it.