FREE Membership
Basic Membership to AutoShopOwner. This membership package includes:
- View forum topic posts
- Post and reply to forum topics *
- Join networking groups
- Chat and messaging (limited)
- Upload photos (limited)
- Customize your profile
* Initial content posted requires approval
Advertising your company or service within our community is only allowed with a SPONSOR membership.

Premium Membership
Premium Membership to AutoShopOwner. This membership package includes:
- Best Experience - No Website Ads!
- Content hidden to guests (forum)
- Access to All Member Tools (unlimited)
- Downloads (unlimited)
- Post and Reply to Topics (unlimited)
- Member messaging (unlimited)
- Upload photos and videos (unlimited)
- Storage (unlimited)
- Join or Create Networking Groups
- View and Create Blogs
- Customize Your Profile

Sponsor Membership
Sponsor Membership to AutoShopOwner. For Marketers and Advertisers. Includes all the benefits of a Premium Membership. In addition, you will be able to:
- Post about your business
- Create your own blog
- Start a networking group
- Write or syndicate your articles
- Post your company links
- Engage with members
- Upload your logo and use signatures
- Automatically syndicate your content via RSS
- Listed on our Sponsor page and Sponsor blocks.
FREE Membership
We offer a Free Basic Membership to all repair shop owners, which can get you started quickly. You can join and start networking today!
Premium Membership
We offer a Premium Membership to make your AutoShopOwner experience even better. For as little as $29.99 per year, you'll have unlimited usage of AutoShopOwner!
Reasons To Join
Network with shop owners
Operating an automotive repair shop comes with daily challenges that only other repair shop owners truly understand. In most cases there are others that are going through the same or similar challenges and can offer best practices that worked for them. It can be difficult to physically join a networking group in your local area. AutoShopOwner offers an online platform to network with other repair shop owners in the US and abroad, all online.
Discussion participation
As an AutoShopOwner Member, you'll be able to start a new topic in our forums and participate in existing topics created by other AutoShopOwner Members. Comment on articles, blogs, and other content. You can also search our database of over 7,002 topics and 34,316 posts. Our 6,052 member base is growing daily, helping make AutoShopOwner a premier shop owner network for ideas, support, and business topics.
We understand the business
We are from this industry and our website platform is built with the shop owner in mind. Our members are able to message each other, ask for help in our forums, start blogs, chat, create their own networking groups, upload photos, and download repair shop forms. Access to AutoShopowner is available on a pc, tablet, or mobile phone.