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Posted (edited)

Do you have a copy of that spreadsheet to share? I'd like a copy please.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just found the article where this was posted. I was under the assumption that it was your spreadsheet.

Edited by bstewart
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How much does it cost to say "No" to all the customers that want an oil change at market price? It'll never be a money maker but a good service to my customers. Same as inspections, free air, go for a ride real quick what's that noise type stuff. I'll never try to attract customers with $14.99 coupons but even at $32.99 or whatever it isn't a profit center on it's own.

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How much does it cost to say "No" to all the customers that want an oil change at market price? It'll never be a money maker but a good service to my customers. Same as inspections, free air, go for a ride real quick what's that noise type stuff. I'll never try to attract customers with $14.99 coupons but even at $32.99 or whatever it isn't a profit center on it's own.


My point in opening the thread was to open up the discussion of giving away services.


It should be repugnant to you to keep doing oil changes at below your cost for the sake of bringing in customers that do not pay their way and basically get from you a subsidy.


It should be ingrained into your brain that it costs you hard dollars every car that you pull into your bays. If you don't know what your costs are, you are subsidizing your customers with your old age suffering, you will not always will be young and strong and not putting money away for retirement will be a painful sin to bear once you are old.


If the competition around you is too stupid to figure it out, tie up their bays with oil changes, send them all the cheap oil change work to them, pull the gravy work off the vehicle and send it up the road to get the oil change done, see how fast they learn.


btw, some will not learn and go out of business.

  • Like 2

I totally agree with your point Harry, none of us should compete in the race to the bottom as Joe describes it. "If the competition around you is too stupid to figure it out, tie up their bays with oil changes, send them all the cheap oil change work to them, pull the gravy work off the vehicle and send it up the road to get the oil change done, see how fast they learn." see how fast you need to attract new customers is more like it. Most people don't like going to two mechanics, that guy that did your unwanted work will get the next batch of gravy.


We give away free flat repairs and tire rotations with a tire purchase. I offer free fluid top offs between oil changes. I do a lot of checks for free (not diagnosis) It eats time doing free work, but overall we gain much more than we lose.


"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

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Posted (edited)

I totally agree with your point Harry, none of us should compete in the race to the bottom as Joe describes it. "If the competition around you is too stupid to figure it out, tie up their bays with oil changes, send them all the cheap oil change work to them, pull the gravy work off the vehicle and send it up the road to get the oil change done, see how fast they learn." see how fast you need to attract new customers is more like it. Most people don't like going to two mechanics, that guy that did your unwanted work will get the next batch of gravy.


We give away free flat repairs and tire rotations with a tire purchase. I offer free fluid top offs between oil changes. I do a lot of checks for free (not diagnosis) It eats time doing free work, but overall we gain much more than we lose.


"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar




I speak from experience, I don't do cheap oil changes. My conventional oil change price is $49.95 and that is only if we already have the car on the lift for other work. If you are coming off the street the price is $59.95, synthetics are $99.95+


Try this simple exercise, go into your database, print out how many oil changes you did for the past five years, then deduct your costs from it, how much money did you made or lose?


I haven't lost any money on LOFs in the past 7 years.


Here is the kicker, the amount of revenue you are losing is tremendous once you see it and internalize it. What is worse, the time taken on oil changes that lose you money could have been used to make money and give better customer service to a much better class of customers.

Edited by HarrytheCarGeek
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Somebody sold that "oil change customer" a car,clothes,watch,sell phone,place to stay,etc. I figure it costs $100.00 each to get a new customer to brag about my shop. Give every oil change customer a reason to sell your shop to others. I would change oil with filter, hand car and clean windows, place $2.00 bill with discount card behind his fuel door and ask for their referrals. I keep track of all referrals. After years of doing this i a few customers just swing by for a free hand wash, fluid level and tire air checks. My co-worker scolded me for wasting my time. I then pulled up the "time wasting" customers account showing that in the last few years they spent $6k but referred $40k worth of work to our shop.

Posted (edited)

Somebody sold that "oil change customer" a car,clothes,watch,sell phone,place to stay,etc. I figure it costs $100.00 each to get a new customer to brag about my shop. Give every oil change customer a reason to sell your shop to others. I would change oil with filter, hand car and clean windows, place $2.00 bill with discount card behind his fuel door and ask for their referrals. I keep track of all referrals. After years of doing this i a few customers just swing by for a free hand wash, fluid level and tire air checks. My co-worker scolded me for wasting my time. I then pulled up the "time wasting" customers account showing that in the last few years they spent $6k but referred $40k worth of work to our shop.

