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Everything posted by ncautoshop

  1. I've got his book and done his video lectures. His troubleshooting methods have made us much more efficient in troubleshooting. Things that took an hour take 10-12 minutes now. I think his website is WWW.ScannerDanner.com Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  2. Anyone here watch paul danners videos? Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  3. good point! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  4. In this situation I think he was frustrated with the situation more than my price. He had been to the local Honda shop which replaced the a/c compressor, after pickup it only worked occasionally. They took it back in twice before calling me to come look. They replaced the relay because they thought it was getting hot etc etc. I think often customers are rude or blunt because of the situation. Its not like their buying a new TV, something they want. Our services are unexpected and expensive regardless if its 20 bucks or 2000. I try to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and when they are not happy it bothers me. Probably to much! More than anything with this situation I'm worried he'll go to everyone and tell them how expensive I am. People always seem to tell me how someone said I was expensive. I don't want to be one of the local rat holes. To offer the quality I want to offer there's no way I can make it at 10% markup or parts and 50 on labor! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  5. That's what I've been trying to work towards. It can be hard to watch business leave. But if you're not making money what's the point? I've been reading every shop management book on the market, every magazine, especially this forum and any resource available for technical and management knowledge. My wife's getting frustrated with my commitment to work lol. 2 years ago we had a little girl, my life changed. I've never had to much drive to be successful! Facility upgrade is next on the list! (Sorry for the thread hijack, wasn't my intention!) Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  6. actually working on that tonight. Most indies around me are 50-60 an hour 10% markup on parts. Mainly about 20 rat hole shops if you will. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  7. For years I never charged for diag time. Just a flat rate 1 hr charge. After much study and y'alls help I've determined that's asinine and I might as well be working for free. Its a rough hurdle when you've built the reputation for charging like that. I'm getting there lol. Thanks for the words of advice! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  8. will do! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  9. I'm at $65 hourly and a pretty common matrix. I'll post it up later. I've been catching some flack for charging by the hour for diagnosis. But otherwise no complaints. Had a customer tell me 3.2hr was outrageous to diagnose and repair an intermittent a/c issue. Has me rethinking the by the hour concept. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  10. and they mean FULLY committed! Its hard work and a heck of a learning curve. Also Without some knowledge it will be very hard! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  11. agreed 1000%. Its a must that we change this perspective. Folks like Paul Danner are starting a revolution and if folks will listen they can change the mentality of techs everywhere. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  12. Today I had an interaction with a dealer shop that was quite interesting. Recently a indy dealer brought in a 06 dodge with a glow plug light issue and a brake light. Upon determining the ebcm was faulty and would required replacement we serviced the vehicle and pulled it out and called the customer for approval. The next morning, we had approval and started the truck to pull it in. No oil pressure on gauge, lots of other lights on. Checked base oil and verified pressure was present and called the customer. Of course he's had no problems with the truck or cluster issues so we dig in. When the truck originally came in it was found to have a aftermarket turbo , big injectors, double disc clutch and a belt driven fuel system, gauges etc. It was also determined that the engine fan had been damaged by the pulley on the fuel system. The more we looked we found some pretty horrific wiring modifications from hot wires wrapped around the ignition switch feed and the wire twisted together. Hot wires with no fuses everywhere. Gauges each wired independently to various light sources and ground/hot sources. Tipm connector locks broken, communication (bus c) wires pierced all the way into with a test light. I eventually through process of elimination found that if I wiggled the ecm c2 connector that I could replicate the intermittent cluster issue followed with a failure of a/c function and a host of ecm communication codes, I also found a connector that would replicate some of the symptoms. I determined that the engine wiring harness should be replaced, the main reason being the X2 connector appeared to be a sealed unit and would require a complete resplice and coupled with the locks damaged and pierced wires I just felt it would be a much less stressful situation for all involved. Well after 3500 for injectors, diag, fan, fuel system removal the customer bucks and ask that we try any possible budget fixes and I know in a real bad place lol. We found that by tightly pulling up the ecm harness that most problems stopped, so we disclaimed it out the butt, tied the wires up and tightened the pins in the other connector as much as possible. After pickup the truck was sold and the problem returned. I said all that to say this, it went to another indy dealers because we were to busy to take it in the needed time frame. The indy dealer charged $250 with the fix being a reflash. When the driver picked it up it was still not repaired. The owner asked dodge to diagnose it and repair it, I was told the estimate was $300.00 to diag. (Mind you then dealer supposedly showed both shops invoice documenting our findings.) The customer calls and ask about finding a used ecm, that dodge says the ecm has failed. I asked if I might be able to speak with the technician for to make sure he understands what I had found. After speaking with a service advisor who was one of the meanest and rude individuals she informs me they don't allow their technicians to speak with other technicians from other shops. I informed her I just wanted to help and felt the information might