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AlohaAutoLasVegas last won the day on January 20 2014

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    Aloha Automotive Service & Repair
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    745 w sunset rd #22, Henderson , Nevada, 89011
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  1. "Highhorsealoha" I'll take it as a compliment....๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚..and using an "accusing tone" ?....I never singled out anyone...I expressed my opinion on the subject of third party repair financing and my opinion on using them.A few people on this tread said that their customers did not get approved financing for their vehicles repair.... Now What??..would you personally finance them?.......I'll never do third party repair financing,that's my choice...and I wish the best for those who are willing to do it...and if you think this is rude and accusing too bad it is what it is..๐Ÿ˜Ž
  2. If my customers can't afford their vehicle repairs why would I recommend or offer an financing program with a financing company??...Honestly,,if the vehicle owner dosent have the cash or a major credit card,..how are you helping them?...your just putting them in more debt...the only people making money on financing is the Financial Company...Would you be happy collecting a $1500.00 repair on 1995 Ford Taurus??..and then something else goes wrong??...and if it's a newer used vehicle they should purchase an extended warranty and finance it to the vehicles purchase price..repair "financing" is another name for "loan sharking""....we shop owners need to "Put Our Selfs In Their Shoes".. And ask our selfs "Is repairing that vehicle really worth it??" ..with all the pressures of PROFIT we tend to forget the PEOPLE...
  3. Why would you flush a p/s system if there is metal in the oil?.If metal is in the oil then there is problems in the system.Flusing it will only get the metal out but,it's not fixing the actual problem of what's causing the metal in the system.And if there is mysterious chunks of crap in the brake fluid,Flusing the system will remove that crap but, again that's not fixing the problem of why the crap developed in the first place.
  4. Why are you shop owners so conserned about a few bad reviews when you have more positive reviews than negative reviews??..We as shop owners will never be able to satisfy all of our customers..If you feel you did their repairs as quoted and agreed too then what's the problem..Complainers will complain...Haters will hate....Unhappy people will never be happy...Its probably easier to get bad reviews then good reviews butt,as shop owners we need to treat our customers the same way we would want to be treated as if we were them.Just think about it,would you as a shop owner be willing to pay for that repair you just quoted for your customer if it was your car?..example,,Brake flush.. $100.00..coolant flush $150.00..p/s flush $100.00... Or whatever those flushes cost...or what ever the repair is,, My question is to you shop owners is did you do any of those same flushes on your personal vehicles? And would you pay for those services at the prices you charge?....My point is,give customers what they need at a fair price and treat them if you were in their position...you don't want to be overcharged for something so don't do it to someone else..Remember people over profit...Don't worry about reviews, just do what you do,and give it your 100 percent.....Don't dwell on those few negative reviews,,,put that energy that you are losing on those negative stuff and put it towards a positive energy...focus on the positive.......
  5. @xrac Why would you want to win those kind of people over??
  6. Was that Volkswagen even worth putting $2700.00 dollars of repairs into? LOL..do you realize that everything that goes wrong with Carlos' car from now on (because he paid $2700.00 dollars) will be your fault no matter if it's something you didn't touch? I'm sure you heard that ole sayin "ever since you repaired my car,now it's........." There should be a review website (and if there is I wanna know) that business owners can post reviews on our unsatisfactory expectations on customers...business emphasis on "Customer Experience"........Imagine that???... LOL.... We as shop owners are the ones "experiencing the customers " whining when their not happy with prices of repairs or whatever it may be..
  7. Personally I wouldn't do any repairs for Carlos,no matter what the repairs costs.Someone like that isn't worth the $2700.00 dollars.He did you dirty once he can do it again.@AndersonAuto
  8. Just follow the ADVICE YOU gave a few weeks ago to another shop owner about her problems with social media.Not to misunderstand you but,,you gave good advice to her.You should practice what you preach...just sayin....
  9. Good old hydrometer when ever possible...Along with a carbon pile tester...
  10. Wow... I find I quite amusing how people bash certain auto parts suppliers and say that their employees are "wanna be mechanics " but yet those persons that bash on those parts supplier buy parts from them.arent those wanna be mechanics the same person that are selling you those parts ?? And NO I don't work for them..,it just irritates me to think that just because we may or think we know more than someone else in a lower position then us,we put them down..It is really dumb..And yes I was a wanna be mechanic.,, but you know what WE all was once A Wanna be.. And now we Are IT.. "THE BEST OF THE BEST"...i didn't,and WILL never Forget where I came from.. JUST SAYIN.... We just need To keep humble...
  11. Sorry fellas,my meaning behind the words "I love my local autozone store" etc....is due to the fact that those customers who comes in to my shop and says "autozone people diagnosed it for me"and "they have this thingy that plugs into that stuff under the dash"Have you ever noticed those people faces when you bring out the real scanners?their first words are"wow,well that's not what autozone used" this is when the customer really realize that there is more than just a code number..This is when "I love it" cause that's when I can do my own diagnosis and troubleshooting and actually fix the real problems without throwing parts at it and save the customer some money and not to mention doing it honestly.we all have had customers come in to the shop and present us a print out of a DTC and all possible causes.i just had one of those customers Friday show up with a print out.a truck with lean codes and guess what the customer requested,,, O2 Sensor replacement (just because the print out says so)..BUT being professional technician with 28 years experience (18 years as a shop owner).After a few minutes of REAL diagnostic time with a REAL scan tool and a good ear,I could hear a vacuum leak. Yea,I really think the best scan tool for this job was the GOOD EAR,,LOL..So fellas don't get the wrong impression I love autozone cause when I finally fix the customers real problems my guys are automotive Heros to them,and I've gained a new customer and their trust,and we all know customers who trust us is a valuable customer.
  12. I feel autozone is not a threat to me as a repair facility.autozone sells parts only.and Autozone probably makes more money selling parts than anyone of us as independent repair shops could ever make.I love my local Autozone parts store,they read customers engine codes for free,then those customers come to me to repair their check engine light.We should be thanking Autozone for "diagnosing" the problems.The more they diagnose The more I make..Thank you Autozone..And I don't think autozone employees are trying to PRETEND to be mechanics.and if you feel you shouldn't be available 7 days a week that's great.I thank you too, cause I get alot of NEW and good paying customers on Saturdays and Sundays..
  13. Let me get this correct,you have 20 something NEW cars a DAY?...How long has these 20 something cars being coming in on a daily basis?..That's 100 NEW cars on a 5 day.

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