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Dan Reichow

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  1. Dan Reichow

    Dan Reichow

  2. We use Service pro for full synthetic Standard vehicles in our prepay package and wix protect filters --// for our euro and other high end we use Castrol / Diesel we use Purus . We up charge for euro and diesel We use Napa gold for these.
  3. First you need to understand where you want to compete and why. My belief window I want to do things that will bring in clients and lock them in. I stated in recent post we presell different packages. Our oil synthetic / Dexos compatible in bulk is under $2.00 per Quart. Oil filters if Wix protect average $1.80 Napa Gold we charge extra over and above package price. My goal has been keeping clients from shopping around for oil changes / if I can hit my goal of 600 packages sold this year x 5 visits that is 3,000 cars . This will drastically change my cost of marketing, which savings can be put to the loss of the oil change.
  4. We do not restrict to one vehicle and or family member so we have opportunity for more vehicles we have not seen , [ as any offer it needs to be effective question is what does it cost in advertising print radio etc. to get 425 clients in . when you factor this their is no loss of oil change revenue. we hit Average RO last month of $568.00 we do not separate tires and or oil changes.
  5. We presell our oil change services / we only use Synthetic oil / last three months 85 presold packages - [ $8,500 to Bottom line ] We sell them cheap but with that said how much does it cost you to advertise to get 425 visits from your customer.
  6. We hired a Parts / job Estimator approx 3 years ago - Nice thing it keeps estimates consistent , they can stay on top of who has what , pricing changes , new products available ,Stock needs , They learn how to to communicate with tech's for specific facts needed to find parts , They learn warranty's so we get the best warranty for dollars spent , They know time lines for parts , and can have all electronic look ups , Google , Etc. , Communicate with Tech's what part really works and or not - Aftermarket or OE , or TSB. The Tech's turn their sheets into S/A's they then prioritize what needs sold and or can be by knowing clients better , then that goes to Parts / Job Estimator . We sell a lot of Big job's so it would hamper S/a's to do this and they do not stay consistent , they let emotions buy parts and who is their friend at part store not what normally best interest for shop or customer. In closing - The savings in parts cost alone should pay for their salary .
  7. Transmissions we have a local rebuilder that we worked with many years with little issues / Trying to buy rebuilds and add labor does not work in most cases - When you can mark up - and have your bay for quick work. You have to sell yourself and your warranty , Your values most of us will be higher then a rebuilding shop. Add an extra year onto the warranty then local providers do ,they offer 12/12 give 24/24 / Our provider has 3/36 we offer 4/48,000 Etc. Stipulate has to come in for yearly check up and service at 36,000 miles . Sublet Electrical / Diagnostic work and other specific work would be tough the way I see it // I want my shop to be one stop. Exhaust / Transmission / Body Work / Trailer hitch's / Accessories can work fairly Easy Just my belief windows.
  8. Slammed with work a lot of big work.
  9. We are in Oregon Ohio / Which located approx. 15 minutes from Perrysburg ---- Visit our web site [email protected] We offer courtesy cars with full coverage insurance. Thanks Cathy.
  10. Like Matthew Lee Stated - Costco / and Others lock you into a Club pre purchase to have the ability to shop and or use their services , We went to all Synthetic oils - no conventional or Semisynthetic oils . With This said we offer Two ways for oil changes - We give Client a buy four get fifth Free - Or Prepaid Card -- 5 For ?. You do your math where it needs to be. Guess what You will see them Five Times and have extra Revenue ahead of time.
  11. We have our own / no reliable companies in the area that can give good service. / Plus we do Free Towing
  12. I am on the same page we are looking to do full synthetic Dexos / We are coming to a crossroads that most cars today are taking full synthetic oils and or specialized European oils , how many do you try to stock , change your bulk tanks to and or drum goods to full syn dexos and fits everything. Inventory cost monies to . to satisfy only a few cheaper clients. I priced it is an average of $3,00 per oil change to provide Dexos . The trouble also is most beginning filters people are quoting on the subject , does not meet the OEM recommendation of a 7,500 mile Synthetic oil change. So bump the clients to a 5,000 mile interval with full synthetic . Most Shops special's in are area our $16.95 to $19.95 - We do a $20.17 Special so if I take it to $29.95 with a cost $3.00 more I actually make more money . The clients that understand and want what is right for their car is my client any ways is a $29.95 Full synthetic oil change cheap [ Yes] What will it make the shops charging $49.95 look like Well Up to Them and most Shops Charging $39-$49 have a coupon out their for $10.00- $15.00 off all the time , I do not want the coupon shopper . Quite honestly no one hear even mentioned what they spent on marketing / advertising to stay busy [ Divide some of this monies spent with in giving your client base a cheap oil change how much can you save on marketing. ] You need to lock you clients in not looking around period if that is a consistent oil change price so be it / for the grocery store it is pop , chips what ever .
