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Everything posted by ncautoshop

  1. We're actually a college town.I'm not sure why pricing has held low so long. As I mentioned before one shop that quite popular is at 40 an hour. Theres some that I'm sure are higher. One of the smaller chain stores is the highest at 80 an hour. Im not really to worried about others seeing my matrix. I've really struggled thinking its too high but our good customers dont seem to mind. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Oh I agree completely, I've worked on coming uo on price all the way around but I was speaking on other local shops. For years I was at 45% across the board and have within the last year switched to a matrix thats pretty common. About 50% of our cost of goods sold set at 60% or higher markup with a minimum gpm of around 50-55%. We're all small shop working on growing but find ourselves undercut by competition. Now I'll admit we catered bottom shoppers for years and we've only recently moved away from working for them so my view might be slightly tilted. Most customers we used to see would push a vehicle to the point repairs were more than the worth of the vehicle. Now we're seeing some newer cars and folks more apt to go for a bigger job. We've not really changed much as we're working on our business plan and intend to start improving with a goal and plan and to work the plan in stead of fighting blindly. Our local dealers are all at $70 hourly rate and we're currently at 65 and look to start working up first of the year. We really don't have many part options for same day delivery so we're also looking at ways around this! Really appreciate your input! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  3. We offer those options, alldata manage actually makes that very easy. We brought the matrix down a touch for oe parts or the high end parts. We typically never sell the more expensive job. They would rather you change parts over and over. In the past year I've called around and found out what I could. We've determined that all but 4 non-dealer shops operate with a 10-15% markup on parts from advance auto and rarely offer dealer parts. Dealers here work to push indy shops out and offer horrible service. We do have a dealer delivery service from about 50 miles away, but parts dont arrive till next day at best. $40-60 average labor rate. Customers here honestly believe this is how the industry works lol. Not saying your wrong, just saying this area doesn't always cooperate with conventional practices. I'm slowly working my way up to the business I want, not the one they want (prices and part quality).If they dont accept it I'll find another line of work lol! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  4. Our market wont support those prices unfortunately. Everyone around here are hardcore price shoppers. Atleast from my experience. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Were closing Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I've got a two year old that far more important than fixing cars or money lol Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Spoke with a rep today who admitted this is a very large scale problem in the alternator and starter line. They also said that shops that have jad problems need to inform their CAM so the motions needed to reimburse youbcan be taken Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  7. The new light duty diesels you gain fuel mileage by taking parts off. I have people once a week saying their fuel treatment gives them a 10mpg increase, their tuner improves the mileage to 30mpg (according to the truck). For a society that barely does required maintenance its amazing how they can afford "junk" to save money but they can't maintain their car to save money? Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Good to know im not alone!The staff have been more than helpful! They've done everything possible and then tried every option to help! I appreciate their commitment but it doesnt help me look better. I guess the best practice is to really make sure I support my customer every way possible. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Exactly what keeps happening. Employee picked up a new starter, we did some testing and verified it had to be a starter issue. Installed the new starter and it just clicked, retested and found that the b+ side of the starter had battery voltage with the key turned, the signal wire had voltage and we used a load pro to verify a consistent voltage under load, next I checked for voltage on the motor side of the solenoid....no voltage. Waited for around a hour and half for them to get one from another store. It tested fine but it was to late to install it and complete family obligations. Really had hoped to have this customer on the road today. I guess I'll go in tomorrow and finish it up. Makes me feel like crap. She wrote a very nice review and recommended some of here friends. While I know I cant change these circumstances it still makes me feel bad! She hasn't been upset at all, but I know she missed her dads birthday for it. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Yes. And they pay every time no questions asked. But it doesnt help my reputation lol Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Awesome answer! I post on some other forums and had often wondered how many folks would click the link in those random off the wall post from a 0 post member? couldn't be very effective as an actual advertisement. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  12. I'm not one to fuss and complain (unless you ask my wife), and I sure hate to talk bad about a product. I've got to be honest though something is happening with advance auto and product quality. Maybe product quality as a whole. Our town has 3 non oem stores, AAP, NAPA and a small local store. The local advance stocks more parts and their much more efficient and organized than the local napa. Recently I've filed 5 labor claims to Advance. 1. Starter on pontiac vibe, installed and randomly clicked with no start. Installed a new one, today customer calls back its been clicking two weeks now it wont start at all. (Starters 3 weeks old) (3 labor claims) 2. 98 astro radiator - first one bent in u shape when I opened the box, installed second and it had 3 pin holes that were found in vacuum filling. 3. Same astro - new fuel pump for level sensor now the pumps drawing high amperage and vehicle will occasionally not start. Not filed a claim yet - still intermittent failure and not confirmed. Obviously the staff has been very helpful yet they say "no one else is having problems" but thats not what I'm hearing around town. The staff at the store is the reason we've haven't gone elsewhere. They're great to work with. Anyone else had any issues? Looking like a real idiot to my customers and of course we go above and beyond to handle it but its a consolation prize if anything to the owners. I personally diaged all of the issues myself and I feel confident in the diags. Any input is greatly appreciated! