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BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY to join ASA’s Automotive Training & Expo


We’re excited to join the Automotive Service Association of Arizona at its Automotive Training & Expo in Arizona Father’s Day weekend.

Mike and Frank will be on hand demonstrating to ASA Arizona members our auto repair software during the expo, which will be held at the Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino in Chandler, Arizona.



What’s in it for you?

Our team will offer an interactive presentation of all of our software solutions. Shops will be able to test drive our products, which fully integrate with leading shop management systems, including Mitchell1, ShopKey, NAPA TRACS, R.O. Writer and ALLDATA.

Here’s an overview of what we’ll be showing:


Mobile Manager Pro helps shops save 10 to 15 minute per customer transaction with this fully digital multi-point inspection tool, which features VIN scanning and decoding, license plate decoding and full shop management system integration. Vehicle inspections and accompanying vehicle condition photos can be texted to customers for instant review and approval.


Welcome Station is the first-ever customer check-in designed specifically for the auto repair industry. It works like the kiosks used at airports, convenience stores, grocery stores and in restaurant chains. Within a matter of seconds customers check in, update their personal and vehicle information, choose vehicle services, review pre-programmed weather-related upsells and digitally sign to authorize work.


Pro Pack, a bundled package, consists of 3 automotive software solutions:


Lube Sticker Pro prints customer key tags and windshield lube stickers and helps build customer retention with advanced. The software uses a vehicle’s average miles driven to accurately predict when customers should return for routine services, including lube, oil and filter, coolant flushes, tire rotations and even annual state inspections.


Message Manager sends text message appointment reminders to customers who can reply to confirm or call the shop to reschedule. The text messaging tool also dramatically cuts down on waiting for customers to return phone calls authorizing service.


Report Pro lets your shop stand out from the competition with invoices customized to include a shop’s logo, color scheme, credit cards accepted, coupons, social media links and more than 100 other customization options. Shops can also create customized reports to evaluate specific areas, identify selected customer groups and more.


What can you learn?

In addition to learning how our auto repair software could help your shop become more efficient, ASA is offering nine hours of training classes geared for shop management, service advisors and technicians. Topics include online marketing, selling diagnostics and mastering electrical troubleshooting, among other discussions.

The training portion of the tradeshow is geared to offering insight on the challenges impacting ASA Arizona members – and beyond. For more information on the classes and training available, click here: http://www.asaaz.org/members/automotive-training.php.


More information

The Automotive Service Association of Arizona Automotive Training & Expo will be held from June 19-21 at Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino, 5040 Wild Horse Pass Blvd, Chandler, Arizona. To register or to learn more, click here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eam0xdul18bf4045&llr=t9katicab


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