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Alex last won the day on June 18 2023

Alex had the most liked content!


94 Excellent

Business Information

  • Business Name
  • Business Address
    P.O.Box 52, Mahopac, New York, 10541
  • Type of Business
    Auto Body
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  • Automotive Franchise
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  • Certifications
    ASE (4)
    NYS Motor Vehicle Inspector
    AAS Automotive Apprenticeship
    AS Business Administration
    Toyota T10 program graduate

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  1. Happy Father's Day!
  2. Great ideas are always copied...😁
  3. One tip to help avoid these issues is to set up email, text, and/or push alerts. Most larger banks like WF and Chase allow you set these up. Example:
  4. Our labor rate map is available for all members of ASO and has hundreds (almost 1,000) of entries! Please take a moment to update your shop labor rate in our tracker located under the "TOOLS" main menu and directly via this link: https://www.autoshopowner.com/laborrates/ Click "Add Labor Rate" to view your current entry. Check out where other shops are in your area!
  5. I'll leave this up and good luck with getting that going. We aren't really for moving conversation to facebook and would prefer to keep it here so if you like, just start a new topic or start a group. You can use the search feature here to see if any of your issues are similar to what others are facing. 👍
  6. Added to ASO Events Calendar:
  7. Added to events calendar:
  8. Is it possible you clicked the toggle to view the forums in fluid view? If not, maybe its a forum category with sub-forums? Those are now in a fluid forum view and you can check of the sub forums on the right (desktop) On mobile it is one big list it seems... This is the only thing I can think of at the moment.

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