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Pikes Peak and the Rental - - Did ya ever wonder where a rental goes after it leaves the rental office?


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Pikes Peak and the Rental

Anytime we are planning a long trip out of town we generally will rent a car. Not that I don’t have full confidence in our personal vehicles is just that if something would go wrong I know exactly who’s the lucky guy that’s got to fix it. Instead, I’d rather make a phone call to the rental agency and tell them to bring me another car. It always seemed a little strange to me that someone would purposely lend you a brand new car with nothing more than a driver license. But, they do it every day, and I doubt they really know what goes on with those rentals once they’re out of sight. I’ve heard of people renting a car and taking them to the track, or removing the engine and replacing it with something else. Me, well I didn’t go to that extreme, I just took my rental up to the summit of Pikes Peak.

The whole purpose of this trip was to take our son and all his belongings to college. It took a full size van this time, and it was loaded down with everything from clothes to his bike, as well as all the stuff we would need for the trip too. The University Of Denver was our destination, so with a full tank of gas, a couple of road snacks, the dogs at the kennel, and the GPS fired up we were on our way.


Being in the repair business of course I’ve got to check the car out myself. Even though it’s practically new I still had to poke around under the hood and chassis. The van wasn’t one of the high end models, just a basic van, but it would serve the purpose that we needed it for. But, with every trip like this, my wife will always ask if I have one of my pocket screwdrivers with me, and it’s not because she thinking about any emergency repairs or something else that might go wrong that requires the use of the most versatile tool there ever was, no… that’s not the reason at all. She knows if I get bored I’ll start taking the car apart while she’s taking her turn driving down the highway. So, to keep the sanity in the family I’m not allowed to bring one.


The trip took about 11 hours from our house, mostly uneventful, other than I didn’t care too much for the cruise control. It seemed to vary way too much from the set speed before it would kick in. Not a big deal, but one of those things I’m sure at some point I’ll run across a customer who will have a complaint about one of these models doing just that. Most people probably wouldn’t notice it, but if they did, I don’t think there’s much I could do about it.


We arrived at the hotel with plenty of spare time on our hands, which was our plan in the first place. We have a daughter who lives in Boulder which is not that far away from the college and we definitely wanted to spend some time with her too. In the meantime the plan was to get up the next morning and check out some of the local sights. One in particular was Pikes Peak.


It wasn’t that far from the hotel so it seemed like a pretty good way to spend the afternoon. So, we headed to Pikes Peak with typical tourist interest and our fully loaded rental van. As we got closer to the mountain range the roads began to twist and turn even more than before. A few of them had some really blind turns and steep drop offs on the edges. The only comment from the wife was, “Boy, that’s a long way down.” Soon, we were at the large wood framed entrance to Pikes Peak. The signs said that there wasn’t any snow fall problems or issues that should concern anyone that wanted to drive to the top, so … we did just that.

The park ranger gave us some information about the two to three hour drive we were about to undertake, and about the many switch back roads and very tight turns there are. It all sounded like a casual drive into the mountains to me. Thus, are journey began. At first it was just a winding roadway with a gradual slope, but that was all about to change. The ranger did remind me to keep it in 2nd or 1st gear most of the way, and before long I found out why. The road became even more twisty and steeper than I thought was even possible to get an asphalt paver to negotiate. Most of the switch backs changed grade right in the center of the curve and there are hardly any guard rails on any of the steep drop offs. The edge of the road just disappears down steep canyon walls. I’m not too sure the engineers of this rental ever thought of using Pikes Peak as part of their testing, but onward and upward we went.

As we neared the tree line I could see up to the next set of switch backs that there was one car that didn’t make it to the top. A roll back wrecker was coming down from the summit with a VW Vanagon strapped down to the bed. As the driver negotiated the next set of switch backs the entire wrecker would lean out over the 10,000 foot drop off that was just off the edge of the pavement. I did my best to give him as much room as possible as the wife leaned towards the center of the van terrified that the next inch of ground that I used to get closer to the edge was going to be her last. I firmly believe this guy has to be the bravest tow driver I’ve ever run across, because there’s no way I would have ever tried that.

The rental van was getting a bit warm, not bad yet, but holding it down a gear or so and keeping the revs up wasn’t helping. But, we didn’t have much farther to go. With one last turn and one more switch back we made it to the summit. The overloaded rental could take a break while we did the tourist thing. You know, look over the edge, by a few souvenirs, and stand in front of the large stone sign while having our picture taken.