No buying it. We all have that unicorn account, too. simple math. 1+1=2. How many oil changes did you do last year? How much did they cost you? How much revenue did you receive? Simple as that.

Edited by HarrytheCarGeek

No buying it. We all have that unicorn account, too. simple math. 1+1=2. How many oil changes did you do last year? How much did they cost you? How much revenue did you receive? Simple as that.

I duplicated that "Unicorn account" so many times that i was known as the "Richest Car washer in town" My very first customer in 1969 brought me a car that needed $75.00 to fix. When i quoted that repair he said i was too high and wanted to pick the car up. I told him give me 30 minutes. I washed his car and cleaned the windows so good it looked like a new car. The customer came up the driveway and asked where his car was because he could not believe that the cleaned up car was his. He asked me why i cleaned up his car when he did not buy anything. I told him that Jesus washed feet and i wash cars. I told him that i don't need his money but i need his referrals! He never spent a penny with me but over the next few months referred $4k worth of work to me. Our business is all about referrals. I spend my "Advertising money" on my customers and ask everyone for referrals. I even cut customer yards for referrals. The last time i did that before i retired it netted me a $25k mechanical restoration.

  • Like 1

I duplicated that "Unicorn account" so many times that i was known as the "Richest Car washer in town" My very first customer in 1969 brought me a car that needed $75.00 to fix. When i quoted that repair he said i was too high and wanted to pick the car up. I told him give me 30 minutes. I washed his car and cleaned the windows so good it looked like a new car. The customer came up the driveway and asked where his car was because he could not believe that the cleaned up car was his. He asked me why i cleaned up his car when he did not buy anything. I told him that Jesus washed feet and i wash cars. I told him that i don't need his money but i need his referrals! He never spent a penny with me but over the next few months referred $4k worth of work to me. Our business is all about referrals. I spend my "Advertising money" on my customers and ask everyone for referrals. I even cut customer yards for referrals. The last time i did that before i retired it netted me a $25k mechanical restoration.


I am still in the trenches, and I am not giving away my work. Yes, i do complementary work and services to those customer that value my work. I do depend on referrals too, but I am not losing money on my bread and butter work.


Again, for those of you still in the trenches, do the math, print out the report listing all the oil changes you have done up to date in the last five years and do the math. Then tell me you think you can survive the next five years doing the same.

  • Like 1


I am still in the trenches, and I am not giving away my work. Yes, i do complementary work and services to those customer that value my work. I do depend on referrals too, but I am not losing money on my bread and butter work.


Again, for those of you still in the trenches, do the math, print out the report listing all the oil changes you have done up to date in the last five years and do the math. Then tell me you think you can survive the next five years doing the same.

The fact that i was located in and near one of the richest zip code in Texas helped alot.




Mechanics are service employees, they are not factory workers. You capture the value of a mechanic when services are rendered, a factory worker's value is capture when the product is made.


One man shops should not be competing in price on oil changes with franchise or chain shops, the cost of management and facilities cannot be spread out to multiple mechanics. If you think you will go out of business by charging full price on oil changes, you have no idea what it will cost you on your old age cost of living.


I will not beat a dead horse, all I will say is this, if you did over 1,000 LOFs you are losing serious money, hurting yourself, those that work for you, and the industry in general.


Customers don't know you are losing money and they will expect further discounts from you!

  • Like 1


I am still in the trenches, and I am not giving away my work. Yes, i do complementary work and services to those customer that value my work. I do depend on referrals too, but I am not losing money on my bread and butter work.


Again, for those of you still in the trenches, do the math, print out the report listing all the oil changes you have done up to date in the last five years and do the math. Then tell me you think you can survive the next five years doing the same.

You are not giving it away if you use it as a tool for your advertising and salesperson recruitment expense. I would give a tire shop a pizza on fridays in my area. I kept track of referrals. In a year it developed into $250k per year of business. I gave a bike shop a box of donuts every couple of weeks and serviced their fleet of vehicles and trailers. I gave a body shop a pizza a month and referred that body work that i made a profit on every job. They repaired two wrecked personal vehicles and minor shop caused customer car dings n/c $8k.

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My oil changes are $30 and $50 for full synthetic. We don't lose money on them but I think of it more of a service for my customers. I share the same wall with big franchises that advertise $19.99 oil changes. They still stick with me

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We used to have a sign in the front window that said "We fix $19.95 oil changes." We recently decided to switch our bulk oil to full synthetic and offer that in a $79.95 oil change as our standard.


The way we moved away from cheap oil changes was by first doing away with all signs that had low oil change pricing.


The main shop had a big sign that said oil change $24.95, I got rid of it and all the other signs at the other shops that said the same thing.


