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I havent posted here in awhile figured id might get some insight. I am 27 years old, Been in business for 4 years. Over the last year i just feel like ive run out of gas. I am getting depressed, Not interested in working on cars or the business. Its taken a toll on it. Very close tk losing it, I do not want that. Any ideas on what to do?


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I am writing this to you based on the thread title. 


Step back and take a deep breath, it is not uncommon to become overwhelmed. Remember that your family is more important than anything and that is where you will find your strength. If you are struggling in your work there is no shame in that, we can all relate. The ironic thing is that when this passes and you look back on your struggles you will realize it was not the end of the world. 

Get yourself in the right frame of mind (with your family ‘s help) and don’t make ANY decisions of any kind until you are feeling better. 

Be strong and hang in there, look to the people who care about you to help you through this. 

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I think SPG356 wrote a great reply to your post and I hope that you do have a close friend or family member that you can draw strength from. If not then you always have us and we all know the trials and tribulations of this vocation. We work all day “fixing” things and then when we have a problem it is hard to accept that we are unable to fix it. You need time, patience, understanding and prayer and I am sure you will be OK.

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Let me begin by saying that I have been in similar circumstances myself. Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I have met a lot of shop owners that have been in similar states of mind. Doctors have told me that depression is often repressed anger. For me I was working as hard as I could expecting things to change and improve.  As the saying goes "doing the same thing over and over and expecting change is the definition of insanity". 

My suggestion:

Visit your Doctor and make sure you are physically OK.

If your business is crushing you there are a number of automotive business coaching firms that will help you identify whats wrong. They can provide immediate help. 

I have learned that the automotive repair business has little to do with fixing cars. Managing your business is a different skill set than fixing cars.

Keep us posted on your situation.


Regards Mike

  • 4 weeks later...

Same boat here.  I struggled for 3 years to improve my business doing tons of different things, always with a focus on customer service, and made it barely to mediocrity.  My income for those three years was about $25k a year give or take a few hundred.  I hired a mechanic and started woodworking in the back corner of the shop just to forget about it all for a couple of months.  

Then things changed when a retiring shop owner approached me wanting to sell his business and building.  He found us based on the many 5 star reviews posted online.  We moved in and everything changed.  Now I struggle with keeping up, renovating, and finding the right staff to keep up with production.

The moral of this story is if you keep doing the right things and plugging away, eventually the universe (or god, however you want to look at it) will throw you a bone.

Don't give up, never surrender.  Perseverance is the name of anything worth having in life.  

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  • 7 months later...
On 4/21/2018 at 1:48 AM, defiancetire said:

I havent posted here in awhile figured id might get some insight. I am 27 years old, Been in business for 4 years. Over the last year i just feel like ive run out of gas. I am getting depressed, Not interested in working on cars or the business. Its taken a toll on it. Very close tk losing it, I do not want that. Any ideas on what to do?

@defiancetire any updates on your situation? I saw your other topic on changing your business name, so just wondering how it's been going with you...

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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