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Leon Martin

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  • Business Name
    Leon Martin
  • Business Address
    18225 Pendleton Street Southwest, Rochester, Washington, 98579
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
  • Your Current Position
    Shop Owner
  • Automotive Franchise
  • Website
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  • Banner Program
    Napa Car Care
    Certified Auto Repair
    Auto Service Plus
    AC Delco
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  • Your Mission Statement
    To keep you in a Trustworthy, “No Worries" vehicle... that delivers great driving pleasure and a relaxing experience, knowing that all is well maintained and serviced!!.....just "doing to others as we would have them do to us"

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  1. Joe, ..always create your features and benefits list and there are a huge amount of benefits waiting to happen if you can present the experience and the solution in one paragraph Leon Martin
  2. Leon Martin

    Leon Martin

  3. Leon Martin

    Leon Martin

  4. Elite is the “go to” source for real training that makes a difference in the short and long run!!!Committed to help, Leon Martin 

  5. I would seriously consider the hunter.... I have bought six new hunter alignment machines in the past 40 years they are without question the best on the market.... I will never regret it and I do not self-esteem but I know where Lee Hunter started in Sikeston Missouri and I know the Hunter people in St. Louis and you will be happy and not regret it! It's true that they are more money, but the workmanship/ material is all at the top
  6. My method is this....i mentally calculate the price they paid for their parts and than i give 2 prices, like this Your brake job is 489.56 with 24 month... all parts and labour warranty with our parts. The price with your parts and our labor is 367.88 and there is no warranty on the parts... I think you would be better off using our parts and labor, wouldn't you? Then they gladly return their stuff!
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