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Set Expectations for AAPEX Show Follow Up


Determine what you want from exhibitors post-expo now.

With so many booths, workshops and more at the AAPEX Show, it would be virtually impossible to leave Las Vegas with all of the information you need to effectively grow your business.


That’s why receiving follow up from exhibitors that align with your goals is imperative.

How do you do that? Follow these simple tips to gather all the post-show information you need.


1.Set guidelines

Communicate your preferred follow-up methods with the exhibitor. Would you like them to call you, send a pamphlet, or fax information to you? Share with exhibitors how and what information you need to make any potential follow up decisions after AAPEX.


2.Carve out time

Be sure to set aside time to speak to exhibitors, or review the information they send. Suggest that exhibitors reach out to you during less busy portions of your workday, or ensure that an employee can cover for you.


3.Set goals

Give yourself a realistic time frame to discuss, review and act on any follow up material. Don’t leave pamphlets, or other information lying around for months collecting dust.


4.Hold exhibitors accountable

Be sure exhibitors do what they said they would do – when they said they would do it. In other words, if the exhibitor agrees to touch base a week after AAPEX and then fails to do so, you may want to reconsider doing business with the company. Failure to follow up shows the exhibitor can’t be trusted.


5.Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Perhaps the exhibitor’s follow up raised more questions, or caused confusion. Be sure to ask for further explanations, or clarifications.


6.Seek out proof

When follow up regarding the exhibitor’s products or services is not enough ask for insight from others in the know: Shop owners who are also customers. The exhibitor should be able to provide contact information for a customer or two, or you could try to find answers on your own via sites like the International Automotive Technicians Network (http://www.iatn.net/) or www.autoshopowner.com.


You can see other helpful AAPEX Show tips and hints in my blog by clicking here. If you’re going to AAPEX Show 2014, we’d love to meet you! Please be sure to stop by booth #2983 to meet the BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY team, learn more about our mobile technology and our automotive software solutions, Mobile Manager Pro and Welcome Station. For more information, visit www.boltontechnology.com, or call 610-400-1019.


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