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  • 1 month later...

I am looking for a new scanner myself. Although I don't really want to spend the money, I am doing more and more diagnostic (which I love) and need a good scanner. I have heard of ones that are a wireless hookup to the car and connect to my PC for internet scanning. Anyone seen these before?


I have mine on order now. I will let you all know what I think of it. I got the domestic and Asian kit as well. Dont' do enough German to bother with that one yet.

  • 1 month later...

I have mine on order now. I will let you all know what I think of it. I got the domestic and Asian kit as well. Dont' do enough German to bother with that one yet.



I as well am looking into this tool, I found that you can buy it on ebay from the manufacturer/supplier for about 220.00, but its really hard to do decipher what all is included. I personally do allot of foreign car repair. It does seem that you have to buy the adaptors for SRS, ABS. The blue tooth to PDA seems nice but cumbersome, although i do like the idea of the wireless add on.


Let me know what add ons you got, and what you think.


You can buy the generic tool for around $220 but it won't have any of the advanced "enhanced" features as they call them. If you look on AutoEnginuity's site it will explain the different options that they offer. I decided to buy it straight from them instead of from someone on ebay and since mine has had problems I am glad I bought it straight from them. My machine works well for domestic applications but for some reason I have not been able to make it work on any Asian cars at all. I have been dealing with them for about a month now and finally sent my adapter back to them because I was doing everything right. They figure I have a hardware problem. I will let you know more when I get it working properly.


Please keep us posted!



Well hope they get it fixed for you in a timely manner. I just lost my Genysis EVO 4 due to my dad's old shop re opening, and have no scanner. I'm really not wanting to go after a Snap On, Mac, etc... And just recently had issues comunicating with a 99 A4 with the Genisys, and out of desperation I drove it down to Autozone and used there scanner and it pulled the codes, ehhh how frustrating that was. Snap On wants an arm and a leg, and to me there only good for there hand tools anymore. As far as the Genisys I loved it price wise, and bang for buck.


I'm looking into autoenginuity deal,... But will be waiting to hear back on your dealings with the company before making any decisions.


well so far impressed with the service. They got my connector and tested it and was amazed that I was correct. It was not working and it had their engineering department stumped. That made me feel better that I wasn't the one that was crazy. They made me a new connector and tested it before they shipped it to make sure that it was working. I will give more info as I get the chance to test the new one.


We have a SnapOn Verus & an older version of Vantage(use it mostly for multimeter function), & a basic OBD2 scan tool. Traded in our Modis to get the Verus. The thing about SnapOn is they never have had any support for Volvo or Saab. We do work on a few of them but not enough to buy a specialized tool just for them.

The thing I like best about the Verus is that it's a combination scanner/lab scope/ignition analyzer and laptop computer. Can store all information for each car we scan in it. Pretty good tool.

Posted (edited)

The Verus is a step up from the Modis. The Modis combines the scanner features of the Solis with the lab scope/multimeter features of the Vantage. So I would say the next step up from the Solis would be the Modis.

Edited by Richard
  • 4 months later...

Well guys I'm personally biting the bullet... Just picked up a Snap-On Verus w/ Euro package for 7,700.00 brand new... Will have it here at the shop in a couple weeks. And give you guys an update on how well it works out.

  • 4 months later...

I have a mastertech,vci and a modis. The modis is the best universal we have. I would like oe but they are changing so much recently I cant bite that bullet until they all settle on one for a bit.


Dealer level scanners... without a doubt.

Tech 2, NGS, IDS, DRB

I use a MasterTech for most everything for quick code reads or mode 6 info. The MasterTech can do a lot, some programming and some air bag reset stuff. Nice scanner.

GM - ya gotta have a Tech 2 easy to read, easy to understand... sometimes hard to navigate thru the maze of info... but very, very good

NGS - a little dated, but easy to use. Good PID sections... wish it had a misfire graph like the Tech 2... I'll use the O2 PID along with the injector pulse readings to determine misfires.

IDS - expensive... nice, takes a little practice to work it... nice though

DRB - another dated machine... farely easy... Up to 05 it's effective... after that... sorry


I've looked at the Snap-on machines... sorry guys, not impressed. To many cords, clips, and small parts. The info is somewhat sketchy... on all models.


I guess the best way to put it is... The customer wants it fixed... they don't care how ya do it...as long as it's cheap. So if you have the wrong scanner or not enough info incorporated into that scanner... you're screwed...