Then, I got rid of all printed materials that said anything about cheap oil changes.


While I had the signs removed, I had the computers updated with new job definitions. For example, LOF $24.95 became NLOF $59.95.


I also had new discount lines made in case the Service Advisors needed to apply a quick discount to avoid a scene for example, LOFDIS1 -$5.00, LOFDIS2 -$10.00


I kept the old job codes active until we had moved away completely from the cheap oil change routine. I kept a sharp eye out on the reports every week to make sure they were not applying discounts unnecessarily.I made them explain what happened on the conference call to make sure they understood how critical this move was for us.


Now, there is a psychological barrier and fear about doing this that I had to have my guys overcome. If you don't believe in what you are doing, neither will your guys.


What help me made the transition, was that the mechanics now had 30 minutes credit for and LOF, but they had to give me an inspection report on the vehicle.


Moving on, I had the menu board graphics updated. I had one that said Bronze conventional oil change $59.95 and it had only two items listed under it, 1. Up to 5 quarts 10w30, 2. Economy Oil Filter.

The other choice became, Silver-Plus, Which listed choice of semi-synthetic oil, oem quality filter, top washer fluid, inspect wipers, etc. for $74.95, Then, the next level said GOLD-Pro and gave choice of Full synthetic, oem or premium filter, top off washer fluid, set tire pressure, 30 points safety inspect for $99.99 Plus. Then the season package for $149.00 with tire rotation and balance, or new wipers, etc. The point being, making sure to recover our full costs and make an acceptable margin.


Your psychology into making this a reality is very important, if you don't understand your business this will not help you prosper, it will fail miserably. I had to fire a shop manager because he was the only one that didn't do anything to improve his numbers. Telling me how wrong I was when the other shops were doing extremely well.


So what were the results?


One of the shops saw about a 19% loss in LOF's 1059 vs 858. Revenue on conventional LOFs when up over 45%! From about $26.4K to over $48K!

We loss many trouble customers.

The mechanics attitude improved.

Compensation improved due to improved cash flow.

The class of cars improved too.


Now, there are other things I learned that I would like to point out.


Yes, customer referrals are essential, but poor customers hang out with poor customers, Good and Excellent customer tend to refer other Good and Excellent customers.

Cheap customers will make their poor life choices your problems too, learn to fire them and send them down to your competition.

Treat your excellent customers well, they will stick with you, learn how to profile and identify your best customers.


These are some of the things we went through, I hope you can benefit from our experience in this new year.


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Thank goodness we are having an incredible season!


I just drop by to share with you this little bit of info:







Check the oil level ,last oil change sticker if it has one, fluid levels and report on leaks at check in when people come in for service. Many cars come in low on oil or fluids and it is good to document that on the invoice. When people then blame you for a blown engine or fluid leaks you will have a record.

