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Diversity Of The Mechanic - - Mechanics knowledge background has evolved just like the cars ... Now if the rest of the population would. . .


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Diversity in Mechanics

The days when nearly every driver was aware of what was going on under the hood of their car has faded into the history books. Not only has the driver lost touch with the inner workings of their automobile, the car itself has become more “user-friendly”. There’s no hand crank to twist, no choke lever to pull out, no manual brakes, and anymore, hardly no one rolls a window down by hand or uses a clutch to shift the transmission.

  Less and less effort is required by the driver to operate the vehicle.  What was once a series of steps you hand to accomplish to start a car has now become automated to the point all you have to do is push a button and the car starts.  Gone are the cold morning starts where you had to pump the gas pedal, crank the engine, then listen to the motor to see if the fast idle had set or not. But, you always had to be careful that you didn’t flood the cold engine, and if you did… that brought on a whole other set of tasks the driver had to accomplish correctly.

It’s not just starting the vehicle that needs less driver influence, even parallel parking has become a hands free procedure. Now, with all the cameras and radar systems attached to the car there’s hardly anything to do except be a passenger.  Even then, you’re basked in a climate controlled cocoon with atmospheric controls such as lighting, massage chairs, heated seats, and soothing background music all the while computers and sensors are controlling every movement. 

         Growing up around car repair shops might have made a difference as to how I look at these complicated thing-a-ma-jigs they refer to as the modern car. They’re not just a ‘car’ anymore.  In my youth it was nothing to see a gang of dads leaning over a hood when something went wrong.  Today, there’s not a whole lot to see.  It’s all plastic covers with various caps and knobs for adding fluids and if you’re lucky there might even still be a dipstick under there too.

         Diagnosing and repairing the modern car isn’t quite the same as it was back in the day all the dad’s would gather around the fenders.  Even though the operation of the vehicle has been somewhat automated the repair side of things has gone other way.  Parts swapping, guess until ya get it, and the old ask your uncle Bob what’s wrong with your car is as out of date as the crank start.  But, I still find it rather amazing how the engineers and designers managed to “dummy-down” all the possible problems that possibly could happen to a little check engine light on the dash.  Can you imagine what it would be like if they didn’t?

Service lights, warning indicators, and digital messages inform the driver of the severity or condition of the vehicle.  Although, most of the information that appears on the digital screen is more of a generic message or sometimes even displayed as a short message telling the driver of the condition of the vehicle without actually telling them precisely what’s wrong.  Even if it did, who would understand it?  Surely not the driver (in most cases), that’s left up to the service technician. 

You know ‘that’ guy.  The one that overcharges you for those repairs you don’t understand or even care to know because you’re far above the educational requirements of a certified mechanic. Of course, anyone who’s been around the business for any length of time will tell you that the days of the grease jockey recharging your air conditioner by slappin’ a can of Freon in your car so you can whiz off to work are about as far gone as 2 ply tires. That’s where diversity between mechanics and the technical advances start to show through.

         The technical training for a good mechanic with advanced skill levels can exceed the requirements of most 4 year college degrees. The big difference between the academic degree and the technical school degree is still greatly debated. To me, the requirements of the educational programs differ only in the fact that in an academic setting you’re required a certain level of English, math, and the other various ‘general’ skills for graduation. The trade schools generally don’t have those academic requirements for graduation. The big problem is the non-car aficionados (general public) don’t want to admit that the family car requires a college degree to keep them in tip top shape.  So why would the guy changing the oil need to have a degree?  

         There’s a very good possibility that a shortage of technicians qualified to work on the modern car is drastically going to increase in the next decade or so.  Of course, ask anyone in the business now and they’ll tell you the average age of the professional mechanic has slowly been increasing to well over 50 years of age.  That might have a lot do with the startup requirements put on the new technicians coming into the field.  To many times a young mechanic gets into the business with those wild eyed ideas that they can fix anything that rolls into their service bay, only to find out their skills sets lack a lot of the required knowledge in understanding the complexities of the modern types of problems their facing. 

         That brings us back to that college grad again.  They’ve spent a ton of money on their education, and some may never pay those loans off for years, if not decades.  Technical college fees remain low in comparison, and with luck, the average educated technician will have their tuition fees taken care long before the college grad has theirs paid off.  Here’s something else to think about, while a lot of college grads take on temporary jobs like a waiter while their waiting for their big break into that six figure job they’ve been trained for, most grads of the tech schools are out working in the very field they’ve been trained for.  They might be the college grad on the lube rack, but he’s there, in his field of choice getting his hands dirty and working towards his ultimate goals. Chances are, the mechanic will be at that very restaurant having lunch while wearing their rental uniform covered in the days grease and grime and the waiter…. well, they’re still working for tips. 