Going down was going to take a whole lot more care than going up ever did. As we made the turn to the first switch back from the parking lot there was a small pickup trying to tow another small pickup up to the summit with nothing more than a web strap. Now you have to image, you’re at better than 14 thousand feet, you’re on a road with no guard rails and a drop off well past 10 thousand feet and you’re using nothing more than a tow strap. If it broke, you’re going straight down to oblivion. And, I thought I was crazy taking a rental to the top. This has got that beat.

At about half way down there is a mandatory check point. The park rangers pull out a temp. gun and check your brake rotor temperature. Sure enough, our brakes were at about 450 degrees, and they won’t allow you to continue down until they’re below 300. So we stopped at the check point for about an hour to allow the brakes to cool down. Not that I was surprised at all, a fully loaded van, going down an 11 mile 7 percent grade what did ya expect? Oh, and yes… the rotors all had this nice shade of blue.

Needless to say, we made it to the bottom without any incidences, other than the wife leaving a death grip embedded in the passenger side grab handle. I did have a chance to ask one of the park rangers if anyone every fails to negotiate one of those curves up there on the mountain, he said, “Yes, usually about 5 a year. Sometimes we might have to rescue one of the racers that go up when we hold the rally too.” The entire trip takes well over 2 hours of slow and steady driving, although the racers… they make it to the top in about 10 minutes.

The trip home had even more surprises for us. As we came through Kansas we ran smack into a huge hail storm. Huge chunks of hail were pelting the car like a sledge hammer. It got so bad we stopped at a restaurant to wait out the storm. Things were blowing all around us and even the restaurant lost power for a moment. After the storm passed I checked the rental out and not a dent could be found. Lucky to say the least, but we still had a long way to go.


We turned the rental back in when we made it home, and of course, I didn’t mention a thing about Pikes Peak or the hail storm, or about the cruise control. I just happy to have made it home in one piece. Needless to say, if this car could talk, what a story it could tell.



So, if you’re ever wondering whether or not buying a used rental car is a good idea, well for the most part, they probably are but, you might want have it checked out first, cause… ya never know where one of them might have been.

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LOL great story Gonzo , yes I am sure the old saying " drive it like you stole it " applies to how most rental cars are driven . Right at the bottom of the mountain would be a great place for a brake shop.

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I ran the body damage department in Detroit for Avis Rent-A-Car when I was younger. We had many new cars with less than 3,000 miles rented for the weekends at some really low week-end special rates. They would be returned with bald tires and rusty wheels, batteries switched out with some wrong size and radios replaced. A few came in with a different windshield that was replaced with a cracked/broken one. One even came in with a different color front seat! Folks would rent the car, take it home and switch out the parts they needed with the same older car they must have owned and return the car. We never once went after anyone, as the policy was how do you prove who did what. Since I had a budget to keep it effected ME as my pay was based on staying within budget. These costs were not something that were factored into the normal costs of keeping a new car on the road.

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Gonzo: yep, you got to use a rental for a trip like that! What did you say to the rental company because they usually ask where you going to be driving it? some restrict usage to in state only![/quot
Gonzo: yep, you got to use a rental for a trip like that! What did you say to the rental company because they usually ask where you going to be driving it? some restrict usage to in state only!
we told them where we were going. They weren't concerned. Lol
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We dont go on vacation much or leave the state much at all, so while we are in phoenix in December we have a C7 corvette and a lambo gallarado lined up as rentals, I can only imagine what those cars go though. it wasnt to bad the vett was 1500 for a week and the Gallarado was 995 for a day.

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      It always amazes me when I hear about a technician who quits one repair shop to go work at another shop for less money. I know you have heard of this too, and you’ve probably asked yourself, “Can this be true? And Why?” The answer rests within the culture of the company. More specifically, the boss, manager, or a toxic work environment literally pushed the technician out the door.
      While money and benefits tend to attract people to a company, it won’t keep them there. When a technician begins to look over the fence for greener grass, that is usually a sign that something is wrong within the workplace. It also means that his or her heart is probably already gone. If the issue is not resolved, no amount of money will keep that technician for the long term. The heart is always the first to leave. The last thing that leaves is the technician’s toolbox.
      Shop owners: Focus more on employee retention than acquisition. This is not to say that you should not be constantly recruiting. You should. What it does means is that once you hire someone, your job isn’t over, that’s when it begins. Get to know your technicians. Build strong relationships. Have frequent one-on-ones. Engage in meaningful conversation. Find what truly motivates your technicians. You may be surprised that while money is a motivator, it’s usually not the prime motivator.
      One last thing; the cost of technician turnover can be financially devastating. It also affects shop morale. Do all you can to create a workplace where technicians feel they are respected, recognized, and know that their work contributes to the overall success of the company. This will lead to improved morale and team spirit. Remember, when you see a technician’s toolbox rolling out of the bay on its way to another shop, the heart was most likely gone long before that.
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