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Matt Lachowitzer is a husband, father of 3, avid Minnesota Vikings fan, and owner and founder of Matt’s Automotive Service Center. A Herman, MN native, Matt started this company as a two-bay shop back in 2009. He has expanded the company into 6 locations with beautiful, state of the art facilities all over the Fargo-Moorhead area. Matt enjoys being a pillar in the community, giving back in any way he can, and providing knowledge and education in the biggest ways possible. As a result of being a continuous educator and an amazing pillar in the community, Matt won Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015 through the Fargo-Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce. When Matt’s not working, he enjoys fishing, riding ATV’s, watching football, and traveling with his family. Check Matt’s other episodes HERE.

Emily Chung is a proud mom of two energetic boys. She owns and operates AutoNiche, a family-friendly auto repair shop in Markham. She is a licensed Automotive Service Technician, and Automotive Writer with various publications. She also teaches in the Automotive Business School of Canada at Georgian College. Emily holds a degree from the University of Waterloo in Psychology and Business, and her previous jobs include Psychometrist and Human Resources Associate.

She has appeared on various media including Breakfast Television, Cityline, and the Marilyn Denis Show. She is passionate about her work; together with her staff, AutoNiche’s purpose is to bring better communication and client service to the auto repair experience. Check Emily’s previous episodes HERE.

Kelli Weatherby co-owner, with husband Lee, in Accurate Automotive, Inc. in Mesa, AZ. Accurate Automotive was founded in July 1994

Their time building Accurate Automotive, Inc. has been very adventurous. Along the way they have been fortunate to have received awards but mostly Kelli treasures her involvement in ATI and being a part of the sole all women 20 groups, Leading Ladies.

Kelli is the mother of 2. Morgan (daughter), Corbin (Son) both married now and working in their careers. Corbin is a father of 3 which makes me a Nana who LOVES to spoil her little’s!!!  Listen to Kelli’s previous episodes HERE.

Kevin Eckler, a Dad and a mentor along with wife Lisa, own Foreign Car Specialists, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Kevin has been named Albany, NY region’s ASE Tech of the Year 2019 and 2020. He was also voted Best mechanic in the Hudson Valley, which encompasses Westchester, Putnum, Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster and Greene counties. Kevin is a 40 year veteran of the industry, and still has a love for it and simply cannot understand why anyone would tell a young person to get out while they can, instead of inspiring them to greatness! Kevin’s previous episodes HERE.

Key Talking Points:

Matt Lachowitzer

Not letting go of the cancer in my shop because he was a “super tech”

 Some points

  1.  I was afraid because he was our best tech, highest producing, could fix anything
  2. I didn’t know if our team could replace what he could do
  3. It appeared that he was well liked, and I didn’t want to cause issues, even though it was causing lots of issues. Lost front end staff especially.

Emily Chung

  • I didn't terminate the employee soon enough
  • I believed that I couldn't run the business without him
  • The employee was a great technician, and I thought that meant I could take advice from him in other areas e.g. business operations

 Lessons learned

  • Slow to hire, quick to fire
  • Being a tech and being a business owner are very different skills
  • I'm more resourceful than I give myself credit for, no matter what happens I'll figure it out


  • The experience has added resiliency to my character
  • I now know the price I pay when I allow toxicity to persist
  • I was able to work through that season of my business

Kelli Weatherby

  • Our 20 group had made mention that we were going to have shop spotlights as a line item in our meetings for 2020 and beyond. As discussed, this would help shops/owners in reaching goals set along with many other advantages. Lee and I along with another local shop had been part of an in-person shop tour. So my thought was there is NO way we would be considered for a spotlight. OH BOY WAS I WRONG. 
  • We were lucky to have 5 separate committees 1.) Facilities 2.) Marketing 3.) Management 4.) Finance 5.) Lee and Kelli Headspace support
  • Outcome (PRICELESS) - With the help that was rendered I believe we were prepared and STRONG in all that was 2020. We put together AND finalized our organization chart. Our standard operating procedures were dialed in with new manuals. Our financials and budgets along with our 3 yr business plan have been shared with our whole management team. Our succession is going forward. Lee and I are working diligently on our 35 yr marriage and have included a counselor that we BOTH agree is helpful. I mentioned this last but I certainly believe with ALL that I am, this is the most important work we do. In a business where the owner/operators are all in and on deck looking to manage personal challenges AND business growth and personnel engagement along with customer experience....MAN OH MAN this will spin the head  
  • If you feel any of this is relevant to where you would like to go, I am an open book and glad to share. If not, l have had many experiences with what started out as a train wreck, turned to a golden opportunity for growth!!

Kevin Eckler

  • Being too busy and drawn up into the moment and not seeing the bigger picture was my fatal flaw.I was so consumed in the daily work that I never seriously sought out bettering myself thru business education and only sought out technical knowledge.
  • My focus was being the best at what I did, which is fine, except I continued to view myself as a tech and not an owner. It was safe, comfortable, familiar, and completely the wrong way to, which held growth and prosperity way back and kept us as a shop from being who we could have been.
  • So in short, not stepping into and owning the position that had come to hold and clinging to what was safe almost financially, physically, and emotionally destroyed me.Accepting and finally embracing my responsibilities and putting the same efforts into becoming an educated owner as I did as a tech is when the change began in the business towards being successful. It is still a fight to not fall back into what is safe, but I now own my place and responsibilities.