         The real issue for the mechanic’s world is the acceptance of the educational level required and the respect that the mechanic deserves as well as being compensated for said education and skills needed.  I do believe, in time, the shortage of trained-qualified technicians will turn into an increase in wages across the board. Which is just what the industry needs to draw in those new faces to the service bays.  All this can start back in high school.  Somebody needs to tell the school guidance counselors that being an automotive mechanic is a trade with high expectations and compensation, not a last resort job for those undesirable individuals that didn’t pass their SAT’s. 



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Great read ! The high expectations are already there the high compensation, well I hope that will be coming before it gets too late.. It has become a several times a day battle to try to get customers to understand why there are diagnostic charges and they don't drive a simple car anymore they are driving a bunch of computers on wheels. 

It is also probably a double sided sword when cars become more user friendly the general public probably believes the repair of them has followed suit . Remember all we need to do to repair a car is google , youtube, or phone a friend LOL.. 

It will definitely take someone very dedicated and willing to learn, to get into the repair business these days. 

we are known by a large majority of the general public as "grease monkeys, rip offs, uneducated kind of bottom feeders" also everyone thinks mechanics are rich all of these are so far from the truth will this ever change?? maybe maybe not. Will we ever break the stigma given to us ? possible once the workforce is weeded of the hacks etc. , until then well we just have to keep on plucking forward

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maybe not, the next generation of cars will have the autonomous feature of being able to fix itself! It will drive itself to a location and a bunch of automated arms will hover over the engine, make the diagnosis and put in the new already programed parts, and you will be off your way. The only thing that will be the same is the price of repair, still going up! 

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1 hour ago, kenk said:

maybe not, the next generation of cars will have the autonomous feature of being able to fix itself! It will drive itself to a location and a bunch of automated arms will hover over the engine, make the diagnosis and put in the new already programed parts, and you will be off your way. The only thing that will be the same is the price of repair, still going up! 

I guess the next generation of mechanics will be the guys and gals that fix the machines that fix the machines then.  LOL

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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      Overall, this episode of "The Weekly Blitz" offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice for anyone looking to transform their business, emphasizing that with the right leadership, tools, and culture, significant improvements and success are well within reach.
      Introduction and Overview (00:00:09)
      Coach Chris Cotton introduces the episode and discusses the podcast's focus on auto repair business innovation.  
      Guest Introduction (00:01:03)
      Coach Chris brings in Coach Mike to discuss the transformation of an absentee-owned auto repair shop, "Project X."  
      Absentee Owner Challenges (00:02:13)
      Coach Mike outlines the difficulties in managing a shop with an absentee owner and the need for strong leadership.  
      Starting Point and Initial Changes (00:03:46)
      Discussion on the initial steps taken to improve the struggling shop, focusing on hiring experienced staff.  
      Importance of Tech Metric (00:04:57)
      Coach Mike emphasizes the significance of using Tech Metric for tracking business performance remotely.  
      Training on Estimates and Inspections (00:06:09)
      Coach Mike describes the training provided to staff on creating accurate estimates and conducting thorough inspections.  
      Staff Engagement and Overcoming Issues (00:07:16)
      Mike shares how engaging staff in discussions helped improve buy-in and operational efficiency.  
      Growth and Profitability (00:09:10)
      The shop's revenue growth from $10,000 to $25,000 weekly, illustrating successful team collaboration and profitability.  
      Absentee Owner's Success (00:10:42)
      The absentee owner expresses interest in acquiring more shops, highlighting the success of the current operation.  
      Addressing Bad Apples (00:11:20)
      Discussion on identifying and removing unproductive staff to improve shop performance.  
      Future Plans for the Shop (00:13:15)
      Coach Mike outlines upcoming goals, including staffing and efficiency improvements to sustain growth.  
      Community Involvement Strategy (00:14:44)
      Plans for local engagement and marketing to strengthen community ties and attract more customers.  
      Community Engagement Strategies (00:15:35)
      Discusses ways to attract customers, including open houses and community involvement.  
      Team Accountability (00:16:24)
      Explores the importance of a strong service manager and team buy-in for business growth.  
      Owner's Accountability from Afar (00:17:31)
      Highlights how absentee owners can maintain accountability through regular communication and ticket audits.  
      Continuous Improvement (00:19:24)
      Encourages business owners to strive for constant improvement and efficiency in operations.  
      Closing Remarks (00:20:54)
      Wraps up the discussion with appreciation for the guest and encouragement for listeners.  
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