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Chris Cloutier is co-owner of Golden Rule Auto Care in Dallas Texas and CEO of Auto Tex Me. He spent many years in the software industry developing solutions for companies like Southwest Airlines, and Wyndham Intl. He’s worked for companies that understood the marriage of service and software, and have applied it in an effective way. Chris has his ASE C1: Automobile Service Consultant Certification Test (C1). He brings the business side to the business and his brother Pat brings the Braun. Chris is also a musician. Hear Chris’s previous episodes HERE.    Autotex.me website HERE.

Key Talking Points:

  1. What drives you?Passion for technology and change- Once Christ became free from “Corporate America” he saw the endless potential to be anything you want to be. Freedom to jump to conclusions and do what you want to do.  
  2. What did you want to grow up and be?Entrepreneur- make and build things 
  3. What impact will technology have on your business?Massive impact- constantly adding and changing in order to maintain successful customer experience and a productive and effective shop. If using technology is confuses and doesn’t work for them they are using the wrong technology
  4. What new technology are you going to add to your business in the next 6 months?“Baywatch” watching vehicles in real time ALPR (advanced license plate reader) and object recognition- measuring efficiency and productivity in the bays 
  5. What are you afraid of?Failure- “Failure is a part of success” but failure is still hard to handle. Sometimes you are afraid to make a choice because you’re afraid of what could happen as an outcome. Failure can happen due to factors you’re not in control of (COVID-19).  
  6. What do you do for fun?Spending time with family (2 daughters and wife). Activities together like ice skating, kicking soccer balls, skiing etc. 
  7. What is a big concern or threat to your business?Consolidation- driving and driverless fleets. Who will be repairing those vehicles? Who has nationwide coverage?
  8. How do you manage work/life harmony?Discipline to “turn it off” certain evenings and on Sunday’s- limited phone and computer use 
  9. What did you sacrifice in the early days to get where you are today? Regret it?Sacrificed friendships and relationships- it’s easy to pour yourself into work and neglect certain friendships. Chris doesn’t have regret because they were tradeoffs to pursue what he wanted to do.    
  10. Do you have a strong intuition? Do you listen to it? Has always followed his gut while knowing “the numbers.” Trusts his intuition and listens to it. During COVID his gut told him to inform his employees what was going on- potential layoffs, potential salary cuts etc. Employees were grateful he was honest and upfront.  
  11. Get any great advice that you still follow today?Advice from his father:“If you’re going to lie with the dogs you’re going to get fleas.” It serves as a reminder to surround yourself with good people. 
  12. How does one start to build a strong business culture?Starts with the leader- What are your strengths? What are you good at? What do you like? Find things you care about and your employees will see it. Don’t force “fun,” be genuine with your interests and the interests of your employees.  
  13. We learn from mistakes. What was one of your biggest mistakes?Not realizing his path early on in life- we often fight our paths but that’s when you have to listen to your intuition. 
  14. Wanted to make it big in music and failed but learned how to manage people/business during that time.  
  15. Ever had a mentor?Dad was first mentor
  16. Read “How to win friends and influence people” and it changed the course of his life. 
  17. Continues to have mentors, 20 groups and advisors “Feedback is a gift like on Christmas morning. Receive it, take it in, open it up, be thankful. Don’t throw it back in their face.” 
  18. How much training per year do you get?Minimum of 40 hours (1 hour every week) but often has over 120 hours per year- being apart of 20 groups 3-4 times a year, attends conferences and sits in the classrooms
  19. A secret to a good job interview?Behavior interviewing skills- instead of asking “Have you ever done an oil change before?” ask “Walk me through the last oil change you did.” Also ask questions about conflicts and how they were resolved. Ask about behavioral scenarios. 
  20. Would your organization crumble if you stepped aside?No- investing time training leaders to be leaders. Leadership is all about soft skills 
  21. Do you share your financial statements with your team? If Yes, why?Yes both the shop and software companies- your employees know your financials already and if you don’t share it they often think you are pocketing. Educate them on expenses and overhead.   
  22. Do you see obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities?Gap analysis- where are the gaps and how do I fill them in? Find out what people aren't doing and tumble through them. Obstacles are opportunities.
  23. Who is someone you really admire?Jesus- true servant leader instead of jumping to conclusions. Good people get in bad habits- look through that and offer grace. 


