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Joe Marconi
Joe Marconi

Forums: The Power Among Us

They say experience is the best teacher. If this is so, there’s probably enough information among automotive shop owners to fill a library the size of the Empire Sate Building. Each day, shop owners conduct business in the trenches of automotive service and repair. They make tough, real-world decisions. If someone has a question about running an automotive business, there’s probably a shop owner out there who knows something on that topic. It’s time we profit from this knowledge.


If you have ever been involved with a networking association, a twenty group or a local business council you know the power of brainstorming among your peers. But what if we take this concept and expand it over the Internet to thousands of shop owners? What you would have is a network of shop owners around the world who can share and exchange ideas and best business practices. This is what AutoShopOwner.com is all about.


Did you ever have a question about labor rate, or technician’s pay? Or what about advertising ideas or issues on customer service? How valuable would it be to you to be able to find out what other shops are doing around the country? Why not tap into the greatest resource available today…. your fellow shop owners. AutoShopOwner.com has now made all this possible through its online forums.


I have no doubt that once you have experienced the power of online forums, the automotive business world will become more exciting and rejuvenate your company.


Here’s a list of some of the online forum categories we urge you to participate in:


• Paying Your Techs

• Entrepreneurship, Owner’s Responsibility

• Family, Recreation, Personal Growth, Building Wealth

• Marketing and Advertising your Business

• Growing your business

• Reinvesting in Your Business

• Sales, Job Costing

• Leadership, people management, and building you team

• Systems, Procedures and Polices

• Management Software

• Workflow, Facility Management, Shop Layout

• Scheduling and Dispatching

• Labor Rates, Labor Gross Profit, Cost of Labor

• Hiring and Firing

• Parts Pricing

• Inventory Control

• Customer Write-Up, Vehicle Delivery, and Customer Follow up

• The Irate Customer

• Quality Control

• Team Concept, Productivity

And More!

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