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I just launched a redesigned website for our shop. It was self made from a template. However I did add some of our own pics as well as some of our pricing to the menu items. I would love to get feedback from everyone to see what is good and what needs to change. I'm on a limited budget so a professional website is out of the question but I can make a lot of changes on my own. Thanks in advance!!



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Looks like you built it with Godaddy website builder, right? Looks good. I would recommend:


Add page title tags. For example, your home page is simply "Home" <title>Home</title> and your other pages are the name of the tabs on your menu.

See if there is a way to add a custom title to each page. Your home page title should be something like:

Davis Auto Repair & Performance - Woodstock, GA Auto Repair



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Yes Alex it was the go daddy builder. Thanks for the advice about the tabs, that helps SEO right? I have been reading up on SEO and learning a decent amount. Some of it makes sense but most is over my head. I appreciate all the input so far, I will be making changes either tomorrow or Monday.

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Yes Alex it was the go daddy builder. Thanks for the advice about the tabs, that helps SEO right? I have been reading up on SEO and learning a decent amount. Some of it makes sense but most is over my head. I appreciate all the input so far, I will be making changes either tomorrow or Monday.


Yes, it will help because when a customer is searching for "auto repair in XXXXXXX" you want to come up in the results of the first page. Search Engines index your page titles and descriptions.There's more like keywords and backend stuff which I'm not sure how much you can control with Godaddy or other website builders, but check it out. I haven't used them myself.

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Generally, I'd say you're on a nice track and agree that the resizing of the pics is a good idea.

Your goal is to not make people scroll to find what they're looking for.


In terms of creating a message, i'd suggest you tell people a little about who YOU are.

Gen X and Gen Y have barely spent a day without their whole social network in their pocket.


Its important for people to feel familiar with you before they walk into the shop.


And, I'd be sure to point out the ways you go the extra mile for the customer.

If they're short on time, what will you do to fix the car to meet their schedule? Provide rides, loaners, taxis, uber?

The waiting room is extra nice if they can wait for fast repairs right there and then get on their way.


How will your repair service keep them on the road, on their schedule and safe?

The most important message to convey is what makes Davis DIFFERENT from all the other choices they could make.


Personal attention to your customers seems to be what you're shooting for. Say it straight out.

We treat you differently: to us, you're family. And that means we care about your schedule and your well being.


Just my two cents. Ymmv.


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Great Advice from everyone!!!! Thank you guys a lot, I have made some changes on the site and tried to get into the backend but it is mainly locked. I am trying to get on the first page of the generic results and with everyone's advice I am getting closer, plus the site won't be a huge let-down once people decide to visit it. One last thing I have to do is change the pictures out, it is a gloomy day today so hopefully tomorrow will be sunny. I was able to stretch them to fill which is better but it cut the top and bottoms short.

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Acworth is very close, depending on which part she is in it is about 5-10 miles from the shop. If she ever needs anything tell her to come by and we will take good care of her for you. I will get on and address the font size tomorrow, I also think that will help fill the pages out a bit more. Thank you

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Great Advice from everyone!!!! Thank you guys a lot, I have made some changes on the site and tried to get into the backend but it is mainly locked.


That's usually the issue with "cookie cutter" websites. However, Godaddy has a business plan that includes SEO, is that the plan you have? I think it's currently $10.99 a month. If not, I would suggest an upgrade to that and read up on https://support.godaddy.com/help/article/8509/how-to-use-metatags


I also posted in another topic a useful tool to check SEO: http://seositecheckup.com


Hope that helps.

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Alex it turns out that I do have the SEO plan I just haven't been utilizing it as much as I should. I made some major changes today and submitted the site for a recrawl. I am hoping to get in th first page soon.


Another thing someone here may know that I don't-When using the SEO tool it says I don't have any social media links in the site but I clearly do for both twitter and facebook. Why is this and is there something I should do about this? I don't want to miss out on some hits because of this.

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Another thing someone here may know that I don't-When using the SEO tool it says I don't have any social media links in the site but I clearly do for both twitter and facebook. Why is this and is there something I should do about this? I don't want to miss out on some hits because of this.


I believe because you are using a plugin for social links from addthis and not direct links.


What I would try to do more than anything is manipulate your page titles, which seem to be controlled by your menu tabs. For instance your services tab/page has a page title that is "Services", its too simple. Either append your company name to the end of it like "Services - Woodstock Auto Repair" or differentiate it somehow, make it unique.


I'm an advocate of appending the business name if it contains key words, like "Auto Repair" to every page title. Your main page title should be something like "Woodstock Auto Repair - Auto Repair in Woodstock, GA", you'll get more hits for locations. :D

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Nice job! Lots of satisfaction in doing your own web site and content. I would suggest that you put people in your pictures. Smiling, clean techs, and happy customers I need to do more of that on my site. I gather you are performance oriented, but if you are doing general service, you better appeal to women. They are the service buyers and they aren't generally interested in pix of cars in a state of disassembly. If you take plastic, put the logos up there. Got a warranty? Brag about it.


A warning - you can work on SEO 24 hours a day and still feel like you haven't done enough. Keep up the good work!

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