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Everything posted by ncautoshop

  1. The advance I use is primarily a commercial based operation. They have a busy retail store front but I know for a fact the majority of what they do is commercial sales. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Joe, our local advance doesn't recommend any parts or use dialog like "_________ is bad". They just give them the code number and definition. Not once have I heard them go beyond that. As a matter of fact if the customer ask for a diagnosis they recommend one of the local shops and explain that the code only gives direction and not a diagnosis. That being said I'm sure there's some rouge employees who don't do that and some stores may just try and sell whatever parts they can. I agree it gives folks the wrong idea of what a diagnosis is and how much it should cost. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  3. You may have seen my post recently about the alcoholic customer, here's the story and events leading too Thursday. About 5 years ago a very unusual gentleman came in the shop and asked us to take a look at his dodge 2500 diesel pickup. I said we'd gladly help and walk outside looking for the truck. I walk back inside once I realized it wasn't there and the customer is still standing in the same place with the same look on his face. I asked him where the truck was, confused he looks at me and says it's outside. I follow him outside and watch him look for a couple minutes, he then turns and says "oh I forgot, I walked". Instantly I question if I really do have interest in helping this man. He then ask if we'll come to his house and look at the truck, typically we don't do this type thing but I didn't see any other way that he was going to leave so I obliged. Once a we arrived it was clear the truck was out of fuel, it smelled of ether and whisky. I picked up a couple cans of fuel and returned with the fuel and then realized his lift pump was also dead, it would run but wouldn't pump fuel. I explained that he'd have to have it towed and the typical sob story followed, I worked for nasa and the army, I'm a contractor and a professional welder...blah blah blah Eventually the truck arrives, fuel pump is replaced and away he goes. It's worth noting that since the previous owner let it go the truck has been all but totaled, doors and bed sides bashed, interior ragged out. Three months ago he returns and proceeds to give me a chewing that R. Lee Ermy couldn't dish out. After getting him calmed down and the bits of spit off my face, I determine he's upset because his fuel pressure is below the 10psi mark and I had previously informed him pressures lower than 10psi would kill the vp44 injection pump. He assumes that I've sold him a faulty lift pump. I asked him when the last time the truck was serviced, fuel filter etc. He then explains that diesels don't need to be serviced but every 100k. So at 78k we do an oil change and service the fuel filter. I disclaim on the invoice that the vp44 could possibly fail in the future due to low pressure concerns. Fast forward till this Thursday. I'll give a little hint of my state of mind, just paid 3k in taxes, daycare is due along with every other bill you could imagine and it's been slow. We've replaced the front axle in another substance abusing customers vehicle and after receiving bad used parts and that taking 3 weeks to straighten out I'm on the stressed side of the pasture. She's not paid, says it took to long so the estimate should go down etc etc etc. Every job lately has been big and required more than a typical job (3 $3k+ jobs here now) The Dodge and it's interesting owner pull in. He walks in and sets an injection pump on the counter, asked if my quote from 3 years ago stood for installing it. I explained that we typically don't install customer supplied parts but since this is our area of specialty I'll make an exception but it'll be $20.00 extra an hour, I also mention that if he purchased the pump from us it would offer a 3 year /3k warranty including parts,towing, diagnosis and replacement and it would run about $150.00 less. After he chews me for "raping" him and taking advantage because him supplying the part makes my job pie he approves the ticket. He ask if I'll run him home and deliver the truck later, I obliged. After getting to the truck it's obvious he's already tried the job himself. Bolts out and missing everywhere, still finish the job in a little over 1.5hr. The truck won't start. The diagnosis is quite simple so I spent 15 minutes double checking my work and confirming the new pump is bad. Call the customer, he explains how that's not possible it's new, or I did my job wrong etc etc. Finally it comes time to talk about payment for the now two pump changing jobs, he looses it again. "Well I'm not paying for you to change it, that should be included" I finally calm him down and told him I'd see what I could do. After calling the parts house where he purchased the part it was found he didn't have authorization to use the garage account he used and didn't pay tax on the purchase. Sticking my neck out for this old timer is likely to get my head cut off but I did. I called the other shop and made a resolution with them, and got the vendor to pay my labor for replacement. The catch is he has to come pay the tax and I'm the taxi service. Remember the Jeep job? She's now called saying I promised to pick her up to get her vehicle an hour ago. (I've not even spoken to her? No one has) 3 minutes pass the phone rings again and she screams that she'll just walk. I'm guessing her sobriety quest (her words) is slowly falling apart. We pick her up first and she then explodes I the parking lot saying we totaled her jeep. (Thankful I have pictures proving we didnt, it came in like that) I resolve this situation and