help the technician be more efficient at fixing the issue quickly she got him on the phone. I explain our findings, and that one of the key elements of my theory was the fact sensor grounds were all showing erratic high voltage when the problem occurred. And the the a/c clutch signal from ecm to tipm was erratic when the problem occurred and that grounds z902 appeared to be the problem. The dealer tech says " well, I've not really had time to look at it, and we've had ecm problems and when I tap the ecm with a hammer its malfunctions... and you said something i wanted to straighten you out on" I said absolutely. "There can't be voltage on a ground circuit, but since you're so committed to the fact it needs a wiring harness to we'll make sure he buys that and the ecm" I asked what methods were used to find the failed ecm he said "I hit it with a hammer and the lights came on" I known it shouldn't bother me but this poor guys paying $300 for this kind of service? I've tried so hard to expand my knowledge and learn at every corner but its just offensive that the dealership who's supposed to have the best of the best techs would act this way, regardless if I'm right ( i might be completely wrong who knows) . No wonder no one trust shops/mechanics. Sorry for the rant I just wonder how you guys deal with situations that go south like this. Probably should have mined my own business and went about my way. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  13. My all data rep says they are working on a vin scanner and a mobile device vin scanner to input the vin into manage as well as mileage, Dom , tag and color. In mentioned it would be nice to have it setup to store photos (say the car is scratched when it comes in) and also the idea of automatically transferring the vin to the part suppliers interface and including it on all p/o's Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  14. So your both suggesting upping the confidence level and charging accordingly?How do you determine how much more to charge? By the hour? Thanks for the input!!! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  15. "older cars shouldn't take more than book time" this is my struggle every day!!!! Its hard to overcome but you must over come this and the parts pricing before doing anything else oe you'll be spinning wheels. These are the two of the top three (third being charging for diag time) that will make a HUGE financial impacts. Its much easier when you actually can breathe and pay you're bills to make business improvements. Morale can be a huge road block, atleast for.me!Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  16. It can be hard to get over that pricing fear. But its a must to stay in business. Most use a matrix pricing system and use a management system that marks the parts up for you. Bringing pricing up eliminates bottom shoppers which in my opinion do nothing but stress you out. I recently purchased a series of books on eBay that have helped me quite a bit. Its the automotive service management series and its available from zchiltonman on eBay. The members of this site are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. A system such as all data manage may help with controlling the shops paperwork and QuickBooks will help you see you're profitability!Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  17. Thanks for the input guys! Makes me feel like I'm not doing so bad! I do have one somewhat unrelated question. For instance today I did (more like started lol) a rear wheel bearing on an explorer. It killed book time. It was very rusty and the toe link and upper ball joint fought every step of the way. It took hours just to get apart and ended up ruining the link and ball joint boots and will likely replace the joints. How do you address this problem in regards to billing? I typically stay with book hour and don't bill more time and often find myself paying for the parts to keep happy customers. This time I told the customer I was upping the time 1.8hr and ended up charging regular price on the parts. I was amazed that he didn't give me the third degree? How do you guys handle this? If I don't start charging more I won't be able to continue. For instance this job had no indicators until partially disassembled that it would require more parts and labor, and even then I could begin to guess the degree to which this would occur! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  18. Wow! That's some pricing I need to look at. I'm at 12 mount and balance and 10 in markup and my competitors still under cut me! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  19. Had a distributor in a Taurus from cardone, installed had no spark. Using DSO found the pip waveform didn't even resemble the old one. Replaced it with a ford pickup and it fired right up. Got ahold of a guy at cardone and not only did he have no clue what a waveform was he also gave a very nice pre-rehursed speech about who how I could return the part to the store for a refund lol Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  20. Scan tool and digital storage oscilloscope are both a must. Dealer level scan tools are a big plus. Good tire machine and balancer adds more ability to keep the customer in your shop. Lifts of course. Its hard to say what the shop supplies and the tech supplies but oil drains and tanks are owner responsibility. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  21. What type of productivity is seen in indy shops? I know we're small and with one person doing the book work, writing and repairing the cars I shouldn't expect much but I'm seeing claims from other folks to have 19 techs, each turning 10-15 hours each day. That's a little disheartening when some days we do 8-10 others 4 and some 2. What's should I look for as a goal? Thanks for you're suggestions in advance. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  22. I was quoted I think 1.80 per qt but had to buy 100 gallons a month to get that price. I might do some more checking around. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  23. I'm at $2.49-2.69 at advance. My concern has always been volume. If I had bulk oil here I couldn't meet the volume requirements with my size shop. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  24. I bought all specialty tools and manuals from a closing Chrysler dealer for 1500 a while back. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  25. Sorry for off topic post but I had to share this just because of this post Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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