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Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Flipping through channels, there it was, the beloved ‘Wizard of Oz’. I just can’t help but stop and get a fix of this very special movie. I remember as a kid being glued to the TV watching this every year.

I found the movie in its first 20 minutes at the part where Dorothy starts her journey down the yellow brick road. I immediately thought of life’s journey, brick by brick. I could not help but think of life’s challenges and opportunities that each brick can afford us. The journey we take in growing relationships, family and a business.

Since becoming the aftermarket’s lead podcaster I looked at the movie through the eyes of my listener. How does this movie’s message help you as Dorothy met the other main characters from Frank Baum’s 1900 novel? 

I think one of the greatest lines from the movie is when Dorothy asked the scarecrow, “What would you do with a brain if you had one.” Please ponder on that one for a moment. Don’t we ask that of others often in our life? What are we doing with our brains?

When Dorothy says “We’re not in Kansas anymore”, doesn’t that resonate with you considering the incredible changes in life, business, and relationships we are going through. And how about the Tin Man saying that he “Held that ax up for ages and it got rusted.” Do the same thing over and over and you get stuck.

We know that the dream/goal for Dorothy and team was to meet the wizard and fix their problems. Is there really an end of the road? Shouldn’t we pick up wisdom along the way and find our own solutions. How about our peer network or twenty groups. Is your business coach the wizard?

How about the need for a heart for the Tin Man. He used words like devotion, emotion, sentimental, gentle, sensitive, and heart. Isn’t that what caring for people and self is all about. Relationships, as we know, is a strong currency in life.

And let’s not forget the Wicked Witch of the West. She was there to get in our way. To make us stumble. To put the curve in the road. She has a role in the story and in our life. It is what we do with those twists that give us character and ‘fail forward’ toughness.

And finally, the Cowardly Lion, who wanted to be the ‘King of the Forest’. He wanted to brave a blizzard, have courage and show prowess. We can all relate to wanting more courage.

A heart. A Brain and Courage. I hope you get a chance to watch the Wizzard of Oz this season. Let it inspire you to compile some great goals for 2021 and realize we have all that we want, we just have to believe and act.

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