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I was looking for some input into advertising. I have really not done any the last 25 years. We are rebranding or should I say changing directions a little. Going back to tires, brakes ,alignment and maintence. When I did it last other than the phone book we did a little newspaper. I think those have basically gone. So many options out there, I just do not want to throw a bunch of money away on the wrong advertising. Any help would surely be appreciated. Sincerely David


I have 4 main campaigns going and some other things.  One hits 45K homes every 3 weeks, one hits about 10K homes every 5 weeks (overlaps), one is direct mail to people that have never visited my shop and then other reminder marketing.   What I did was to align myself with a small business marketing company that specializes in automotive.   I get lower pricing thru him than I would going direct to the mailing companies because of his total volume.   Actually, the direct mail and the reminder marketing are done thru two other companies that specialize in those types of marketing.  I track all of these very carefully to monitor success rate.   In spite of that, frankly, I couldn't tell you for sure that it works versus doing nothing, but I do believe it helps get the word out that we exist, which IMO is my biggest barrier being relatively new.   I'm still doing it and have no plans to stop.   I'd be happy to share contacts if useful.   This is costing me about $2500 monthly.

They say that you need to be seen 7 times with advertising to be "known".   I had significant heart-burn deciding to do this and didn't want to do what I'm doing.  I'm mailing much wider than I want to because of how the postal / advertiser routes are structured.   If I want to mail across the street, I have to accept that whole area.  Kind of frustrating, but I'm hitting my target areas.

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  • Alex changed the title to Looking for some input into Advertising

Topic title changed to "Looking for some input into Advertising" and moved to Marketing, Advertising, & Promoting forum. 😁


Advertising is one of the biggest heartaches for many automotive shops. Their are many questions that swirl around the idea about advertising.

How much money do we need to spend?

Who is our target?

How do we know if the advertising going to work? 

Their is no right answer to the advertising question, but the answer does lay with your customers. Simply put, there is three generation of customers; past, present and future.

The past customers already know you and know the customer service that you provide, in return they send word a mouth to other friends that need repairs. These customers don't go un-noticed, they are your behind the scene advertisers. They are the ones that you send special support to, such as, gift cards, thank you cards, free oil changes and so on. They will continue to feed your business.

The present customers are your referral customers. They require a little more attention and communication so they know they can trust you as a reliable automotive shop. Making sure that you spend the time explaining what is wrong with there vehicle and what the recommend repair is and the options they have. With these customers you add a key chain to there rings, you give them a oil change sticker on the windshield, you give them a cool looking decal. Something that they can walk away and say I went to THIS SHOP to have my truck repaired.

The future customers, is our future customers. We rely on past and present customer to continue to feed our shops with work. Most important thing that many people forget is that you are AIMING for the FUTURE CUSTOMERS "Gen Z, iGen or Centennials" these are the social media, internet advertising customers. They don't deal with direct mail or hassle with emails, they scroll through social media and look at pop ups, they google business and look at reviews. To answer your question, invest in SEO if you want to continue to build your business.

Conclusion, I took over a 40 year old transmission shop 12 years ago. It is still family owned and operated and houses excellent talent and knowledge in the field of transmission. I noticed that we were loosing customers and things needed to change. They were still advertising with phone books and newspapers. But we were in the middle of change in society with social media picking up speed. I saw it coming. I quickly changed direction and started focusing on the "Future customers". We started to focus and research the SEO world. What did it have to deal with me. The more I learned the more I realized that we all do the same thing. You go on vacation and you have a breakdown, where do you turn to? The internet. When you have problems with your car and who do you take it to? You look on the internet.

Currently 60% of our new cliental come from the internet and reviews, 30% from word a mouth and 10% all others. There is not a right way or wrong way to advertise, you just have to look into your community and see where your greatest strength are.


Hope this post helps someone. Have a great day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I said:

On 9/1/2019 at 8:46 PM, bantar said:

I track all of these very carefully to monitor success rate.   In spite of that, frankly, I couldn't tell you for sure that it works versus doing nothing,

I intended to say....    I've not tried "doing nothing", so I have no way to compare "nothing" with what I'm doing.   I believe that doing nothing would be bad and therefore don't have plans to test it.

  • 1 month later...

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