proceed to problem customer #1. Here's where I gave up making everyone happy, and decided if I could just get home I'll be good. I take him (hes drunk when i arrive) and straighten everything out, he explains to the entire store how I'm his guardian angel and the proceeds to try and hug and kiss me on the cheek. I'm nearing breaking point. We leave the store, my helper is behind me in my black ext. Cab pickup and the customer is in the passenger seat. He ask to stop at a store his "buddy" needed him to get a beer. Again I agree, after setting at the store for approximately 20 minutes my helper says "I'm going to grab a drink and smokes, I'll see if I can find him" as he exits the vehicle he had a "look" on his face but I wrote it off as frustration. When he returns he says "look in the gold civic at the gas pump". Here's where I loose it. The customer gas gotten in a gentleman's vehicle as he's pumping gas and proceeds to kill to bud light tall boys. Mind you hes been there at least 20 minutes. The owner of the vehicle looks terrified and there's a crowd gathering. As I'm about to take action the owner of the car opens the driver door, and ask can I help you? My customer jumps out and runs, straight to my pickup, jumps in and says " yall didnt see that did ya?". I was furious and then my helper blurted out the deepest laugh I've ever heard. I decided then that laughter would probably be the best exit to the situation. I'll let you all know how the situations progress this coming week. Hopefully this phone typed post makes enough sense to at least understand it, and hopefully one day it'll make someone see their day wasn't so bad! I know there's some customer we don't want, but sometimes we have to help folks too. No one else around installs these pumps and I paid my daughter daycare bill with his bill! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  4. X2. No legal concerns. They can verify that the repairs are needed and they price it, you won't be overcharging them so I see no issue. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Installed a customer supplied injection pump yesterday because it was cheaper... (to purchase just the pump, if I do the complete job would have been $60.00 cheaper) But the new pump was bad, he didn't feel he should have to pay twice even though we discussed it was a possibility. His cheaper just cost him $400.00 extra. I might post the whole story later, let's just say he raised my blood pressure to heart attack zone then his actions as an alchololic made me laugh so hard he added a year to my life! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Seriously doubt hydro boost is the issue there. Drum brakes were bad for that if they had any moisture in them. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  7. I've not used any of these products but I have used the usps direct mail system and it's very easy to use. Didn't get many results but that was likely due to the offerings on the postcard. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Not I, but I'm a hole in the wall shop with only 2 helpers so that wouldn't count lol Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  9. I agree and disagree with them being here. It opens the door for dilution of the content and honestly most techs are brash and rough. Many folks come here for management advice and having a tech put in his .2 cents might prevent the site from hitting it's true potential maybe even run some folks off. That being said if we all had a open dialog with our employees or employees like our employees it might help us all in some way shape or fashion. There again If you asked every employee I ever had what I had done wrong, what I knew and didn't know you'd get a different answer from every single one. Maybe I'm wrong for saying this but I don't think most employees really care outside of keeping their job and getting a paycheck. I don't feel the majority of the workforce takes pride in their work anymore. It's all about the compensation. My opinion is a simple one: owners and management look for productive solutions, employees look for someone to blame! You all are far more experienced and knowledgeable than I could ever imagine being. Please correct me if I'm out of line. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  10. We've got stocking prices but we're not stocking anything. A good rep makes all the difference! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Welcome! I'm in Boone if I can ever help in anyway! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Its filled way in within the last 6 months. I dont care for the omv section though. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Alldata or motologic. Motologic is missing some stuff and takes getting used too. Offers same setup as alldata with better wiring diagrams. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  14. I understand completely! I'm up in Boone. Ive got some customers that make it down that way. If we see anyone from down there I'll recommend you! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  15. If I can ever help let me know. Where are you located? I might have resources I can helo with, heck if nothing else I can refer customers that are up here on vacation to you. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Maybe you start doing some face to face marketing in local businesses that close around 5 and pickup some work from the folks who cant make it in normal hours? I never tried odd hours but I can see how it would be a struggle. IMO this is a wors of mouth business and sometimes that just takes time! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Its important to have good lines of communication and disclaimers in these cases. I see both sides and situations like these nearly put me out of business. A: the customer doesnt want to.spend a dimenmore than they have too. B: the business CANNOT be profitable giving that much work away. I saw three options 1: disclaim on signed estimates/ro's that the bill may increase by no more than a locked percentage, this gives the customer a idea possibilities before okaying the job. It also gives you a guideline that hour wise you cant exceed without reevaluation of the job with the customer. 50% is what I had considered. 2: Bill hourly: explain to the customer that the manufacturer suggest 10 hours yet tuning or other problems may arrise which you can't control! In this instance you will be billed hourly (possibly at a discounted rate) until customer satisfaction is reached. Maybe have a limit at which you call and consult the customer. 3: Stop performance work. While its a profitable business the customers often "know everything about their car". They can be a real PITA. Often insurance coverage issues, clientel etc push performance shops to just repair work. The key I feel is communication with the customer. Everyone expects the bill to be locked down and with custom work it cant be locked down. Vehicle manufacturers spend hundreds if not thousands of hours of r&d to make the componets all work as a single unit. Some say that those doing the r&d are some of the most skilled engineers in the world. (ive seen some things that make me question that lol) In the performance market less time is spent, less resources, less financial backing, less testing. Not to mention we're modifying vehicles beyond intended parameters. So when performing these modifications its not straight foward as replacing a starter. For instance the tuners for the diesels may require multiple updates, some manufactures tried to build a one size fits all tuner which led to us fighting a tuner that was a special order that we intended to update and be done taking hours to update then the manufacturer saying "sorry, that tuner wont work on that truck. We dont know why". We had hours in something that no labor was quoted. The part had minimal markup because the customer could already buy it online for $100 less than our price. Ended up with frustration for everyone involed and me paying shipping. Lost a customer. Had I set the customer up for those possibilities we likely wouldnt have had any issues amd might have recooped atleast some of that time and financial loss. I know my ideas may not be the solution to your problem however it was the only things I could come up with. We still do a little I performance work but mostly chose #3. I'd love to be part of the brainstorming process on this to help me and you both. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Rory,We dont warranty performance work with a written warranty. If something happens within say 6 month or so we'll stand behind it and address any issues but often manufacturers won't stand behind it. You should have the discussion with the customers that modifying a vehicle beyond stock parameters can cause issues and different effects on other systems and while your technicians are highly trained in addressing these issues it would be financially irresponsible to offer a long term warranty. Or increase your gpm to cover multiple replacements or repairs that are related. Or offer a 30 day basic warranty and a couple "extended service packages" for a percentage of the job that covers a failure. That I've found no insurance company cover performance modifications in their basic garage keepers policy which is something to keep in mind. The picture may be hard to read and I'll post the actual wording later. Our policy is a good faith policy that we'll stand behind our work but theres no actual waeranty. We've had to many folks come in 6 months later with big wheels and tires, programmers etc and a blown headgasket or blow motor and expect us to warranty it. Typically the modified vehicles we see are abused heavily I cant warranty abuse and I can't acuse them of abuse so my policy is in place to protect us. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Welcome! I'm from north west nc! If I can ever help out let me know! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  20. You should speak with the rep and see what he can do. Maybe he can set you up with some type of stocking pricing or something that could benefit you over the long term. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  21. anytime bud. He actually sente an email saying that was the wrong nukber. Pm me your contact info and I'll email you the email with all his contact information and email. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  22. The CAM’s name for that area is Tony Ingram. His phone number is (407) 816-3051 Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  23. In NC there is some wording that basically says once the vehicle has been premises for X amount of time the propert owner do what they want. However according to license and theft that does not apply to a situation where you worked on the vehicle. Also from my understanding that because it could be considered a theft which may be classified as a felony the statute of limitations could be from 7 years to no limit. Hopefully in your situation if they take you to court the judge will use some common sense and side with you. For future refrence I think I would contact a lawyer or just have it towed and cut the losses. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  24. If you cant give me your location I can likely find who you need to speak to. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  25. You need to speak with your CAM. The trial program is through the commercial portion of advance only and its pretty likely the in store commercial folks wont know much about it. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2

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