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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Suddenly, a cow walks out into the road, the car hits it full on, and the car comes to a stop.


Nancy, in her usual charming manner, says to the chauffeur, "You get out and check--you were driving.."


So the chauffeur gets out, checks, and reports that the animal is dead but that it was old.


"You were driving, so you go and tell the farmer," says Nancy.


Two hours later the chauffeur returns totally plastered, hair ruffled with a big grin on his face.


"My God, what happened to you?" asks Nancy ?"


The chauffeur replies, "When I got there, the farmer opened his best bottle of malt whisky, the wife gave me a slap-up meal and the daughter made love to me."


"What on earth did you say?" asks Nancy.


"I just knocked on the door and when it opened I said to them, "I'm Nancy Pelosi's chauffeur, and I've just killed the old cow."


My new career move... I want to be the

chauffeur for Nancy Pelosi.... LOL funny stuff...


Great thread guys!!!

It's about time we spoke up & took a stand with getting rid of those bozos in state & national government

We have a primary election coming on May 18th here in Pa. & there are some good candidates with the right support can make a change

Love those 2 videos!!! :lol:


p.s. anybody from Pa. have questions p.m. me

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great thread guys!!!

It's about time we spoke up & took a stand with getting rid of those bozos in state & national government

We have a primary election coming on May 18th here in Pa. & there are some good candidates with the right support can make a change

Love those 2 videos!!! laugh.gif


p.s. anybody from Pa. have questions p.m. me



Born and raised in Bloomsburg, Pa

Do you know where that is??

  • 2 months later...

Indian Wanting Coffee:


An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other.


He says to the waiter: "Want coffee."


The waiter says, "Sure, Chief. Coming right up."


He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee..... The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere and then just walks out.


The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling another male buffalo with the other.


He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter: "Want coffee."


The waiter says, "Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What was all that about, anyway?"


The Indian smiles and proudly says, "Training for position in United States Congress: Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull, Leave mess for others to clean up, Disappear for rest of day."






good one... ugh.

  • 2 weeks later...

I hope you are right. I want this to be a sign that the tide is starting to turn. This power-hungry administration must wake up and understand that this a nation of free thinkers.


To quote Lincoln: "and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".







I see things very differently. I see the previous admin as very power hungry. Constitutionally abusive in fact. But none of the "free thinkers" were around. They were too busy guzzling the swill of the right wing media and spin-doctors.


As I, a true independent, free thinking American, see it we have the same garbage, the same disfunctional government with the same divisions. It's just a different party "in power." Now don't think you have to agree with me to be a true independent, free thinking American, I was just clarifying my qualifications. If the Dems weren't so scared of the Reallydumblicans and their filibuster threats then we might actually have a point to complain that the "liberals" were in power. The fact that so little has gotten accomplished is proof that little has changed in Washington. I'm sorry Abe, but the "government of the people, by the people, for the people," perished long ago. The neo-cons successfully converted it to a government of the rich, by the powerful, for the politically well connected. And the Supreme Court's ignorance in ruling that fictional soulless entities (corporations, union, etc.) with no conscience and no mortal ramifications have full right to spend limitlessly just further emphasizes that truth.


And just for those who wish to deride me or speculate, yes I lean just left of center. But remember to be progressive means you must move forward, expand, grow. But you must do it wisely. As it is in business, if you aren't growing, you are dying.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious, but where were you armchair pundits during the failed eight years of the mistake that was the bush regime? I am none too happy with the minimal expansion of government under President Obama but I complained under baby bush. Where were you guys? Are you smart enough to acknowledge that government expanded greatly and the abuse of powers were extreme under bush? Oh, yeah that's right he was your party so the party was on. Leave the bill for the kids was OK then, but now that you're suffering the hang-over from the juvenile frat-party of the bush regime you're all mad because you're not getting your abuse-the-common-citizen-in-favor-of-corporate-welfare way.


HMMM, so TTM what you are saying is Bush was a failure for doing the same things as Obama but Obama is a saint? I don't get it. If Bush was so terrible there should be the same, or more, hatred for Obama's policys. Bush was one of the most liberal conservatives there ever was. There were only a few things he was conservative about: Abortion, Guns and the Military. With Obama we don't even have that.

  • 1 month later...

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