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Scheduling Software

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How much does motorev cost?

I have the website and whole package which equates to $300.00 a month. I'm not sure on individual pieces. I know alldata manage offers scheduling but it's lacking compared to Google calendar in my opinion.


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I've wrestled with what to do with the scheduling side of things. I learned the intricacy of loading up the schedule through a course I took through RLO Training (GREAT COURSE!) however with my shop management software (Mitchell1) and their rather archaic scheduler I can't do this within one program. The other problem is if I add carry over work from one to the next onto the scheduler in mitchell, my bolt on messenger program that sends out appointment reminders picks it up as a new appointment and will send them a text reminder... but the car is in the shop already!


I may toy around with the use of google calendar but I don't know if I have the time to do double entry work since I will have to add at least some details to the google calendar and that will eat of time I already don't have.

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What software are you guys using for scheduling repairs in your shop and how much does it cost?




An option for scheduling appointments is BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY's Lube Sticker Pro software. The module fully integrates with leading shop management systems, including Mitchell1, NAPA TRACS, R.O. Writer and Tasco. The software predicts, based on driving history, when a customer should return for various services, including LOF, tire rotations, coolant flushes, etc. The monthly subscription fee for Lube Sticker, by itself, is $29.99 per month. When bundled with complementary software tools Message Manager (text message reminders) and Report Pro (customizes invoices with more than 100 features; and compiles various reports), Pro Pack costs $99.99 per month.


Please let me know if you have any additional questions, or feel free to call us at 610-400-1019. You can read more about Pro Pack here: http://www.autoshopowner.com/blog/7/entry-90-pro-pack-updates-offer-more-customization/

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Mike, when lube sticker pro creates a future appointment is there a way to differentiate what text to include or do all of the appointments say "Automated Oil Change"


Hi M-Spec,


The recommendation text from Lube Sticker Pro is editable, but there is only one template for the text message reminder. Does that help?

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Hi M-Spec,


The recommendation text from Lube Sticker Pro is editable, but there is only one template for the text message reminder. Does that help?



so the only way is to go to the appt and edit it manually correct? I just wanted to know if there was some other sort of automation to edit for the right text.

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I found out that mitchell 1 has a software called management SE that can be bundled with shopkey together for about $229/month that does more on the management side like scheduling etc.


I guess I'm more interested in what u guys use for scheduling your workflow and keeping track of where each ro is at during the process??

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so the only way is to go to the appt and edit it manually correct? I just wanted to know if there was some other sort of automation to edit for the right text.


Hi M-Spec,


It might be easier if you reach out to our support team for assistance. The easiest way may be online support. You can connect from here: http://boltontechnology.com/support-team/

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Smotgo - it's free. You can use free/trial log in to check it out. smotgo.com - I just had to recently use google calendar bc my other half just likes to argue for the sake of it and insists on using google (so i keep two schedules) he uses it for personal stuff too so it helps he see whats going on across the board.

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