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Taking Pics of Work

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Hello all,


I would like some feedback as to how other shops would handle this matter. We have noticed quite a few vehicles coming in with repairs that also have other severe problems- vcg leaking, torn up belts, pads almost metal to metal. It is our policy not to allow customers in the work area at all, and it is strickly enforced due to an incident in the past.


My question being, if you see something as noted above (or even a dent/scratches), do you take any further steps besides documentation on the work order? ie pictures and save it to the account to prevent any future problems? We currently write it on the RO with a "refused" next to it for problems and mark the areas were dents/scratches are on the vehicle. We really like the idea of pictures, but it also involves time and money.


Yes, we try to sell these items as it relates to the safety factor, but some customers just do not seem to grasp the concept and accept the vehicle as is.



Thanks for your thoughts and opinions in advance.




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Hi Nick,


M-Spec Performance is right. Digital multi-point inspections with photos are effective in showing and telling why repairs are needed. When customers can see the extent of damage - metal to metal brakes, for example - they are more likely to authorize repairs. We've found that shops that regularly do multi-point inspections with photos have seen their ARO increase by 45 percent on average and in some cases by much more. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or provide more information about our software.

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We will take pictures on occasion and we will sometimes show the customer the actual defect or concern but we also frown on having customers in the bay areas. We will always document findings on the work order. If the work included an oil change we will document findings on the reminder sticker as well. We text the customer when the job is completed using our shop management program and we will also include remarks in the text message which is time stamped and printed on the finished repair order.

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Digital inspections. We currently use Auto Vitals but even before that we would just store the image in the electronic document file. We don't have any problem with customers in our work area and encourage it. They are always with an employee and our shop is kept clean because of it. Most people go in the shop and comment on how clean it is. We also have large windows into the shop so customers can look in if they choose. We have nothing to hide.

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We had an incident in the past where a customer "slipped" and it turned into legal matters that is why we are somewhat weary of customers in the work area.


In regards to digital inspections, do customers ever question as to why you are taking pictures of there vehicles?

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