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This Auto Repair Shop is Screwing You

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This Auto Repair Shop Podcast is Screwing me!   And I didn't even get dinner beforehand!   Rather than listening via my podcast app, I played this youtube version, only to find out it is a 6 minute Clickbait teaser!   Then you goto their website and it's not there....   that is the clickbait title is absent from the actual episode.    It is entitled:  "ASOG Podcast LIVE at Vision KC with Phil Norvold of Max-Bilt Off-Road and Jamie Kane of Legends Marketing"

I've listened to a number of these podcasts and others.   In a nutshell, I classify these as "relevant" vs "intellectual" podcasts.   Most of what I've listened to so far has been relevant.    Normally, having just said "intellectual", I'd sling a friendly insult as I feel like I know them quite well after listening for hours and hours, but they don't know me.   I'm just an audience member, so my clever joke would fall flat!   😉    I like them and their topics and recommend listening.

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2 hours ago, Joe Marconi said:

I really don't know where to start. This video brings up valid points. However, like so many other podcasts, articles, and other media sources, it brings up the negative side of our auto repair shop industry.  Personally, I don't like it.  I am hesitating a bit, only because Auto Shop Owner is an open forum and we need to hear ALL voices, ALL opinions and ALL sides.


Like you, I only listened to the YouTube Video, but after reading this, I listened to the whole podcast to see what I missed.   Negativity would be uncharacteristic for them, but speaking openly and truthfully is their style, even if it hurts your feelings.  They often say mean things like "raise your rates!".   Like many of their podcasts, this one took a right turn from the main topic (which wasn't clearly defined anyway) for a bit and this really delved into a conversation on Trust (of your shop by customers).   Some of the trust issues were brought to the surface by other shops communicating poorly, sometimes intentional and sometimes not.   In general, the conversation was positive with a spin towards how professionals should act. 

Summary:  This short title listed here is truly worthy of the description:   Clickbait

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57 minutes ago, xrac said:

This is such a frustrating business not only do we have to deal with customers who may not understand anything but competitors who love to cut our throats.  This week I got a 1 star review because we were 3 times the price of some unnamed shop (or shade tree guy) on a repair.  Of course, we don't know what was done or not done or what quality parts were used or what skill the guy working on it had.  We had quoted pads, rotors, and calipers front and rear on a rust bucket with 200,000 miles that the owner wanted to pad slap.     

Have similar recent scars....   I read your review responses and I take a bit of a different approach when responding to haters.  You thanked your hater.   While it came off as nice and friendly, I only read that you were expensive and maybe it was because of better parts.   You didn't tell me that it was a rust bucket.  Had I known that, my impression would be quite different.    I do commend you for responding with grace.

I assume that the person that wrote the review is dead and never coming back.  I have no desire to interact with them (after exhausting phone contact attempts to resolve it).   Instead, I write to the future readers of this review.    If I messed up, I own it, but if they are unreasonable, I want the readers to see this and to dismiss this review on their own accord.  

It takes me 1-2 days and 10-12 iterations to put the necessary flowery words around the very negative things I have to say.  😬  I invest this time and effort because I'm marketing to the future reader.   Most of the time, they have 3 sections: empathy / concern, negative stuff and positive stuff.   By not responding immediately, I'm no longer acting out on anger.  

On the last review where we were called rude, my manager wanted to be all corporate-like with "we will do better" words.  I listened, but disagreed.   He's usually right though and who knows, maybe was right here too.   My response totally dismissed her demanded entitlement.

I have found that many people are reading our reviews and surprisingly, they are coming from further away than normal because of the overall good reviews.   They will sometimes tell me about a bad review and relate that they didn't believe it was our fault. 

Who did your customer a bigger disservice?  You for being thorough to solve his critical safety system or the other guy that did the bare minimum but gave him favorable pricing.   Your safety minded customers would agree that the other guy offered a disservice.    It's a marketing opportunity for you to connect with these safety-minded customers! 

I have to say that those unearned negative reviews hit me personally.   Because of this, I'm unable to write bad reviews of other businesses.  I will write positive ones when deserved.


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  • 1 month later...
25 minutes ago, DUFRESNES said:

Today we got a google 1 star review.  As owner, I answer all Google reviews.  We have 386.  This person said this place (our shop) doesn't even know how to change oil in a Prius.  I looked him up.  He hasn't been in since 2009 with a Subaru never his Prius.  How to stop Bad reviews that aren't ours?    I wrote this on the review, plus we have on file 130 Toyota Prius.

You can't.  But, you can use this as a marketing opportunity.   Many folks when looking at reviews, get the main score and then look at the responses to the bad reviews and also look at the most recent responses to get a feel for your shop.   Here's how I respond to a bad review:

First, call them to see if you can make it go away.  Maybe it was a simple misunderstanding.   If this fails, then I do not care about the reviewer.  I'm responding, but I'm NOT responding to the reviewer.  This is your marketing opportunity.   You are responding to those that read these bad reviews to see how the owner reacted.    I generally start with empathy and agree with what their concern is.   e.g.  I too would be unhappy if my shop could not handle a Prius.   Then, I tell the story of the reviewer.   Just the facts.  Often, they look uneducated or selfish or mistaken when I'm done.   Then I wrap it up with positive.

Without reading your review...  here's a mini-template to try:    I too would be unhappy if my shop could not handle a simple Prius oil change, however, seeing that you've not visited our shop since 2009, I wonder if you've directed your complaint to the wrong shop?   We do not even show a Prius on your account.   We did call you in an attempt to resolve this issue, but have not received any response.   We do Prius oil changes and/or repairs weekly.  Had you visited our shop, I'm betting that you would be much happier than you are now.   As you can see with our great reviews, this is uncharacteristic for our highly rated shop.  If you have any further information to share with us, I'd like to hear it.  Please call me, name, at 555-1212 to discuss further. 

Embrace it.  Again, this is written to your future customers who are reading your bad reviews.   If they read the review and think the reviewer is mistaken or just wrong, then you're off the hook.  Now, reel these new customers in.  They sided with you in their quick read of this review.  I've had people tell me that such and such is a $^&(#!!!   They do get read and processed with reason.   And you don't want the ones that pick the wrong side, so they don't dirty your doorstep.

I have fun with my review responses.   I take the bad ones seriously and write 5-15 edits before I post a response.  But with my good reviews, I answer everyone and keep it lighthearted and again, market to my review readers.

An undeserved bad review sure ruins your day, but it's not terrible.    It's only terrible if you deserved the review and any good shop will try to make it right anyway, so ultimately, it's not terrible.

Most of my 1 star reviewers have never entered my shop.   I have one that I deserved, but offered to have repaired.  We dented an Aluminum F-150 door.  (Who puts aluminum on trucks???)   I have some who are mad that their car has multiple problems that I won't fix for free.   And like you, I have some that are mad at someone else, but I'm being blamed.   All in all, I still have a high rating.    

Hope you find this helpful.

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
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