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Angelo automotive

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  • Business Name
    Angelo automotive
  • Business Address
    335, Gordons Road, South Morang, Victoria, 3752, Australia
  • Type of Business
    Auto Repair
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    Shop Manager
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  1. Hi every one we drop off and pick customers to work or home, and the customers love it. We have one driver and just want to know what is your distance and how do you book them in. Our driver drops customers off at 3.5 miles, but some customers test it and want us to drop off at 7 miles which delays other customers waiting for the service. Also does any one have a book in system with drop off and pick ups. 3 a day etc?
  2. Does your Advisors deal with the same customers they dealt with in the morning?
  3. Hi Joe, Thanks for the reply. Also how far is your workshop to the service reception and do the techs pick up their jobs from the reception area?
  4. My technicians are paid salary. And I don't have 20 new cars a day, they are regular customers.
  5. We average 25 jobs a day, we have two advisors, one assistant manager, a receptionist who works half days and myself (manager). In the workshop we have a foreman who is also a dispatcher, 8 Tech's and two Apprentices. The problem we have is dispatching isn't efficient enough. In the morning the foreman dispatches the work and most of the time it's ok. The rest of the day he leaves the jobs on each techs running board (dispatch desk area) then the Tech's are supposed to get their next jobs. This process doesn't work 100% because the tech's don't go to the dispatch bench to see what other jobs they have left, as they are still working on their first or second car which could have extra work sold. It could also be too late before they start the next car or to late for the foreman to notice and dispatch the job to another Tech. When tech's do go and get their next job, It could be a 5pm job, but it would of been more efficient to get a 3 pm job from another techs section. If the foreman was at the dispatch desk he would have dispatched correctly. Also during the day the foreman is helping techs and road testing, he isn't always at the dispatch desk to shuffle work around or observe which tech is nearly finished and give next important job. What usually goes wrong is wrong jobs get started during the day, which leaves big jobs or more important jobs unattended and they don't get finished that day. Also another thing is we are finding it hard to hold technicians accountable during the day when they are taking long on their jobs, because the foreman is unaware how long they are taking so he isn't asking the question to the techs. I believe the Techs don't want to get the last jobs because they want to finish on time or don't like the type of jobs that are on the dispatch desk. I truly believe we can get more done if the foreman was on top of it and spending more time on the dispatch area. I feel like he needs to coach the techs, so they don't rely on him most of the time and that way he will have more time at the dispatch area. Solutions that crossed my mind were the advisors could dispatch the work, the only issue I feel is that they won't have time and location from the reception and workshop is too far. Also at the moment I can't afford a dispatcher full time.
  6. To all the 23/26 car a day garages out there, can I ask who dispatches your jobs? What system have you got in place? Thanks
  7. Thanks for the tips, I'm confident it's going to work (excited!) Just wondering if the report card system works for service advisors too?
  8. Thanks for the tips, I'm confident it's going to work (excited!) Just wondering if the report card system works for service advisors too?
  9. Hi Joe, How do you measure their ranking in the shop? Thanks

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