  • Thanks to Chris Cloutier for his contribution to the aftermarket’s premier podcast.
  • Link to the ‘BOOKS‘ page highlighting all books discussed in the podcast library HERE. Leaders are readers.
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  • Have you checked out Joe's Latest Blog?

      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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      National Calendar 
      Show Notes with Timestamps
      Introduction to the Episode (00:00:01)  Brian and Caroline introduce the podcast and thank RepairPal for their support. Preparing for May Marketing (00:01:16)  Discussion on planning marketing strategies for May, emphasizing the importance of advance preparation. General Marketing Themes (00:02:00)  Overview of summer-related topics, tax return spending, and pre-trip inspections for vehicles. Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month (00:03:17)  Highlighting the importance of motorcycle safety and tips for drivers and riders. Military Appreciation Month (00:03:39)  Encouraging auto repair shops to give back to military personnel throughout May. Teacher Appreciation Week (00:04:34)  Ideas for showing gratitude to teachers, including small gestures and discounts. National Pet Week (00:05:50)  Encouragement to engage customers by sharing pet photos on social media. Celebrating Various Appreciation Weeks (00:07:05)  Discussion on multiple appreciation weeks in May and the importance of selecting key themes. Learn to Ride a Bike Day (00:08:04)  Suggestions for community engagement by helping kids learn to ride bikes. National Skilled Trades Day (00:09:00)  Promoting skilled trades and hosting events to educate youth about automotive careers. Star Wars Day (May the 4th) (00:10:26)  Fun marketing ideas related to Star Wars Day for engaging customers. National Odometer Day (May 12th) (00:11:42)  Ideas for a fun contest involving vehicle odometer readings to engage customers. RepairPal Certification (00:13:14)  Discussion on becoming RepairPal certified and the benefits for auto repair shops. App Fueled Introduction (00:14:18)  Overview of a customer loyalty app designed for auto service shops. National Lost Sock Memorial Day (00:14:54)  Encouragement for creative engagement ideas related to this fun holiday. Military Appreciation Month (00:15:06)  Suggestions for acknowledging military families and providing discounts. National Dance Like a Chicken Day (00:15:59)  Call to action for engaging with customers through fun activities. Check Your Wipers Day (00:16:27)  Importance of checking wipers before summer travel and educating clients. National Pizza Party Day (00:18:05)  Highlighting the fun of pizza party day and community engagement. Armed Forces Day (00:18:28)  Ideas for honoring military personnel and their contributions. Memorial Day Awareness (00:18:46)  Discussion on the solemn nature of Memorial Day and appropriate observances. National Road Trip Day (00:19:34)  Emphasis on preparing vehicles for summer road trips and inspections. National Rescue Dog Day (00:20:13)  Celebrating rescue pets and their connection to the auto repair community. World Marketing Day (00:20:48)  Encouragement to appreciate and promote effective marketing efforts. Paws and Pistons Campaign (00:22:41)  Combining pet care with auto services for community engagement. Prepping for Road Trip Day (00:24:51)  Continued focus on educating customers about road trip preparations. Engagement Ideas (00:25:34)  Encouragement to share personal stories and engage customers creatively.
      Auto Repair Marketing Mastermind (00:26:01)  Invitation to join the Facebook group for sharing marketing ideas and support.
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      Thanks to our Partners,
      RepairPal at https://repairpal.com/shops. Quality Car Repair. Fair Price Guarantee.
      App Fueled at appfueled.com. “Are you ready to convert clients to members? AppFueled™ specializes in creating custom apps tailored specifically for auto repair businesses. Build your first app like a pro.”
      Aftermarket Radio Network
      Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion
      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life.
      The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching.
      Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size.
      Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest.
      The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level.
      The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/
      Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion. https://remarkableresults.biz/
      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life. https://mattfanslow.captivate.fm/
      Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest. https://huntdemarest.captivate.fm/
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      Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size. https://craigoneill.captivate.fm/
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    • By carmcapriotto
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      Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo: https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/
      Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/
      If you would like to join their private facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind
      In this episode of "The Weekly Blitz," Coach Chris Cotton delivers an insightful "state of the industry" update specifically tailored for auto repair businesses. He delves into the current challenges and opportunities facing the industry, starting with the rising vehicle dependability issues that have become increasingly prevalent. As cars age and require more frequent maintenance, auto repair shops are seeing a surge in demand for their services.
      Chris also explores the shifting consumer preferences towards more fuel-efficient vehicles, driven by environmental concerns and fluctuating fuel prices. This trend is influencing the types of services and expertise that repair shops need to offer, as well as the parts and technologies they must be familiar with.
      Economic factors such as inflation and rising credit card debt are also impacting customer affordability, making it crucial for auto repair businesses to find ways to offer value while maintaining profitability. Chris emphasizes the importance of consistency in business practices, suggesting that shops should focus on delivering reliable service and building customer trust to navigate these economic challenges.
      Adapting to the increased demand for repairs on older vehicles is another key point Chris addresses. He advises shops to invest in training and tools that enable them to efficiently service a wider range of vehicle makes and models, ensuring they can meet the needs of their diverse customer base.
      Furthermore, Chris highlights the need for improved technician work conditions, recognizing that attracting and retaining skilled technicians is essential for any repair shop's success. He suggests that businesses consider offering competitive wages, benefits, and a positive work environment to keep their teams motivated and productive.
      Strategic marketing is another area Chris focuses on, encouraging auto repair shops to leverage digital marketing strategies to reach potential customers effectively. He underscores the importance of a strong online presence and targeted advertising to stand out in a competitive market.
      State of the Industry Update (00:01:10)
      Chris shares insights on the auto repair industry's current state and trends for 2025.
      Vehicle Dependability Study (00:02:17)
      Discussion on JD Power's vehicle dependability report and issues with vehicle reliability.
      Supply Chain Disruptions (00:03:43)
      Ongoing supply chain issues from the pandemic affecting vehicle repairs and parts availability.

