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BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY to Demo Kiosk Software at AAPEX


The automotive software solutions provider will demonstrate its Welcome Station customer check-in touchscreen tool during the show.


Are you heading to the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX) on Nov. 4-6 in Las Vegas, Nevada?


In addition to expanding your knowledge base through various Webinars and educational offerings, be sure to stop by the BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY booth (#2983) to learn about the many proven benefits of our mobile technology. We would love to meet you and to demonstrate how our fully digital offerings can empower your shop to make more money, save more time and dramatically increase up-sell opportunities.

But don’t take our word for it. Test drive and see for yourself how our fully digital Welcome Station kiosk solution will save your front counter employees time checking customers in and dramatically increase the customer’s willingness to authorize services.


The tablet-powered tool is the automotive repair industry’s answer to the customer check-in kiosks in use at airports, grocery and convenience stores and restaurant chains. The touch screen simplifies the customer experience, allowing them to quickly and seamlessly update their contact and vehicle information, choose from suggested and popular services and review recommended weather-related services stemming from current or recent area weather.



The information customers input automatically integrates with your shop management system, which increases accuracy and also eliminates the need to re-enter data.


This easy-to-use self-check system frees up service advisors and enables customers to quickly and electronically notify shop staff of their arrival, select the vehicle and which services they’d like to have performed and whether they are dropping off, or will be waiting. Customers can also electronically sign to authorize the work.


Owner Terry Barnby of Ohio-based Goldstar Autocare, said he was tired of seeing spelling and grammar mistakes on repair orders. Too many times when vehicle repairs were finished he’d reach for a customer’s paperwork only to find that his employee failed to take down a customer phone number.


Barnby jumped at the chance to take those headaches out of his hands and installed the Welcome Station customer check-in kiosk at his seven-days-a-week shop this summer.


“Honestly I’ve been kind of waiting for it,” he said. “The business markets seem to be way, way behind. Bolt On Technology has been bringing products out that we’ve been waiting for.”


Since customers enter their vehicle and contact information electronically via a tablet device upon entering the shop, gone are Barnby’s frustrations over mistakes and phone number omissions.


“The kiosk forces them to do that,” Barnby said of the phone number entering requirement as part of the check-in process.

Customers have given “good responses” to the software solution he said, adding that customers are “impressed with the technology.”

“Most of them get it pretty easy because it’s pretty simple,” Barnby said.


The Welcome Station kiosk incorporates an illustrated step-by-step format asking both new and returning customers to input or verify their name and contact information, vehicles and note which vehicle is being serviced on the given day. The check-in center also features weather-specific alerts that ask customers to consider services based on current or recent climate changes.

If you’re planning to attend AAPEX, be sure to look for us and let us know how we may help. We will be on hand demonstrating the software’s various features, sharing best practices and answering questions.


To learn more or to register for AAPEX, which will be held from Nov. 4-6, click here.


For more information on BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY, visit our Website, BoltOnTechnology.com, or call 610-400-1019. Stay tuned for a future blog highlighting Welcome Station, our touch screen check in kiosk, which will also be exhibited during AAPEX. Remember, you can find us at booth #2983.


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