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Expanding the Business: Update!

Joe Marconi


Our building was approved by the Architectural Review Board last week, August 5, 2008. This is the final step in obtaining the actual building permit. We actually started in June demolishing the old building which will be replaced by the new 4 bay facility. As stated in earlier entries, this building will add 4 bays to our existing 6. The new 4-bay building will be a separate structure where all our quick, while-you-service will be performed. Our existing 6 bay facility will be our actual repair shop where larger and long term jobs will be performed.


Once we have the actual building permit (which we should receive this week), the construction process will progress at a steadier pace. Our plan at this point is to get the building up and closed in by the winter. The interior will be finished during the winter months with a projected opening date of March 31, 2009.


Stayed tuned!


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