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Expanding the Business Update: The Sleepless Nights…

This past week the foundation for the new building was completed and the land is now being graded in preparation for the new blacktop. The process of constructing the walls will start within two weeks. The dream is slowly becoming a reality.


Earlier in the week I met with the general contractor, bank project manager, electrician, plumber, architect, excavator, the building inspector, Hunter Alignment rep, Rotary Lift rep, advertising agent, overhead door company and the company that will be installing the bulk oil tanks and pumps. By Thursday night I was shot! I didn’t sleep that night at all.


I am now in the phase of the project that you begin to second guess yourself. Did I make the bay sizes correct? Did I pick the right equipment? Did I pick the right people do construct the building? Did I get the best rate for the bank loan? Will I be able to increase the business to repay the loan? Question after question I asked myself into the wee hours of the morning. I was a walking Zombie by Friday.


The excavator needed to break up the driveway to run power lines and drains and decided to work through the weekend so as not to disturb my business. This morning, Sunday, I picked up coffee and donuts and brought it down to the crew. There were very thankful.


Do you think I am scared? You bet! But I can’t quit now and need to put my faith into the belief that all the preparation to this point will pay off. Did I make mistakes this past year? Tons of mistakes! Mistakes that cost me dearly. But that’s all part of the process.


All I can say is, if it were easy everybody would be doing it. Fear keeps people from sometimes achieving their potential. It kept me from growing my business for years until I asked myself what’s the worst that could happen? Actually the worst would be to loose everything, but I don’t think that will happen. After 28 years in business, this is something I need to do and want to do.


Stay tuned!


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