      Shift in Consumer Preferences (00:06:09)
      Consumers are moving from SUVs and trucks to smaller, more affordable cars.

      Impact of Inflation on Vehicle Affordability (00:07:25)
      Inflation is influencing consumer buying habits and delaying vehicle purchases.

      Nissan's Production Changes (00:08:44)
      Nissan cuts jobs and production capacity, shifting focus toward electric vehicles.

      Tariffs and Their Effects (00:10:06)
      Discussion on potential tariffs and their impact on vehicle prices and customer affordability.

      Credit Card Debt Concerns (00:11:18)
      Rising credit card debt poses risks for customers' ability to pay for repairs.

      Production and Supply Chain Challenges (00:12:31)
      Expected production drops due to tariffs leading to shortages and delayed repairs.

      Market Growth Drivers (00:13:52)
      Identifying key groups driving growth in the auto repair market.

      Decline of Certain Repair Shops (00:15:20)
      Analysis of repair shops losing revenue and market share.

      Technician Workforce Insights (00:15:20)
      Statistics on technician preferences, job satisfaction, and recruitment challenges.

      New Vehicle Sales Trends (00:18:01)
      Declining new vehicle sales and shifting mileage to older vehicles.

      Aftermarket Growth Opportunities (00:19:22)
      Increased demand for repairs on older vehicles presents opportunities for repair shops.

      Conclusion and Call to Action (00:20:25)
      Chris emphasizes the importance of adapting to industry changes and promotes Shop Marketing Pros again.
      Connect with Chris:
      [email protected]
      Phone: 940.400.1008
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
      AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae
      #autofixautoshopcoaching #autofixbeautofixing #autoshopprofits #autoshopprofit #autoshopprofitsfirst #autoshopleadership #autoshopmanagement #autorepairshopcoaching #autorepairshopconsulting #autorepairshoptraining #autorepairshop #autorepair #serviceadvisor #serviceadvisorefficiency #autorepairshopmarketing #theweeklyblitz #autofix #shopmarketingpros #autofixautoshopcoachingbook

