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Hey Guys,


I'm having some anxiety over a situation with a customers car. I was hoping everyone experiences can help come to the best solution.


I rent space out of a fix it yourself shop. One of my customers did not have the money to pay for their repairs. It took them 2 and 1/2 months to pay it. During that time the car got broken into and from what the customer said their were some valuable stereo equipment stolen. His list is also growing by the minute of what's missing and also he has receipts.


Have any of you guys experienced anything like this?






I have company insurance that would cover it if the vehicle is properly secured. If its parked outside, the break-in would be no different than if it was parked in the lot at the mall. I agree with XRAC. I would charge him the storage fee if he expects you to pay for his stereo replacement. $10-15 a day for 2-1/2 months would cover most stereo replacements. Otherwise, I hope he had insurance on his stereo equipment. Of course, if he couldn't pay for a repair, I bet he doesn't have insurance at all.


I've had situations like this in the past... but, never had one where they left the car for so long. If they leave a car for more than 30 days I file a claim on it... and then...it doesn't matter what they say.


What has happened in the past is the owner "forgets" where they put their stuff... for all you know they pawned the stuff but have totally forgotten about that. I wouldn't bend a bit... it's their problem. Why they could have left the car sitting in a Walmart parking lot for 2 months. Just because it's sitting "near" your place of business doesn't make it any of your concerns.


autographed copies of "Hey Look, I Found the Loose Nut" are available at www.gonzostoolbox.com

LOL... yes, Joe...we should write a book, wait a minute....???? I did already... ROFL... great minds think alike.



Right Gonzo, that reminds me. About a year ago, a customer left his Acura for a few weeks while he was making up his mind to fix it or not. After we repaired the car, which was about 3 weeks later, he picked up the car. He came back the next day and said that a $5,000 gold watch his grandfather gave him was missing from the car and he wanted it replaced. He said the watch had a lot of sentimental value. I almost fell out of my chair in laughter. When I asked him where the watch was in the car, he said it was on the back seat. I told him that if the watch had so much sentimental value, why would you leave it in the car on the back seat? I told him, there is nothing I can do.


Boy, we should all together and write a book, right?


My mechanic doesn't remember what was in the car but definitely does not believe anyone would be that dumb to leave all that valuable stuff inside. The car isn't even worth as much as the stereo equipment he is claiming.


Sounds fishy to me. Do you remember any of the stuff being in the car that he is claiming was stolen? I would speak to my lawyer and insurance agent before I make a decision. Is it your word against his? And do you have a storage policy clearly stated?


Why would anyone leave "valubale" stereo equipment in a car for 2 and 1/2 months????? I hate to be skeptical, but it sounds too fishy...


These are things about business that drive me nuts. We have enough to worry about on a daily basis.


Be firm, see if he can actually prove that stuff was in the car. Showing receipts is not proof.


It's a shop where the owner, rents out space to people who want to fix their own cars. I'm getting ready to get out of there. I just use the place as a second location where I can reach customers in that area.



I'm just curious, what is a "fix it yourself shop"?


Thank you all for the responses. It relieves a lot of anxiety. I finally met the customer face to face today and I hate to say it but I judged a book by its cover. I think he is trying to do an insurance scam on me.


He hands me a hand written receipt of all the stereo equipment he purchased in April. It looks like he got one of his buddies from a stereo shop to write him up a receipt. He also gives me another hand written receipt for additional stuff like new IPod. I asked if he had insurance and he says he only has insurance on his license? What does that mean?


What do you guys suggest that I do?




Tell him to call a lawyer, call the police. They'll be happy to take a hand written reciept. Just because you bought them doesn't mean they were in the car. The police love stories like this.


Thank you all for the responses. It relieves a lot of anxiety. I finally met the customer face to face today and I hate to say it but I judged a book by its cover. I think he is trying to do an insurance scam on me.


He hands me a hand written receipt of all the stereo equipment he purchased in April. It looks like he got one of his buddies from a stereo shop to write him up a receipt. He also gives me another hand written receipt for additional stuff like new IPod. I asked if he had insurance and he says he only has insurance on his license? What does that mean?


What do you guys suggest that I do?



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Be careful Along time ago at out old location we had a similar issue. It went to court and the judge ruled in the persons favor. Its almost as like they think its small money for a buisness. I had witnesses saying the belongings were not in the vehicle and it still did not matter.

Posted (edited)

i personally have 2 signs inside my shop that reads in big bold letters :


also when i start a repair order i ask all of my customers to read and sign a disclaimer that states the same message

saves me a headache or two

Edited by ricoexport

i personally have 2 signs inside my shop that reads in big bold letters :


also when i start a repair order i ask all of my customers to read and sign a disclaimer that states the same message

saves me a headache or two


Fyi in court it means nothing. As I said before we have first hand experience in this.


agreed but most customers dont know this



True just hope that no one has to go through it. Its so stupid really but who said lawyers or judges use common sense.

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