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ATSAutomotive last won the day on January 26 2020

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  • Business Name
    ATS Automotive
  • Business Address
    5042 4th Street Southwest, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52404
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
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    Shop Owner
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  1. Set a limit for requiring a deposit on jobs. A $3,000 job should MOST certainly have had a deposit on it. Most states require you have clearly posted signage in order to charge storage fees. Make a nice looking notice, frame it and mount it on the wall in your office that is clearly seen when a customer comes in. Check with your state on the rules you may need to follow. Asking your customer to pick their vehicle up within 72 hours is well within reason. Remember you are not being a jerk, you're trying to run a successful business.
  2. We do not price match, I didn't pull a number out of a hat to put on an estimate. My estimate is specifically designed based on my needs. Parts are marked up according to what I need to be profitable, same with my labor rate. If your looking for the best price in town, I am not it. I am a professional and I want you to come to my business because of the service we provide, not because of my prices. Also why are you guys not making any money on tires??? Marked up 43% for 30% profit. I am not a tire store, I am only going to install tires if I am making money. Let the tire stores whip tires in and out. We have a diagnostic and repair work to do. I would like to say I think some owners need to slow down in their day. Being busy is just an illusion of being profitable. Bust in to your books and build your prices based on what you need.
  3. ATSAutomotive


  4. First off, you would need to check with a lawyer to find out if you could even do that. Second, its a cost of doing business. Your technicians should not be breaking parts to the point its seriously costing you money. Stuff happens but when it's consistently happening, there's a training issue at hand. I have to agree with bstewart, your techs need to be reprimanded. If they continue to break things, eventually you will have to let them go. Don't put up with carelessness but also don't jump to conclusions. Handle the situation with a calm and level headed demeanor. Protect your business and yourself.
  5. They have been replaced by Google reviews. I am honestly surprised that BBB is still around. Skip paying them any money. Does not offer any value to your company at all.
  6. If I may ask, why do you offer an econo line part? Reading your two documents sounds like you have had your fair share of warranties. Why not only offer the premium or OE options and skip an Econo line part?
  7. I started my shop with just the money I had in my account and slowly grew over time. I had just the tools in my toolbox and no actual equipment. Start slow, don't try and buy everything at first. See what items you need and take the time to do an ROI report for every one. Shop has been open going on 8 years. Have 9 employees, three tow trucks. Just keep your head on your shoulders and THINK about every decision you make. Good luck!
  8. We can't install customer supplied parts. As the professional, we become liable. There are tons of articles about this subject. Shops have gotten sued after installing customer parts that fail and they lose. We as the professionals are liable for the work we do, parts do not matter. I do not allow in our shop not only for this reason, but because parts & labor are how we profit in order to stay in business. We only use certain brands for certain jobs. We over time have come to find what good brands are and what bad brands to stay away from. Why? Because we are the professional! How many brakes, ball joints, calipers, Mass Air Flow Sensors, etc have we installed in our careers? We know what fails and what doesn't. Stand up, be proud of your profession and let them know exactly why we can't adhere to this practice. We deserve to make a profit and make a living for the work we do. Still haven't even thought about taking my own steak to a restaurant. I feel great to pay others for the services they provide for me that I know nothing about. Home HVAC, not my thing, but I know who to call. Plumber!!! Got a company for that too.
  9. You may want to ask for a different coach.
  10. Not great for sales for us either this year but we are up from August 2014 and we are up over 5% for 2015 so far.
  11. Bickering aside, I believe this is a reminder to all of us to make sure we perform our jobs to a "T" We all know we do certain jobs day in and day out. Maybe take an extra second to make sure we finished the job correctly and didn't hustle through it. This also serves as evidence to our customer's of why we HAVE to follow the rules. Not only is it their safety and LIVES but it is our job. The loss of life is unfortunate but let's use it as education not only for the public, for ourselves as well.
  12. Snap On Solus Ultra - Then have started to buy OEM tooling. I would start looking at what you work on most and devise a plan to start buying OEM tooling as it will become the norm. If you are looking at flashing - Drew Tech - either Cardaq-Plus or the Cardaq-M

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