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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      The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level.
      The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/
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      Key Takeaways:
      The biggest mistake shop owners make when creating financial projections. Why your story matters more than the numbers when pitching a loan request to a bank. The three key levers you can adjust in a financial projection: sales, margins, and expenses. How to build a realistic projection that a bank will trust. Why working with an accountant on projections can save you from financial disaster. Common red flags that make banks reject loan applications.
      Thanks to our partners, NAPA TRACS and Promotive
      Thanks to our partner, NAPA TRACS
      Did you know that NAPA TRACS has onsite training plus six days a week support?
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      Thanks to our partner, Promotive
      It’s time to hire a superstar for your business; what a grind you have in front of you. Introducing Promotive, a full-service staffing solution for your shop. Promotive has over 40 years of recruiting and automotive experience. If you need qualified technicians and service advisors and want to offload the heavy lifting, visit www.gopromotive.com.
      Paar Melis and Associates – Accountants Specializing in Automotive Repair
      Visit us Online: www.paarmelis.com
      Email Hunt: [email protected]
      Text Paar Melis @ 301-307-5413
      Download a Copy of My Books Here:
      Wrenches to Write-Offs Your Perfect Shop 
      The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/
      Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto https://remarkableresults.biz/
      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow https://mattfanslow.captivate.fm/
      Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest https://huntdemarest.captivate.fm/
      The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/
      The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton https://chriscotton.captivate.fm/
      Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill https://craigoneill.captivate.fm/
      The Aftermarket Radio Network
      Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion
      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life.
      The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level.
      The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching.
      Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest.
      Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size.
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio
    • By carmcapriotto
      Getting involved in your community is powerful, but how do you share your efforts without sounding boastful? There’s a fine line between successful and selfish self-promotion, and in this episode, Brian and Kim Walker discuss how to highlight your work with authenticity and gratitude—not ego.
      We’ll discuss framing your message to focus on the cause, aligning community service with your company culture and purpose, and sharing stories that connect and inspire rather than just promote. Plus, we’ll share real-life examples—like our team’s work with Our Daily Bread Food Bank—and how to encourage others to get involved.
      Tune in now to learn how to support your community while staying humble and making a real impact!
      Thank you to our friends at RepairPal for providing you this episode. RepairPal is the key that unlocks more business for your repair shop. Learn More at RepairPal.com/shops. 
      Want to revolutionize your marketing? AppFueled does it all—email, text, app notifications, and even call center integration. Stop guessing and start connecting with AppFueled.
      Lagniappe (Books, Links, Other Podcasts, etc)
      Start with Why - By Simon Sinek
      Our Daily Bread Food Bank
      Commission Mankind
      Show Notes with Timestamps
      Introduction to the Episode (00:00:10) Brian introduces the podcast and the topic of community involvement. Topic Suggestion Acknowledgment (00:00:34) Brian mentions Doug DeLuca's suggestion for the episode topic. Sponsor Acknowledgment (00:01:00) Brian thanks RepairPal for sponsoring the episode. Technical Issues Discussion (00:01:30) Brian and Kim discuss technical issues and Brian's experience with braces. Community Involvement Concerns (00:03:44) Kim shares a friend's hesitation about promoting community involvement due to fear of appearing boastful. Successful vs. Selfish Promotion (00:05:44) Discussion about the fine line between effective promotion and self-promotion. Promoting Community Engagement (00:07:24) Kim emphasizes the importance of spacing out promotional posts about community involvement. Starting with Gratitude (00:07:46) Kim suggests starting messages about community involvement with expressions of gratitude. Importance of "Why" (00:09:09) Discussion on the significance of explaining the reasons behind community involvement. Examples of Community Involvement (00:09:15) Brian and Kim share experiences of their community service activities. Promoting Community Work (00:11:25) Brian discusses the importance of promoting community service to demonstrate business values. Messaging about Community Involvement (00:12:21) Kim provides examples of how they communicate their community involvement on social media. Team Engagement in Community Work (00:14:20) Brian reflects on the team's connection with community members during service activities.  Closing Sponsor Acknowledgment (00:15:14) Brian thanks RepairPal again for supporting the episode. Community Engagement Strategies (00:15:26)   Discussion on how RepairPal helps auto shops gain customers through certification and fair pricing. Customer Loyalty Apps (00:16:25)  Introduction of App Fueled, a customer loyalty app designed for auto service shops. Highlighting Community Work (00:17:11)  Tips on emphasizing organizational missions instead of personal achievements in community involvement. Authentic Community Involvement (00:17:54)   The importance of sharing community efforts without seeking personal recognition or return. Sharing GoFundMe Campaigns (00:18:51)  Encouragement to promote charitable causes without boasting about personal donations. Industry-Specific Support (00:19:16)  Discussion on giving back to the auto repair industry and local communities. Respecting Privacy in Sharing (00:19:39)  The balance between sharing community involvement and respecting the privacy of those served. Educating Marketing Teams (00:22:43)  The need to guide marketing teams on how to portray community involvement authentically. Collaborating with Other Organizations (00:24:17)  Benefits of partnering with local businesses for community service efforts. Celebrating Local Teams (00:25:38)  Highlighting local sports teams and community events to promote goodwill. Telling the Story of Donations (00:27:40)  Importance of sharing the personal connection behind charitable contributions. Personal Anecdotes from Mission Trips (00:28:28)  Sharing impactful stories from mission trips to illustrate the importance of community support. Personal Anecdote on Community Support (00:29:29)  Kim shares a personal story about supporting organizations that assist her brother with disabilities. Encouragement to Join Facebook Group (00:30:44)  Kim invites listeners to join their Facebook group for further engagement and community building. Request for Podcast Reviews (00:31:03)  Brian asks listeners to leave reviews for the podcast, emphasizing the importance of feedback. Closing Remarks and Sponsorship Acknowledgment (00:31:36)  Brian concludes the episode, thanking sponsors and encouraging listeners to tune in next week.
      Thanks to our Partners,
      RepairPal at https://repairpal.com/shops. Quality Car Repair. Fair Price Guarantee.
      App Fueled at appfueled.com. “Are you ready to convert clients to members? AppFueled™ specializes in creating custom apps tailored specifically for auto repair businesses. Build your first app like a pro.”
      Aftermarket Radio Network
      Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion
      Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life.
      The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching.
      Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size.
      Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest.
      The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level.
      Click to go to the Podcast on Remarkable Results Radio

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