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ASO Admin

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Everything posted by ASO Admin

  1. ASO Admin

    ASO Admin

  2. Your link has been approved. Welcome to autoshopowner!

  3. I have always used Robinair. 5 years ago I bought a new machine and it had an internal leak or something after a year. Robinair replaced it for free!!! $189.99 for an A/C evac and recharge with die. I offer free leak check and free recharge for one week if a leak is found in that time and the customer returns for a leak check in a week.
  4. We added 3 new forums to AutoShopOwner under General Discussions. Non-Automotive Discussions Here you can start a non-automotive related topic for discussion. members can discuss whatever they want in here! Photos and Videos - Any Here you can post any type of photo or video from another site or include links from the AutoShopOwner Gallery. It does not have to be automotive related. Anything you would like to share or discuss. Outside The Shop What do you do outside of your shop? What vacations have you taken? What hobbies do you have? Share your interests outside of your shop, with the community.
  5. Steve, all we saw there was the quote from the previous post.
  6. ASE Winter 2008 computer-based testing (CBT) runs through February 22, 2008. Testing appointments are available during the day, in the evening, and even on weekends. CBT provides increased flexibility to better suit your busy schedule, and test scores are delivered right at the test center! Register by February 15, 2008 at 1-800-525-6929. Certification (and recertification) tests available include the Automobile Series (A1-A8), Medium/Heavy Truck Series (T1-T8), Collision Repair/Refinish Series (B2-B6), Service Consultant (C1), and Automobile Parts Specialist (P2) tests. The two Advanced Level tests (L1 and L2) are also available. Visit the ASE website at www.ase.com/cbt for more information, including a CBT tutorial to familiarize yourself with taking the ASE tests on computer. Frequently asked questions and a complete listing of the CBT test centers can also be found there. And in case our CBT format doesn't meet your needs, online registration for the Spring 2008 ASE paper and pencil testing is now open! The deadline to register is March 31, 2008. Click here to register for Spring 2008 paper and pencil testing. ASE - Certifying the Automotive Professional
  7. We've just added a glossary of automotive terminology. It is located HERE You will also see a link in the navigation panel on the start page when you log in. In the NETWORK section. main menu under TOOLS. We welcome your suggestions.
  8. 95 downloads

    Steering and Suspension Check This is technician steering and suspension check form. You may inquire about having this form customized to for your shop.
  9. 118 downloads

    Brake Inspection This is technician brake inspection form. You may inquire about having this form customized to for your shop.
  10. 109 downloads

    Comeback Report This form is designed to help you evaluate, track, and identify customer comebacks to your shop. You may inquire about having a customized form made for your shop.
  11. The downloads section is now available for our members and can be found at DOWNLOADS We have also added Recent downloads on the NETWORK page. More content to come.
  12. We have added user avatars to the member avatar selections. Vehicle manufacturers and Company Logos. Any suggestions tha we missed, please post here.
  13. We are testing the e-mail functions across the board. Emails with the subject matter of "TEST" or "Testing" have been sent out. Results: Working as designed. Members will receive text e-mails from the community when sent. Smiley Test:
  14. We have launched AutoShopOwner.com! This is a BETA launch as we are still testing There are different areas of the site that are being worked on. What does BETA mean? This means that you may experience minor glitches in functionality. This is a testing period. Pleas report any bugs to this post. More to come.
  15. 101 downloads

    <span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><b>Telephone Answering Policy and Tips</b></span> Telephone Answering Policy and Tips. Here is an outline to have your associates follow when answering the telephone and conducting conversations with customers. You may inquire about having this form customized for your shop.
  16. 72 downloads

    Customer Questionaire Customer Questionaire to help you get a view of your shop from your customer's eyes. Generate customer feedback. You may inquire about having a customized form made for your shop.
  17. The Automotive Management Institute (AMI), in conjunction with Automotive Video Inc. (AVI), has announced a new scholarship to help automotive service professionals obtain the management education and technical training essential for success in today's ever-changing industry. View the full article
  18. The Automotive Management Institute (AMI) is accepting applications for the Gale Westerlund/Richard Cossette Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship, offered in conjunction with the Automotive Service Association (ASA), honor the contributions these individuals made to AMI, ASA and the collision repair industry. View the full article
  19. The Automotive Management Institute (AMI) is accepting applications for the 2007 Emil Stanley Merit Award. The scholarship is awarded annually to an individual who works in an Automotive Service Association (ASA) Collision Division member-business and who displays a desire to improve their business skills through management education. View the full article
  20. The Automotive Management Institute (AMI) is accepting applications for the annual $1,000 Tom B. Babcox Memorial Scholarship. AMI's resource development effort, EXCEL, in conjunction with Babcox Publications, established the scholarship, which is awarded to an Automotive Service Association (ASA) Mechanical Division member who strives to be, or is presently working, in a management capacity. View the full article
  21. The Automotive Management Institute (AMI) is accepting applications for the annual $1,000 BodyShop Business Magazine Scholarship. AMI's resource development effort, EXCEL, in conjunction with Babcox Publications, established the scholarship, which is awarded to an Automotive Service Association (ASA) Collision Division member who strives to be, or is presently working, in a management capacity. View the full article
  22. Dan and Ron Nagy, AAM, Nagy's Collision Centers, located in Doylestown and Wooster, Ohio, have committed $10,000 to the Automotive Management Institute's (AMI's) resource development effort EXCEL. The commitment to AMI will be combined with other leadership contributions to continue AMI's mission of providing and promoting practical business management education tailored to the automotive service and collision repair industry. View the full article
  23. 73 downloads

    Used Vehicle Checklist This is a Used Vehicle Checklist form designed to help you check out used vehicles. You may inquire about customizing this form with your shop information.
  24. 83 downloads

    New Customer Interview This is a New Customer Interview form designed to assist you in the collection of data about new customers to your shop. You may inquire about customizing this form with your shop information.

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