Thanks for the replays. I am basically a one man show. No wife, son grown. My son helps out when needed. Broke my leg back in November and that put a crimp on things. Usually by this time of year we are loaded with "snow birds". That has not came thru. Had an a/c company fleet that kept us busy but they lost a big account and cut way back. I just know that the independent shops, as well as most dealer service depts., all close around 5 pm. Same time everyone is getting home from a 30-60 minute commute. Now where they gonna go to get that check engine light, tpms light, abs light, wheel vibration, brake pulsation, etc. taken care of? Goodyear...Firestone? Why not Able Auto? Being an old farm boy we worked till the work was done. When I worked for dealers I would stay late to take care of a problem cars that I couldn't focus on during the day. What would be so horrible about adding a few hours at the end of the day? As it is now if I ain't working late on a car I am doing paper work and balancing the checkbook. I have not ADVERTISED late hours. With the counts and aro trending down it is a plan to get more in.
I do use a CRM program and generally am on the first page of a google search with Facebook and Google places. hand out cards every chance I get. Hood up in a parking lot...I am there. Just dont have any good answers for the drop other than increased shops. Most unliscened. Lost an oil pump job this week to an unregulated shop 3 doors down. I offer warranty, road service and follow up. The deciding factor...hold your breath....PRICE. Dude even stopped in to say "sorry but he was cheaper". Service and quality went screeeaaammming down the street! There again if I am here at 6 or 7, and the cut throats have all gone home to drink their pay, I will be here to offer a QUALITY service.