Agreed. For us, since we want to be a one-stop-shop as much as possible for our customers and do not like sending them elsewhere, we chose to take care of our customers by doing these warranty company jobs, but charging a higher rate seems best for us. Our labor rate for warranty companies is closer to $35 above normal rate to recoup the extra phone time and hassle we advisors go thru with warranty companies. I agree with MOORE Automotive about advising the customer ahead of time - to expect the warranty company to not cover all of the repair even if its a repair is included in the contract.
What are the thoughts of bringing this up to customers who are looking at buying a new car....that the dealer will likely attempt to sell them a warranty package, and advise them to instead put that money aside for vehicle repair/maintenance. I told one customer that the $1500 that they could pay for the warranty package may or may not cover the needs your car has in the future, but if you store it away in a separate account, it will defiantly go toward any needs your car has. Is that a good idea...any thoughts?
We deal with them. Shop rate is $20.00 per hour more and we add the time we have to hassle with them to the bill. Also inform them and the customer that the customer has to pay us what they will not pay. I do not take any crap from them at all.