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Everything posted by idaho_mechanic1984

  1. Same Question! - Which ones are you using that are legit - consistent and no problems? I'm very small and pretty low volume - so I just use Square - more expensive - but very accurate, consistent, no BS. Deposited within 24 hours usually.
  2. UGH great - now how to delete triple posts - lol - sorry!
  3. Along with what has been said already(I also agree with!): Can't beat the quality for the buck online - USUALLY. I'd go for it every chance I have - specially when you are dealing with the best stuff - DELPHI / DENSO / NGK / MOOG / MOPAR etc etc (varies with every situation of course - sometimes after market beats OEM and vice versa) Labor claims are BS hassle anyways - none of us has time for that if your time is worth anything with daily activities slamming you - just build your warranties into it - especially if you are a shop like most that charge DOUBLE over the counter rate. I don't feel right doing that, which is why I've created my system for how and where and when I get parts. If you are using good quality gear - warranties should be rare. You build that into the cost up front so you are always ready to provide maximum CUSTOMER SERVICE. If you have the time to blow versus what's on the shelf, can't be beat. Some exceptions - such as if you are doing labor claims with local part store, or warranty is worth the extra money having ZERO online versus LIFETIME locally in many cases. Lifetime warranty at Autozone - with them being available usually the most hours is who I go with. Time is main factor for me - I can't risk ordering parts online unless I'm sure the rig is getting done with us, so I may require parts payment up front if customer wants to save a few bucks - I make a few more bucks - win win versus local parts. Some parts you can guesstimate chance of failure. Such as getting a MOOG wheel bearing on amazon/rockauto/ebay verse local to save 50%+. My strategy - being a Small time - 2-man show. - 1st - Autozone, Oreilly, NAPA if in a hurry(depending on part of course, case by case) then eBay/Amazon/RockAuto, etc. Any shop not doing this is being wasteful and inefficient - but again most are charging DOUBLE over the counter rates - so they don't care - unless work is slow then they have time to burn waiting. Good luck whatever you choose!

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