I think of scanners like this.... They give you a rope, a tree, and a three legged horse... "You've got almost all the info you need, but some scanners will leave just that last little bit out... and sure enough that horse is going to hang ya... "



Taking a poll. Let me know your favorite scan tool or tools. Most of us work on just about what ever rolls thru the bay doors. That can be an issue.


I agree oem is the way to go but tech 2, drb and ids are not current any longer. They are all switching to vci format (laptop based). I like the idea one laptop and many vci modules. To bad bosch cant make there vci work. Im in a wait mode right now as to which one to get next.


Totally agree with ya. As a matter of fact, I wrote an article about using the J2534 (crap)... not impressed... If I was in a push/shove delimea... I think I would try ... but honestly... I'd go with the OEM.

The VCI modules is the latest greatest... But I'm sure that will all change in a bit too.

My Tech 2 gets a work out around here. But so does the IDS... I hardly pull the NGS out these days, but it's nice to have.

The DRB is really only there for reprogramming and or HVAC solutions. (very dated)


Thanx for your insight... you're right on the money... Gonzo


I agree oem is the way to go but tech 2, drb and ids are not current any longer. They are all switching to vci format (laptop based). I like the idea one laptop and many vci modules. To bad bosch cant make there vci work. Im in a wait mode right now as to which one to get next.


We use a Snap-On Verus with every option, topped around $8k for it and I would not recommend it at all. The development of snap-on electrical tools and the feedback to their development staff is terrible. We are now on our 3rd brand new unit, a dozen or so software updates and the tool still does not work as it should. There are lots of bugs in the way the program works and snap-on support has no way of getting these problems fixed when you call the tech line to report them. I have gone through a handful of contacts with snap-on diagnostics all of them give terrible feedback. The new update to 10.4 software brought countless bugs. The system simply isn't stable and in many cases simply does not work. The scope leaves much to be desired too. Sampling rate and display response of the scope is terribly slow. Options to configure triggers often do not work. I've had issues where I couldn't do something simple like scope an injector. Even had the snap-on tech guy here and left him with the car for a whole afternoon and they couldn't get it to work. I pulled out my old bluepoint scope on an extension cord (batteries are no longer available or I'd still use this thing) and had a waveform in less than a minute. We also bought the low amp probe for the Verus, it doesn't work at all. It will read up to a half amp draw if you just wave the thing around in the air. Still waiting on a replacement for that, its been a month.


The tool is far to expensive for its shortcomings and as the main tool used in our shop it can grind work to a stop when it fails which is at least weekly. We do a lot of VW/Audi work and I have a Ross-Tech for that. I also have the German package for the Verus but it will crash every time you're in expert mode, making it entirely useless. Luckily I can use the Ross-Tech as a OBD-II generic tool which helps a lot as a backup to the Verus. We are unfortunately already heavily invested in snap-on diagnostic equipment but will never buy anything from them again. The hand tools I think are generally worth the premium price but the diagnostic tools are not nearly worth the money and simply do not work as advertised.


I am not a Snap-On fans. If you want a good overall scan tool that has scope and gas analyzer, the OTC Genesys is the most cost effective. We are also very happy with Auto Enginuity, which is the best Euro scan tool we used aside from the Autologic (which is the Bugatti of scan tools.) The Auto Enginuity is the best bang for your buck by far, it is very good on US and Euro, not as much on Asian (though it is just behind Launch or Carman Scan on Asian.)



On youtube there was a good scan tool shoot out on VW that gets into the real-world specifics of what these tools do. It goes along with what I know from real world experience.


I have the Auto Enginuity and really haven't been happy with it. It doesn't have the testing functions that I think it should. When you use that scanner for Ford it has all the output tests but Chevy it doesn't offer it? Either that or I don't know how to use it well enough and the info it came with is pretty much useless.


I have the Auto Enginuity and really haven't been happy with it. It doesn't have the testing functions that I think it should. When you use that scanner for Ford it has all the output tests but Chevy it doesn't offer it? Either that or I don't know how to use it well enough and the info it came with is pretty much useless.

The AE is not user friendly at all. It hides bi directionals under the name "activation tests" that you need to side click on to get. For VW, it uses a totally different terminology and process to access the same thing. Real stupid.