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  13. No.I looked at it but its only a 2 channel scope. I think as long as the tool stays updated theres no need to invest big money like that. Big investments in my mind really need to be something that increases your abilities or gives you a return on investment that cant be achieved with what you currently have. Whats the point of buying a new tool just because of some new features that may be nice but the old tool still does the job? Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Im using a modis and I've had great luck with it. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  15. I've felt that way before! I need a self help show lol! We struggle in the same areas and I think these are pretty common areas for businesses to struggle! I can say that trying not to grow out of the infancy stage of business is more stressful than growing into a adolescent or mature business. The e myth book covers what I'm talking about very well. Ive tried for years to do all the work and and do all the paperwork and handle all the customers all because of some bad employee experiences. All i've gotten from it is is burnt out. If you take the management / entrepreneurs role and begin grow (ive just started trying) things will get easier. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  16. My wife will soon be coming into the shop to help with the counter work and to address some of the time managment issues. We've been using a folder system that pretty well handles our needs, a wall mounted folder holder for each step of our process. I've considered refining the workflow and trying to stream line the processes we use and I thought some of the more experienced owners/managers might be willing to have a conversation in regards to workflow, paperwork managment, and office managment. Whats worked for you, what hasn't worked. Do you have a process thats followed with every job? Such as drop off inspection with customer, write ro, get diag approval, begin work, etc etc. Do you have a time frame that you try and keep each step at? For instance do you try and keep the initial inspection short to better manage time? In this case she'll be communicating with the customers on walk in and phone basis and shes very nervous about her lack of technical knowledge but shes very well versed on our businesses operation. How can I help her with this? Ive found that the experienced guys always tend to give advice that works. I really appreciate the input. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  17. I like that sign idea.We do quite a bit of indy dealer work, and we've burnt some dealer bridges. We do not offer a budget price with rigged work. We do not take our reputation lightly, you ask me to rig a car or "temporarily" fix it you'll get a warning, then you'll be asked to take you're vehicle elsewhere. I too struggle with giving the bad news especially on a new used car. But it is our job! I often offer the dealer that sold the car the opportunity at a 10% discount and pictures of the damaged or faulty components, as well as the estimate. We also try to speak with them directly to prevent incorrect translation. We can't control whats wrong with the vehicle, and trying to sugar coat or lessen the blow will only hurt the shop. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  18. You and I are in the same boat! We'll just call it a learning boat lol. I've picked up somethings from here and magazines, we started marking book hour up 40%. We charge pretty much hourly for diagnostics, often my kindess gets the better of me and I knock it down, I'm doing much better about that now and charging more than I ever have before. Time managment and organization are the weakest of my weakest links. A good managment software helps with this, I tried time cards but we're small and no one commited. If you find a solution that works please let me know. So far the best thing I've found is to SLOW DOWN. Theres only so much one individual can do in a given time frame. Only so many calls you can answer and information we can process, only so many cars can be fixed. Wearing all the hats, you can forget book hour. You'll never consistently hit book hour doing it all. Another memeber here recommended a book called the E-myth. Its helped me realize the points above. Slow down, take it a day at a time is the biggest thing I've learned. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  19. My worst fear isn't that he's upset, its the fact he'll tell everyone that I'm "outrageously" expensive. Ive recently started using a matrix instead of 45% markup across the board and its helped. But I've recently lost two of the customers I started with years ago for this reason. I just keep telling myself "if I cant make a decent living whats the point?" Do I really want those customers. We've also been using a 40% over book hour, which has helped morale and maximized efficency on rust buckets. I'm to the point if that I'm not concerned about the market around me. Their still in rat hole shops and not growing....might partially be their pricing structure. ($40.00 an hour and no markup on parts) Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Its been a real pain, what gets me is the whole time they've acted like I'm the problem of the equation. Not the poorly maintained truck or the other shops who either had no clue or just didnt diagnose.It seems like our society looks to blame someone else for every single negative event? What happened to saying "I shouldnt have done that" or "that was my fault". Now I've got a 95 2500 dodge in that shop that the track bar bracket is broken off the axle, the driver door opens randomly while driving and the tires rub suspension componets while going straight. They want the tps induced overdrive issue repaired and nothing more because I'm "trying to take advantage" besides he's driven the truck 5k this way "its been fine that long" Some customers a laughable. Its alot to do with the clientele in our area. For every 5 jobs you'll get 2 just like the ones above. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  21. This gives me clarity that ive never had on this subject! I really appreciate the input from veteran shop owners on here! I read this and a light bulb thats never lit up before lit up! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  22. Hey! I've got a football bat! Gave snap on 500.00 for it lol.We're stuck in the dark age of shops around here. Takes 50k a year to live here but 4 out of 10 shops is at 40 an hour with no parts markup. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  23. That seems a little low. Not questioning you just curious why so low.(please dont take that offensively) I'm a 7 year tech/shop owner with 150k in tools but no certifications...i'd hate to think im just worth $8 an hour lol In my opinion its about the quality of work, and their talents. I'm very interested however how the 8 base and 10 incentive works. I'd like to implement a similar plan! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  24. AMEN! Don't ever expect to complete a job on book again doing both jobs! lol Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2

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