  13. Looking to see if any one uses a program for bad credit clients for automotive repairs if so and who. We have used a program thru a company but they have been to difficult to use any longer - No credit check had a $35.00 fee-- client had to pre date three checks up to 90 day's out. They charged 7 percent of bill. Was based off if they had a job and income verification. we passed cost to client.
  14. If you have Fleets then you should be getting Fleet pricing from your vendor they all have lower pricing for Fleet programs. The Markup should be 2.5 if you are buying right. Question do you have the fleets on a discount program ?.
  15. It is a hard decision - For one though - 39% percent is giving it away. As I have said like others stated here on the net , continue to market to the right client is the first fix . Second - Is to offer Value - Parts Warranty - 3Yr / 36,000 Warranty - Free Towing if Fails - No labor if it fails , Loaner Car if needed - Value added options help with parts pricing. What you can do - we all price parts on the issue of comeback / warranty / overhead- For the price shopper or upset client , I will reduce warranty to ? and normally they get the value and not willing to risk it for the price difference. The only issue on discounting you have to have the right profit margin to start with.
  16. Basically I see this person not as our client any ways , We do have a hard job deciding vendor ethics and who we use . The client as well as us hear and see all day weather it be radio / TV / Internet/ Ebay / driving by / Etc. This is why we need to keep are ethics good and continue to educate the consumer each chance we get. As well add benefits that they cannot get from the parts store or internet. Thanks Dan R.
  17. First of all to answer the question -- Take cost Times X 1.7 . Now - For the ones saying do not charge more then the dealer / Get your head out of the sand and do research , as stated above dealers charge more when run thru the shop the over counter. Saying all we Independent have to offer is price [ Maybe that is your shop ] - My shop sells value / on site ownership for issues , Courtesy car's , Free Towing , 3Yr / 36,000 Miles warranty , pictures before and after repair , Audio when needed etc. If We keep downing the industry , and not changing belief windows we will always work for nothing. Inclosing not trying to sound rude - I heard the same thing at a seminar two weeks ago form a rep selling a tire Franchise program , that you will die if you do not hold you price below dealer. ? our the dealers dying charging more for tires then the quick franchise / statistics they grow every year in tire installs and sales . [ stay value and committed to your client they will pay more!.
  18. Question : Are you doing it all electronic or manually calling. All aftermarket and some Dealers have electronic look ups. Then you have to be aware just because the vendor does not show the part and or part number it is still out their / need to use other sites find a number then go back in and look at your local vendor. really not easy especially when their are so many choses in the same model.
  19. I am with Joe also Ours is for relaxation - T/V , Magazines , crossword puzzles , Fish Tank ,Electric Fire place , Kerig , Chairs and a separate table , Some kids stuff on a shelf . My selling displays are in the entrance area.
  20. First thing I do would to be listen to the clients concern then tell them I will call them tomorrow or set up a meeting with them to discuss our options - let the emotions die down , Secondly would have your camera system very plain in site to show the client they are being taped and or audio recorded. Or can pull your phone out and state we are going to record this issue.
  21. We schedule an Hour / Techs get 45 minute Credit We do a 31 point inspection electronic , includes Exterior needs , Interior needs , under car with Front end shake down , Under hood with battery test , Road Test. Some Time savings is having Service advisor page tech Car is here not re parking , Pull Oils if Special , Pull Filters . S/a should be back at car within 20 minutes to see sheet , so can be selling while oil change is finished . Schedule we have courtesy cars so for the most , car can be left for other needs. Thanks Dan.
  22. We do estimates with a 30 percent success rate , we try to find out what their after since a lot of clients only know to ask about price . We ask Several Questions are you looking for a long term repair , Have you had any other estimates , Are you looking for the cheapest repair , The Best repair Etc. We do not do the Estimate over the phone while waiting , We call back that way We have a contact to follow up and listen to them// by then most price shoppers will have other estimates. We can explain the differences of what they got quoted and what the competitor is quoting , We also can talk with them more about our Value differences - Free Courtesy car's , 3Yr - 36,000 mile warranty , six months same as Cash , Free Towing , This gets them away from price and hits home I need Transportation more then price etc. In closing if your in an Area that is blessed with too much work great , but for most of us that is not the case. [ 2016 - Get Out and Vote ]

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