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How to acknowledge and recognize employees in a small shop - not just money

Joe Marconi
   (0 reviews)

Let’s face it, auto repair is a tough business. You need every advantage you can get to stand out from the crowd. Instituting a positive work culture and retaining skilled employees can be an excellent start to that. However, many business owners are focused on the wrong things instead: they treat their employees like transactions and overestimate the shop's financial value over social connections.

According to a survey conducted by Businesssolver, 60% of employees say they would take a pay cut to work at a company that treats them well. This shows that a simple recognition program can go a long way in enhancing employee retention and boosting your shop's revenue.

But what are the best ways to acknowledge, recognize and praise your employees? How can you build a motivated team through the power of acknowledgment and recognition? Join worldwide shop coach and industry expert Joe Marconi to get all your answers in a free webinar.

In this webinar, we will walk through various key points around positive shop culture and employee retention. Join the webinar to learn:

> How acknowledging and recognizing employees leads to business success
> Why money is not the motivator, we think it is
> Why only one-third of employees are happy at work
> Why lack of recognition in the workplace leads to higher employee turnover

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