Hi guys, I just recently joined the forum however I have been on the site a few times over the last few months. Looks like a GREAT place with a lot of awesome information.
A little background history on my shop and I. My partner and I started the business in our early twenties from my backyard working on BMWs and over the years grew it into a full service shop servicing BMW/Mercedes/Audi/Mini with an emphasis on the BMW side. I came into this business not knowing anything about the business side and pretty much made "shot in the dark" decisions on everything pertaining to this business. We struggled terribly for the first 3-4 years and got into a bit of debt running the business until I discovered service advisor and auto shop management classes which helped tremendously. We most recently moved into a larger location partially due to necessity. Our previous location where we were at for close to 5 years was terrible small and run down however had a very nice curb appeal location (approx 1000 sqft of shop space, additional 1500 sqft lot and about 300 sqft office). Due to some property issues that the landlord was dealing with I was forced to find a new location for my business. I was lucky enough to find a very nice building to rent at a very reasonable price for the sqft (overall 5,000 sqft shop with additional 1000 sqft front lot). The only draw back it is not the easiest location to find and the curb appeal is not as good as my last shop. Since being in the new shop we completely renovated 80% of the building with epoxy floors, new lights, customer lounge/waiting area, office, bathroom etc. We are also have on order our first alignment system/rack and tire equipment which was a service we didn't offer previously. We have a loyal customer base and the response has been great. I am hoping with providing more services, we can capture a bit more of the auto repair market in our area.
Our main problem is however with the added space/overhead I am struggling to find good methods and drawing in new customers. I have been staying on top of our customer retention and feel that I have a decent footing on that end. I recently sent out a direct mailer through mudlick mail which has been a disappointment for me thus far.
In any case, although sometimes the stress of the business has been intense, the last week or so browsing the forum has given me some perspective on my own situation after reading other shops stories/posts/problems/solutions. I am hoping my ship turns around soon, I guess I have to be a little patient and keep being proactive on the business end of things.