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    K&M Automotive
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    Shop Owner
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  • Your Mission Statement
    "Under Construction"

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  1. Thank you and you are right. I have a lot more to read and learn
  2. taking apart is the easiest step. and when its the final step its hard to have a bad day at work. I enjoy going to work so much more now
  3. Well it started out as a hobby because I was tired of dealing with unreasonable customers, shoddy work brought to be to be fixed, and other problems associated with people and fixing their cars. So I asked myself what do I like about turning wrenches. taking them apart is the fun part to me, fixing and putting back together not so much I figured out a way to do just that and sell the parts that could be sold and scrap the rest. has worked out well for me so far
  4. I am in the market for Management Software in the auto dismantling/wrecking area. I have my eye on autosoft software but I have never heard of them before. does anyone have any experience with this company and does anyone care to list what they use or what they prefer and why? thanks for the help
  5. Hello my name is Mike and I'm from southern California. I am taking over a existing Dismantling operation with multiple employees. Ive read a lot on this site and got a lot of advise from reading about other peoples situations. I hope this site is as helpful for me as other shop owners. I have a ton of questions and few people I can get unbiased answers from. So again hello all and nice to meet you.

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