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      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life.
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      Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest.
      Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size.
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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      Tune in now to learn how to support your community while staying humble and making a real impact!
      Thank you to our friends at RepairPal for providing you this episode. RepairPal is the key that unlocks more business for your repair shop. Learn More at RepairPal.com/shops. 
      Want to revolutionize your marketing? AppFueled does it all—email, text, app notifications, and even call center integration. Stop guessing and start connecting with AppFueled.
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      Show Notes with Timestamps
      Introduction to the Episode (00:00:10) Brian introduces the podcast and the topic of community involvement. Topic Suggestion Acknowledgment (00:00:34) Brian mentions Doug DeLuca's suggestion for the episode topic. Sponsor Acknowledgment (00:01:00) Brian thanks RepairPal for sponsoring the episode. Technical Issues Discussion (00:01:30) Brian and Kim discuss technical issues and Brian's experience with braces. Community Involvement Concerns (00:03:44) Kim shares a friend's hesitation about promoting community involvement due to fear of appearing boastful. Successful vs. Selfish Promotion (00:05:44) Discussion about the fine line between effective promotion and self-promotion. Promoting Community Engagement (00:07:24) Kim emphasizes the importance of spacing out promotional posts about community involvement. Starting with Gratitude (00:07:46) Kim suggests starting messages about community involvement with expressions of gratitude. Importance of "Why" (00:09:09) Discussion on the significance of explaining the reasons behind community involvement. Examples of Community Involvement (00:09:15) Brian and Kim share experiences of their community service activities. Promoting Community Work (00:11:25) Brian discusses the importance of promoting community service to demonstrate business values. Messaging about Community Involvement (00:12:21) Kim provides examples of how they communicate their community involvement on social media. Team Engagement in Community Work (00:14:20) Brian reflects on the team's connection with community members during service activities.  Closing Sponsor Acknowledgment (00:15:14) Brian thanks RepairPal again for supporting the episode. Community Engagement Strategies (00:15:26)   Discussion on how RepairPal helps auto shops gain customers through certification and fair pricing. Customer Loyalty Apps (00:16:25)  Introduction of App Fueled, a customer loyalty app designed for auto service shops. Highlighting Community Work (00:17:11)  Tips on emphasizing organizational missions instead of personal achievements in community involvement. Authentic Community Involvement (00:17:54)   The importance of sharing community efforts without seeking personal recognition or return. Sharing GoFundMe Campaigns (00:18:51)  Encouragement to promote charitable causes without boasting about personal donations. Industry-Specific Support (00:19:16)  Discussion on giving back to the auto repair industry and local communities. Respecting Privacy in Sharing (00:19:39)  The balance between sharing community involvement and respecting the privacy of those served. Educating Marketing Teams (00:22:43)  The need to guide marketing teams on how to portray community involvement authentically. Collaborating with Other Organizations (00:24:17)  Benefits of partnering with local businesses for community service efforts. Celebrating Local Teams (00:25:38)  Highlighting local sports teams and community events to promote goodwill. Telling the Story of Donations (00:27:40)  Importance of sharing the personal connection behind charitable contributions. Personal Anecdotes from Mission Trips (00:28:28)  Sharing impactful stories from mission trips to illustrate the importance of community support. Personal Anecdote on Community Support (00:29:29)  Kim shares a personal story about supporting organizations that assist her brother with disabilities. Encouragement to Join Facebook Group (00:30:44)  Kim invites listeners to join their Facebook group for further engagement and community building. Request for Podcast Reviews (00:31:03)  Brian asks listeners to leave reviews for the podcast, emphasizing the importance of feedback. Closing Remarks and Sponsorship Acknowledgment (00:31:36)  Brian concludes the episode, thanking sponsors and encouraging listeners to tune in next week.
      Thanks to our Partners,
      RepairPal at https://repairpal.com/shops. Quality Car Repair. Fair Price Guarantee.
      App Fueled at appfueled.com. “Are you ready to convert clients to members? AppFueled™ specializes in creating custom apps tailored specifically for auto repair businesses. Build your first app like a pro.”
      Aftermarket Radio Network
      Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion
      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life.
      The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching.
      Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size.
      Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest.
      The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level.
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
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      Two Shop Owners React: PartsTech's Industry Survey for 2025

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