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This episode is brought to you buy Shop Marketing Pros. Your guides are Kim and Brian Walker with a rich history as shop owners and industry veterans. When someone searches for a shop, who are they finding? Your competitors? It should be you! The good people over at Shop Marketing Pros know how to drive website traffic and make Google work for you! www.shopmarketingpros.com

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  • Have you checked out Joe's Latest Blog?

      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
    • By carmcapriotto
      The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops.
      Click here to learn more about Top Tier Marketing by Shop Marketing Pros and schedule a demo: https://shopmarketingpros.com/chris/
      Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/
      If you would like to join their private facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind
      The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops.
      I’d like to give another shoutout to our sponsor, Shop Marketing Pros. They are the only marketing company I recommend, and they handle all of the marketing for my own shop as well. If you’re serious about growth, you need strategies that actually work: better websites, higher Google rankings, and ads that bring real customers through your doors.
      Visit ShopMarketingPros.com/chris to partner with a team that understands your business. Because every great shop deserves marketing that’s just as great.
      The Weekly Blitz is brought to you by our friends over at Shop Marketing Pros. If you want to take your shop to the next level, you need great marketing. Shop Marketing Pros does top-tier marketing for top-tier shops.
      I’d like to give another shoutout to our sponsor, Shop Marketing Pros. They are the only marketing company I recommend, and they handle all of the marketing for my own shop as well. If you’re serious about growth, you need strategies that actually work: better websites, higher Google rankings, and ads that bring real customers through your doors.
      Visit ShopMarketingPros.com/chris to partner with a team that understands your business. Because every great shop deserves marketing that’s just as great.

      Check out their podcast here: https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/

      If you would like to join their private Facebook group go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/autorepairmarketingmastermind

      In this episode of "The Weekly Blitz," host Coach Chris Cotton delves into the critical topic of enhancing customer experience within the auto repair industry by effectively merging cutting-edge technology with personalized service touches. Drawing from his own life, Chris shares vivid personal anecdotes that illustrate the profound impact of customer service on brand perception and loyalty.
      He begins by recounting his contrasting experiences with two tech giants, Apple and Lenovo. Through these stories, Chris highlights how Apple's commitment to seamless, customer-centric service left a lasting positive impression, whereas Lenovo's lackluster support fell short of expectations. These anecdotes serve as powerful examples of how excellent customer service can significantly influence customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
      Chris also shares his positive interactions with Starlink, the satellite internet service provider. He emphasizes how Starlink's proactive communication and dedication to resolving issues made him feel valued as a customer. This experience underscores the importance of making customers feel appreciated and respected, which can transform a one-time transaction into a long-term relationship.
      Introducing the concept of "relationship coins," Chris encourages auto repair shops to view customer interactions as opportunities to invest in building strong, lasting relationships. He explains that each positive interaction adds to a metaphorical bank of goodwill, which can pay dividends in terms of customer loyalty and repeat business.
      Sponsored by Shop Marketing Pros, the episode underscores the necessity of providing exceptional service to foster customer loyalty and drive business growth. Chris argues that in an industry where trust and reliability are paramount, auto repair shops must prioritize customer experience by integrating technology that enhances service efficiency while maintaining the personal touch that makes customers feel valued and understood.
      Throughout the episode, Chris Cotton passionately advocates for a balanced approach that leverages technology to streamline operations and improve service delivery, while also emphasizing the irreplaceable value of human connection in creating memorable customer experiences. By doing so, auto repair shops can not only meet but exceed customer expectations, ultimately leading to sustained business success.
      Introduction to Supercharging (00:00:09)
      Coach Chris Cotton introduces the podcast and its focus on enhancing auto repair business through innovative insights.
      Guest Introduction and Technology Discussion (00:01:12)
      Chris introduces Craig O'Neill and discusses the impact of technology on customer experience in the auto repair industry.
      Personal Customer Experience Anecdote (00:02:21)
      Chris shares a personal story about his customer experience with laptop purchases and the importance of customer service.
      Switching to Apple Products (00:05:49)
      After poor service from Lenovo, Chris decides to purchase a MacBook, highlighting the positive experience he had.
      Apple's Exceptional Customer Service (00:08:00)
      Chris details his satisfaction with Apple's customer service, leading to his continued investment in their products.
      Starlink Customer Experience (00:09:14)
      Chris recounts his positive interaction with Starlink customer service while setting up internet for travel.
      Importance of Merging Technology and Personal Touch (00:12:15)
      Chris emphasizes the need for auto repair shops to blend technology with personal service to enhance customer experiences.
      Connect with Chris:
      [email protected]
      Phone: 940.400.1008
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
      AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae
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      Connect with Chris:
      [email protected]
      Phone: 940.400.1008
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
      AutoFixAutoShopCoachingYoutube: https://bit.ly/3ClX0ae
      #autofixautoshopcoaching #autofixbeautofixing #autoshopprofits #autoshopprofit #autoshopprofitsfirst #autoshopleadership #autoshopmanagement #autorepairshopcoaching #autorepairshopconsulting #autorepairshoptraining #autorepairshop #autorepair #serviceadvisor #serviceadvisorefficiency #autorepairshopmarketing #theweeklyblitz #autofix #shopmarketingpros #autofixautoshopcoachingbook
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