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Everything posted by sparkerauto

  1. we recently received a quote for a Penntek application at $15 SF which is way out of our price range. Looked like a nice product though.
  2. We don't do any price matching as most of the customers that are shopping for price only, are not what we want. We strive for regular customers that will return for more services, not just a one time deal. We want the relationship, not just the sale.
  3. Has anyone painted the shop floor ? Looking at what products actually work and can withstand all the chemicals and chipping. Thanks in advance !
  4. sparkerauto


  5. What are you guys using to create coupons and deals for your shop ? Is there a software that can be bought to create automotive specific coupons ? Also looking to see how to make professional looking pictures with shop logo and what not on them. Thank you!
  6. Ya in MA they are not covered under our garage keepers insurance it’s almost like having car insurance on the plate. But we can attach it to whatever vehicle we want even personal to drive around.
  7. not sure what other states call them or even have them. But in mass we have repair plates (license plates) we can attach to cars that are not registered and drive that vehicle legally.
  8. I’m just curious what people are paying for insurance to cover the repair plate ? I’m in ma. And my insurance company is charging me 5k for the year to have insurance on the plate. My regular shop coverage doesn’t cover it.
  9. I am in no contract with my current company. I have had another company quote me saying they will change me no fees on debit cards and on everything else it would be 0.30%. This sounds to good to be true though.
  10. hey guys, I have a question right now I'm paying about $600-$700 in credit card possessing fees threw my company. that's based on 30k in sales. Is this high? Anyone use a company that they would suggest? thank you in advance !
  11. I send out flyers every 3 months or so, Facebook, google ad words and what not. I do have a lead tech, I still fix vehicles but also am the advisor too so If I did make this happen I would have to hire a full time advisor or give up fixing cars and hire another tech. so yes it would be a big decision and drastic change of how things are run here currently. thank you for your input.
  12. The building actually connects to my shop. landlord said he would open the wall and add a doorway right into the shop so there would be no walking outside and around to get to the shop. Yes parking is tight but not as bad a you think we have plenty of parking on the other side of building also. (the boat is home now). Our sales is right around 50k a month. I was hesitant on doing this that is why I'm asking for opinions. I just figured it could be an opportunity to get street presence and also have waiting area to cater to customers.
  13. Hello Everyone! So I'm looking for some input. I have the opportunity to rent out the adjacent building to my shop. My shop is located in a strip plaza but in the back so I have no street visibility (only a main sign and I put out a sidewalk sign to let people know we are back there). The business that is connected to my shop just went out. The landlord is now renting the building out. I'm debating on if I should rent it out and have the street visibility and be able to change that into my waiting room and front desk area. I'm thinking the street visibility alone will attract more customers and pay for the rent and what not. I currently have a 4 bay shop tucked in the back with no waiting area. He is looking for around $1,500 for rent a month. Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks!
  14. Yes worldpac is awesome, a lot of genuine parts and great inventory.
  15. Yes we use advance brakes on everything. We use the platinum pads, those pads with rotors cost us 89.99 for mostly all vehicles
  16. yes worldpac def. has the best pricing but delivery is hard for us also. We need quicker deliveries than what they can provide.
  17. I'm guess what they sell it to the customer for.. I compared my pricing to what they list it for online and its always about 15% less.
  18. I use advance auto for my main supplier and they are giving me 15% off. Does this sound about right ?
  19. Hello, I just had a question. How are you guys contacting customers that you have not seen in a while? Are you calling them, sending post cards? Or are you not contacting them at all ? I have a hand full of customers I haven't seen in a while, some have bought new cars but I am curious to what happened with the others. Thanks!
  20. Hello, I am looking for a printable multi-point check list that i could give to my techs to fill out on every car. Does anyone have one that the would be willing to share with me ? Thank you very much !
  21. Just curious to what people actually keep in stock to make the work day go easier. Like batteries, tires, brakes, bulbs, ect.... I am trying to figure out what I should actually keep in stock so I don't have to wait for things. Also where are you guys getting your hardware from ? Thanks guys
  22. I use advance for first call and I am a technet shop. I am currently looking at other options for first call I just can not deal with them anymore. The way they run things is terrible.
  23. Thank you xrac, I will give them a call today.

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