But, the functionality is there and that's what I care about.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just took a look at a Bosch KTS 340 yesterday. The tools looks pretty good, european coverage is tremendously better than the Verus, Asian coverage looks very good too. The rep said that they are a little behind in GM coverage, primarily since they also sell the Tech2 specifically for GM. I guess the GM software (old vetronix) iis being merged with the Bosch software on the KTS line over the next year, at least that was the salesman's pitch. Is anyone using the Bosch tools. It runs linux and is significantly faster than the verus. I didn't have time to get into that many cars. We are thinking about selling our Verus and might get into this tool or another like it. The Verus is just to many headaches, especially for the ultimate premium price tag we spent on it.


I use bosch and like the master tech(have had a few) and the lab scope(have had a few also) but I have the new vci and they cannot get it to work right and are offerign little to no assistance. Im not pleased with there help. I would makeit a point to bring it up to your rep. Our rep is not good. He tells me just to use mine plugged in? I bought it cause its wireless? Good luck.


I use the OTC Genysis and find it OK. It does most of what I need. Some bidirectional controls. At times it is VERY slow to update PIDs, seconds behind what the sensors are actually reading. I have even reverted to my cheap autoxray for faster response at times. I miss the TechII from the dealer. I am always looking for something bigger, better, and more bang for the buck. The Autoenginuity seems very appealing.

  • 1 year later...

All domestics and asian imports. I also have a Volkswagen kicking my butt right now as well.


I've had some good success with the VAG-COM for VW and Audi. Cost me $200 a few years ago and hooks into a laptop USB port. Great software. Does just about everything the factory tool does for WAY cheaper. http://www.ross-tech.com/

  • 1 year later...

I currently use the Hanatech Ultra scan, for the price I'm pretty impressed cost around 3800 has a wide coverage of vehicle, very fast and has good bidirectional control, updates are not expensive, free for two years. Of course is not perfect the o-scope I don't like it us not color screen not self powered. Has anyone else played with this scan tool?


What I find lacking is the speed of a lot of scan tools. We have an Autel that we use to scan everything other than Euros. We use a VAG Com for Audi/Volkswagen and autologic for BMW and mercedes. The autologic has fast boot up times, it take a few minutes to set the lap top up and the autel is SLOWWW.

  • 9 months later...

I have an Modis ultra we bought about a year ago that works for most of what we do, but I just bought the IDS with the GETAC tablet from rotunda and after 20 hours on the phone 3 weeks and 2 tablets later its finally working.


My scanner choices are plenty... I have a lot of them.


My first choice is something that will read and define the codes (for all makes and models) that would be the DOL from Autoland.


Its simple to operate and wireless. This scanner doesn't do much more than read codes, but it does have some graphing abilities as well as key code, oil reminder resets, and a few other features.

After the car is coded, then it depends on the model and the exact problem I'm dealing with.


From that point I usually will reach for a manufacturer's scanner. Mainly for better PID and graphing capabilities.


I find it a lot easier to stick with one scanner for code reading and then move onto the manufacturer's scanners for detailed info.


In some cases all I need is the codes and then a scope. So there is no need in the next step up with a scanner.


I also have other specialty scanners for TPMS, Air Bag, etc... those of course, are for the purpose they are designed for. One feature that I use quite a bit on my TPMS scanner is the ability to see the strength of the key fob signal. (A good way to upsell a replacement battery for them.)

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      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
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      Throughout the episode, Chris Cotton passionately advocates for a balanced approach that leverages technology to streamline operations and improve service delivery, while also emphasizing the irreplaceable value of human connection in creating memorable customer experiences. By doing so, auto repair shops can not only meet but exceed customer expectations, ultimately leading to sustained business success.
      Introduction to Supercharging (00:00:09)
      Coach Chris Cotton introduces the podcast and its focus on enhancing auto repair business through innovative insights.
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      After poor service from Lenovo, Chris decides to purchase a MacBook, highlighting the positive experience he had.
      Apple's Exceptional Customer Service (00:08:00)
      Chris details his satisfaction with Apple's customer service, leading to his continued investment in their products.
      Starlink Customer Experience (00:09:14)
      Chris recounts his positive interaction with Starlink customer service while setting up internet for travel.
      Importance of Merging Technology and Personal Touch (00:12:15)
      Chris emphasizes the need for auto repair shops to blend technology with personal service to enhance customer experiences.
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